Fred 65
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 11:18.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 65
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Andrew Collier | |
Editorial | Best Of Fred, Mailshot | |
Letters | Eddac, Samsprite Crashed Reviewed | |
Alton Pics | Allan Clarkson | See The Sam People Enjoying Themselves |
Qdos | Simon Cooke | A Brand New, Better Than Samdos Dos |
Statues of Donuts | Lee Willis Steven Pick | Mick-Taking Machine Code Demo |
Sweets For My Sweet | MJD Productions | Playable Games Master Platformer |
Ice Chicken Demo | ESI | Demo Of Persona's New Game |
E-tunes | Roger Hartley | More Musical Melodies GWL 7 / Trainer / Somedays / Starworx / Intro / Gallo |
Anonimity Smith | Graham Goring | More Sci-Fi Satire |
Jellytext | Matt Round | Ho Ho Ho Ho Hoooooo |
Show Piccies | Andrew Collier Ian Collier | We Go Everywhere Together... |
Modules | None this month | |
Rgb Splitter | Graham Goring | Rgb Colour Code Splitter |
Pc->Sam | Derek Marriott | Pc Text Converter |
S.S.R.S | Allan Clarkson | Professional Sausage Roll Maker Sim |
CA Editorial Welcome once AGAIN to another zip zap, lightning speed, angelically good, Big Daddy full issue of FRED. Sixty five, eh? Time to retire! We did offer to let FRED rest and hand down the whole operation to FRED Junior, but FRED insisted he could carry on and Colin couldn't fit the new logo onto his swanky headed note paper. I also pointed out that if we had FRED Junior as the title, I'd be writing more text, hence using up more bytes of disc space and FRED Series Of Disc Mags would not be able to cram as much wonderful stuff on. But I just got laughed at. Apologies go out to those poor people who didn't get FRED before Christmas (which includes me). Fortunately, this wasn't my fault entirely because by the time the FRED master disc got to the duplicators, it had developed a sector error. Good old Colin did his best by immediately running down to the post office (shouting a number of expletives - not a good example for the younger generation) and posted off a new disc first class recorded delivery super-duper guaranteed post. But it didn't work. However, this one should reach you before next Xmas... CA FREDitorial Despite not getting FRED, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas (or a wonderful December 25th if you don't celebrate Christmas). No doubt everyone is having a very bloated January, and I bet a few of you are secretly having to eat a little less after a touch too much turkey and beer. It's funny how when you're in the shop, the turkey doesn't look that big at all compared to the others and you insist to your mum/wife/self that it'll fit in the oven, only to find that when you get home it's actually massive and you've now got to rip it's legs off and put them by the side of it to get it in. And of course, you then have to eat twice as much as you intended to get value for money... A guy who I know told his kids on Christmas Eve that there had just been a news bulletin on the television saying that Santa had crashed on the M1 and despite doctors' efforts, he had died an hour later in hospital! He then had a lot of explaining to do to his wife who had two screaming kids wrapped round her legs! Ho ho ho, such Christmas spirit. CA Festive Merriness I was given a big bag of mince for Christmas. I don't think my mum really understood that I was really after a box of Matchmakers (groan). I was also given a belt for Christmas. I've still got the bruise (groan). I should really apologise for those jokes shouldn't I? I've just been given a subtle reminder to save every ten minutes. The power just dipped. Darn cold weather - not only do I freeze to death, but if I lose power, I'll be forced to ignore FRED and I'll probably end up doing work towards my degree (!). And all we've had down here is about 5 seconds of snow (which I slept through). It's just not fair - everyone keeps ringing me up and telling me they've been building snowmen (Colin M included) and all we get here is cold weather on its own, which is no fun whatsoever. Humbug, humbug... CA Beheaditorial Some super good news now - I've at last got a second drive. I managed to pick one up second hand at dirt cheap prices from some guy from "Up North". Absolute bargain, and the best thing about it is that it's got a different coloured light to my other one! Woo. If I turn my bedroom light off, it's a little like Blackpool illuminations, but without the trams. Erm, this change should improve the efficieny of producing FRED and will hopefully speed up the process of making the magazine. The move is designed to benefit the readers. (Well, everyone says that when they make any changes). What about this new phone thingumy Big Mac has installed, eh? It's a bit posh, FRED having a secretary. Although the silly woman won't know what FRED is. Still, let's hope that this PC thing is a huge success, and Colin M makes lots of money. Then he'll pile lots of it into the SAM, and we'll all be laughing. Not that we won't be anyway. But if he does we'll all laugh so much our sides will ache. Hmm. CA New Year's Resolutions Just to go with tradition, Colin M and I have each made three New Year's resolutions. See what you think. ANDO 1. Work harder on FRED 2. Write a game (stop laughing) 3. Get up for breakfast at university (maybe a little unrealistic) MACDONALD 1. Cut down on alcohol. 