Banzai Productions
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - 00:44.

Trading Name" of Dan Dooré in his Coupé guise.
Title | Description | Published |
Banzai - Games Collection | Collection of games from 1994 | Sam PD |
Banzai - Demos and Utilities | Collection of demos and utilities from 1994 | Sam PD |
Title | Description | Published |
Banzai Pics 1 | Compressed disc of over 60 top pictures | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 2 - The Atari Job | Piccies ripped from the Atari ST | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 3 - The PC Blag | Piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 4 - Pics 'R' Us | More piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 5 - Tell 'em Dan Sent Ya | Even more piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 6 - Blagarama | Yet more piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 7 | Piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Banzai Pics 8 | MODE 3 Piccies nicked from the internet | |
Banzai Babes 1 | Piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Banzai Babes 2 | Piccies nicked from the PC | Sam PD |
Title | Description | Published |
Fruit Machine | Simple fruit machine game (my first with sprites!) | Fred 9 |
Laser Dodge | One player guide-the-line game, ripped off from Format :-) | Fred 16 |
Simon | The old Milton Bradley memory game made virtual | Fred 13 |
Yahtzee | Mouse/keyboard classic dice game | Fred 17 |
Noughts 'N' Crosses | Mouse/keyboard AI demonstration tic-tac-toe game | Fred 21 |
Drac Attack | Parabolic bomb lobbing game, not unlike QBASIC Gorillas | Fred 24A |
Worms World | Worm game with added features | Fred 28 |
Dead Ducks | Vicious blood sport game | Fred 31 |
Dan's Diamonds | Tetris-like puzzle game | Fred 35 |
Solitaire | Mouse/keyboard classic peg game | Fred 40 |
Annoyance | Mouse/keyboard memory game | Fred 45 |
Spec Tiles | Mouse/keyboard memory game (do you see a pattern forming here...) | Fred 51 |
Scrolly Demos
Title | Description | Published |
Banzai Demo 1, 2 & 3 | The original and best! | Number two in Fred 13 |
Vertical Scrollers | The first VS in basic (with little intro) | Fred 11A |
Smooth Scroller | Smooth Basic scrolly demo | Fred 11A |
Fake Printer | Teletype demo inspired by Grandstand's VidiPrinter | Fred 19 |
Star Demo 1 & 2 | Demo in memory of Star Raiders II, top game on speccy | Fred 22 |
Total Recall Scrolly | TREC graphics with scrolly | Fred 23 |
Fred Birthday Scrolly | FRED 3rd birthday scrolly | |
Mission Demo | End of A-levels demo | |
Samco Digitiser Demo | Demo shots of SAMCO staff and scrolly on Newsdisk 4 | |
Small Demo | Wee MODE3 scrolly with tune | |
Ultra Smooth Scroller | VERY fast & VERY smooth basic vertical scroller | Fred 19 |
Banzai:TNG | The Next Generation Demo - Last BASIC demo ever, music by David Sanders | Fred 62 |
Misc & Silly Demos
Title | Description | Published |
Python Demo | GFX ripped from Zenith Graphics 'Choccy' demo of long ago | Fred 38 |
Proud Demo | Horace Goes Political! | Fred 23 |
GIF Converter | Maybe.... | Fred 34 |
Chrimble Demo | Seasonal demo with snowman, blizzards and all that. | |
Lottery | Random number generator | |
SAM Shrink | AI (sort of) Psychiatrist program | Fred 62 |
Title | Description | Published |
Freviews | Menu for Fred Freviews (would you believe) | Fred 11B |
Bits 'N' Bobs 1 & 2 | As above but for different things | |
Fred 42 Menu | Fred Menu with some Wizball Sprites | Fred 42 |
Fred 76 Menu | Fred Menu written in Sam C with music by Roger Hartley, a scrolly and a small starfield | Fred 76 |
Fred 81 Menu | Fred Menu written in Sam C with music by Sean Bernard and two scrollys | Fred 81 |
Title | Description | Published |
Mega Font | Font utility | |
Ultra Scroll System | Smooth scrolly development kit for Basic | |
Anti-Aliased font | As it says, in a handy package | Fred 24A |
Application Launcher | Nice proggy for browsing graphics or launching programs | Fred 34 |
Banner Printer | Print BIG letters on your Epson-type printer | |
Tracker Player 1 & 2 | E-Tune player with menu selection | Fred 40 |
Frame | Frame drawing procedure | |
VidiLabel | Prints labels for video+audio tapes | |
Handy Procs | Handy procedures i.e. Systest, Justify, Mouse etc | |
Spandex | SimPle bANzai inDEX of all my programs (this is where this list came from...) | |
Disc Info | Handy Disc info & unerase program | |
Mod Player Menu | File selector for the original version 1 of Stefan Drissen's Sam MOD Player | Fred 47 |
Palette Sorter 1&2 | Basic & SAM C programs to re-order screen palette | Fred 62 |
Graphical Demos
Title | Description | Published |
Embroidery | Multi-coloured patterns on screen, inspired by listing for BBC Micro in INPUT magazine | |
Hypno | Hypnotising circles | Fred 10 |
Hypno II | Hypnotising box | Fred 10 |
Slide Show | Various piccys nicked from old PD discs | |
Potty | Very nice 3D pot drawer | Fred 19 |
Polyhedra | Multisided shapes from ZX Spectrum+ user guide | Fred 11A |
Spinning thing | Rotating shape using BLITZ$ | Fred 11A |
Buzz 256K | Flying bumble bees for those with less memory | |
Etch-A-Sketch | Need I say more! | Fred 22 |
Total Recall Shortie | MODE1 demo ripped from original | |
Total Recall Revenge 1993 | The TREC Demo in 5 greyscales and MUCH faster | |
Red Nose Demo | Topical at the time, but now means little | |
Cosmic Demo | Weird lines thing | Fred 17 |
Four Lines | The line demo Bits 'N' Bobs could not kill! | Fred 23 Fred 25 Fred 26 |
Wizball Demo | Screens and a bit of bouncy balls | |
Vector Demo | Simple vector demo with parallax stars | |
MegaLace Demo | Interlaced MODE3 demo | |
GTF Morph | Girl-to-Frog morph demo | Fred 61 |
Dan's C Demo | Demo of Sam C, music by David Sanders | Fred 73 |
Nyan Cat | Poptart cat needs no introduction. Music by David Sanders | 2015 |
Mouse Demos
Title | Description | Published |
WimpSys | Simple WIMP interface type demo inspired by RISC OS. | Fred 16 |
Spooky | Trippin' colours, weird effect | Fred 21 |
Circle II | Symmetrical circles in various sizes and colours | |
Mousey II | Re-write of SAMCO mouse demo |
Title | Description | Published |
Mods 1 | Amiga Module player from Stefan Drissen (Version 1) and ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 2 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 3 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 4 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 5 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 6 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 7 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 8 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 9 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 10 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 11 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 12 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 13 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 14 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 15 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 16 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 17 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 18 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 19 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 20 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 21 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 22 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 23 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 24 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 25 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 26 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 27 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 28 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 29 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 30 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
Mods 31 | Extra Amiga ProTracker modules | Sam PD |
The 'Four Lines' demo inexplicably featured on many Fred discs in the Bits 'n' Bobs section.