2. I mean, not stop, just cut down a little bit. You know, just not drink at, say, Breakfasts. On Wednesdays. In March. 3. You have to be careful with these New Year's resolutions, you can sometimes say things that sounds as they shouldn't. Gulp. CA News This month, we have a mixture of good news, good news, bad news and good news. I'll start with the bad stuff, then you'll all have forgotten about it by the end. The FRED packs that we were hoping to produce have fallen through due to lack of orders. It's a shame, because I personally would have loved to have seen lots of FRED specific things, and I know Colin M felt the same. It's a bit of a kick in the face, but that's life...? However, as I put hours and hours (and hours) of work into the Best Of FRED disc, we're still going to push that. It's a wonderful disc - essential for your collection if you ask me. You'll love it. And all you have to do is send £2 to the usual address and you'll own it. It'll make my effort worthwhile and make your disc box look a zillion times better. It's the best disc I've ever seen for it's price, and what's £2.00? Go on! Write that cheque now before you forget. CA News Moving onto some much better news, FRED has done another mailshot following the success of the first one, and we're pretty pleased with the results - 50 new subbers! Welcome to every single one of them - you really don't know how much you've missed. Still, it's great to have you all back, and I hope you like what you see. There's a great deal more happening now than there was two years back, especially with the release of SAM C, Lemmings and of course, the hard drive. I'm sure you'll all catch up in time (with the help of the FRED pricelist?!). A bit of superb news now (but in a bad sort of way!). The hard drive packs that FRED is selling have sold a LOT quicker than we expected and as a result, if you order a hard drive from FRED, there could be a delay of up to a week before you get it. Colin M has been overwhelmed with orders and is struggling to keep up! Not that we mind, of course! This is a good sign and just goes to show that people still have lots of confidence in the SAM. Keep those orders rolling in, and we'll try and ctch up as soon as possible. CA News As you may remember, Colin Macdonald wants to release a book about the SAM - mainly about the history of it and people's experiences. However, at the moment, he is having trouble finding information about the beginning of the SAM. If you have any information, letters than MGT sent out, cut outs from magazines, etc. then they would be gratefully received. Naturally, we will return anything you send in as soon as possible. Colin is also looking for the first four issues of Turbo magazine. If anyone can help, they will be worshipped for many years to come (or just thanked if they prefer). Lastly, we have some late news that because of the success of the hard drive, FRED are hoping to release a games pack. This will consist of a number of currently available games that have been converted for use on the hard drives that we are selling. The pack will hopefully be available next month, so look out for more news on that. CA Discontented? I should hope not.. This month, the wonderful slot D contains an improvement of SAMDos. It's called QDOS and is written by Simon Cooke of Entropy fame. Basically, it eliminates the bugs of SAMDos and makes sure that the SAM immediately knows which peripherals are attached at the time of BOOTing. Wonderful, and very useful! Cheers, Simon. Following that, we have Statues of Donuts. This, for the less SAM educated out there, is a bit of a mick-take. Simon Cooke, writer of QDOS, has been working on a megademo for a number of years now called Statues Of Ice and is famous for not finishing it. Therefore Lee Willis has written Statues of Donuts, partly to show off what he can do and partly to "extract the urine". The graphics and big scrolly are done by Stephen Pick, legendary number one graphical smart-arse on the SAM. Thanks Steve and Lee. Sweete For My Sweet is a wonderful little game by MJD Productions that has been written in Gamesmaster. It reminds me CA Disc Contents of the older games like Chuckie Egg 2, but I don't know why - it's nothing like it. However, it is very playable and has a well worked out difficulty level. It's great to see a new face writing Gamesmaster contributions. My undying thanks go to the secretive man behind MJD Productions, and may he keep on contributing for many years to come (yahoo). Ice Chicken in slot G is a demo of a game, surprisingly called Ice Chicken, from Persona - the software company that took over Phoenix. Anyway, it's an unplayable demo of the game, so, erm, see what you think of it. There's no interview this month, but that's becaue Anonimity is back with another wonderful helping of his little stories. As ever, they're filed with fun and fantasy and fiction, so I hope you enjoy them... E-tunes are from Roger (I hope it's not spelt Rodger) Hartley, and a wonderful six they are. CA Disc Contents Jellytext is, erm, from Matt Round. I haven't got it yet, but we all trust him (erk). This month, there are two screens sections, but that's because they're both so special. Slot C has some Alton Towers pictures, scanned in and converted by Allan Clarkson, editor of Crashed, and slot K (a bit like C) has piccies from the Gloucester show. These have been scanned and converted by Andrew and Ian Collier. There's a wonderfully artistic one of Tim Paveley and I leaning up against each other. Wow, artists may weep. For those of you who won't know who is who, this is a quick run-down of who is on the screens (in the order they go in on the disc) - Paul Horridge + David Zambonini / Roger Hartley + David Brant / Steve Pick / Stefan Drissen + Dave Handley + Wayne Coles / Michael Stocks + Colin Macdonald / Simon Cooke / Derek Morgan and Ian Collier / Tim Paveley + Colin Anderton / Stefan Drissen. The Alton Towers ones have the names written on them (thankfully). Incidentally, the screen viewer used by Andrew is available for CA Disc Contents use on FRED. They do take a little longer to decompress, but they load in one go. Could I have some feedback on which screen compression/viewing system to use - the old one, SAMPaint or Andrew's new one. Bits n Bobs has it's usual trio of things. First up is an RGB splitter by Graham Goring. He's included full instructions so I won't get it all wrong here, I'll let you read his bit. Then we have the competition winner (and not the only entry, honestly) for the PC -> SAM text converter. It requires Masterdos and Masterbasic unfortunately, but does convert pretty well. Thanks to David Mariott for this. Finally, we have another contribution from Allan Clarkson, showing us how much he's improved on his programming since last time. Thanks, Allan. CA Little Gamey Thing After sorting out all the letters I've got from many months ago, I've found a rather interesting little competition from Derek Morgan that I'd obviously put to one side. Anyway, it's dead good, but I can't do them all. I'll just run this competition for fun, but if someone can send in the answers, I'd be delighted. NAME THAT COMPUTER COMPO ------------------------ 1. You will find it in a rainbow. 2. This one is not advertised. 3. A good year for Datson. 4. A Greek Philosopher. 5. The USA needs you. CA Er, um, oh dammit, I know this one 6. Air force big wig. 7. I'll do it and I'll do it now. 8. Hamlet's friend with no beginning. 9. Mr Trotter. 10. The dryest computer in Scotland. 11. This one could be a bit sweet for you. 12. A very keen computer that drinks lager. 13. Evil note leads to an animal's den. (see 5) 14. Adam's downfall. 15. It takes most of the month to reach the bed. CA It's a toughie... 16. A cad returns to me. 17. It's not quite likely his best. 18. Initially it beats most. 19. This one's a planet. 20. Marks and Spencers is the wrong store. 21. The dog that went back to the future. TIE-BREAK: The first computer. If you get over 12, then write in and we'll give the winner the title of "FRED's Biggest Smart Arse Ever!". I'll give you until 67 to get the answers in because you'll need to think about a few (and no asking adults for help!). CA Merci Editor: COLIN 'coffee addiction' ANDERTON Bloke in charge: COLIN 'beer addiction' MACDONALD * Thanks go to * FRED 66 will be out * * 15-18 February * Bob Monkhouse * * Allan Clarkson * Don't forget FRED Publishing, * Roger Hartley * to buy the [redacted] * MJD Productions * BEST of FRED * Andrew Collier * disc * Ian Collier * * Dave Mariott * Just £2.00 * * * Anonimity Smith * * Simon Cooke * * Derek Morgan * * Lee Willis * * Steve Pick * * Matt Round * CA Sorry This editorial seems a bit short this month. Although I don't know why. I've written as much as usual. There aren't any articles though. I have been asked by various people what articles I would like them to write. Obviously I don't know. It would be nice to have a couple of technical articles again, so if you can think of any articles you would like, then write in and I'll try to arrange it. Just think, you'll be able to sit there and say - that article is there because of me. And with that, I'll see you all next month. Byeee.
Letters & Reviews
Letter From Andrew Chandler Dear Colin, May I first wish you and all the other SAM owners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am actually writing with a few bits of information on the EDDAC and associated Modules. I have built the EDDAC (finally) on Veroboard (much easier than Stefan's notes) and I recommend it to anyone with experience of Veroboard. Even if anyone is thinking about building the circuit Stefan's way I have a few modifications which will improve its performance: Firstly, place a 100nF capacitor across the power supply lines (from +5V to Gnd) - this helps to reduce noise. Secondly, place a 100nF capacitor from the select output from the computer (pin 1 on 74LS14 chip) to Gnd - this also helps to Letter From Andrew Chandler prevent miss-triggerings. If you do this, you can get away with using a 74LS04 if you can't find or get hold of the above chip). Thirdly if anyone wishes to drive amplified speakers with the EDDAC, they will find the output power is VERY low, so they can add the circuit which I have drawn below... [Not likely! - but if you do want it, send an SAE to the FRED address, and I'll post a copy on - CA] As I may have mentioned, my company wanted me to build a project and I decided an 8-bit sampler and playback board. Well, you may (or may not) be pleased to hear that this is progressing nicely. There is a "rumour" going around that Solar Flare may be programming a Solar Tracker that uses Samples. Well, if it works (and I have only tested 50% so far), this could be what Letter From Andrew Chandler he is looking for. So far I have costed it to approximately £30 or less (without case - mono version) and so could be within price range for the project. I'll keep you posted with any developments. Yours Sincerely, Andrew Chandler P.S. (No PS's this time). CA Reply To Andrew Chandler Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the information and things on the EDDAC. It's good to hear that someone is still playing with it. For those of you who are unaware, the EDDAC is a chip that Stefan and friends designed that gives the SAM better sound capabilities. In issue 51 of FRED, there were instructions and pictures to allow you to build your own and then a couple of issues later, we included a more advanced MOD player for it. It can be built for under a tenner apparently. Good luck with the sampler. Keep us up to date with any developments. Letter From Wayne Coles Dear Colin 'A', You thought you got away with it didn't you? But NO! Here I am to reply to the reviews of my programs. First off, the Innocent Collection review by Dean Nicholas. A bug in one of my programs? NEVER! I quote "one of the main objects cannot be found". Utter tosh (steady on!). I assume he is talking about the rope? Which can be found by searching the roses in the garden. I'm sorry Dean, but breaking into the program is cheating. Trident is aimed at beginners, that's why it's so small. Now then Mr 'A', watch out soon for my reply to your review of JOYSTICK POWER (you'd better like SAMSprite too). Ta ta, Wayne Coles CA Reply to Wayne Coles Crikey! Someone rattled his cage. It looks as if Dean and I are in trouble now... In case you haven't seen the review of Joystick Power, I gave it 16% or something. Looking back, I was probably being a bit generous as well! Only joking, it deserved 16%. Ho ho. You've got to remember though, that a review is only an opinion from one person. What they may say about the program could be wrong, but it's the way someone feels when they play it, and it's likely to be the same way others feel. OK, so Dean maybe got the rope bit wrong, but I understand how he feels (being crap at adventures, myself). Anyway, I don't know what Wayne's moaning about, I gave SAMSprite 85% ages ago when a different company was releasing it. No go away and do 100 lines, Wayne! Letter From Allan Clarkson Hello Colin. It's 2:22 am on boxing day morning (1995, in case you find this disk in a couple of years and load it up) and I don't know why I'm writing this to you. I can't be bothered to write anymore right now. I'm going to bed... [What an enthusiastic letter writer... - CA] Time passes... It's now 11:22am Tuesday 2nd January ( I've got to go soon to finish Crashed so I'll probably finish this off tonight. I hope you appreciate all this. I was up 'till 4 last night doing this disk. [He's talking about lots of screens, some of which are on this issue - CA] All the screens are compressed (SAMpaint format). There's probably over 1meg of data there. You get £50 a month for putting 1meg of other people's stuff on a disk, but what do I get for putting 1meg of my OWN stuff on a Letter From Allan Clarkson disk? Tish. I think you should buy me a pint (or five). At Nottingham. And Gloucester in April. In fact, come up to Leeds now and buy me some. Okay? Don't forget to put the advert in this month. I'll send you another for next issue (people ignore adverts if they're always the same, y'know). Yours lovingly, Allan Reply to Allan Clarkson It's a corrupt world isn't? Harsh doesn't even begin to describe it. However, you must remember that I'm a trained professional. If you dd economics at A-level, you'd understand why people like me are paid more than others. I had to go up to Monifieth for 2 weeks to learn how to put FRED together, you know. It's not an easy job. (Yawn, relax, spin on chair, change CD, drink coffee) Letter From Richard Quirk Dear FRED! I'm an old reader of FRED (long time ago, not old age) and the last issue I bought was 35 many years ago when Brian McConnell was editor! Whatever happened to him? I hope he didn't die and I've said something upsetting....... But I'm back!!!!!!! I meant to reply to your first mailshot, but for some stupid reason I did that thing where you just leave it until the next day and seventy years later, you remember and it's too late! I've also got an Amiga [Spit - CA], but all that's good for is playing Sensible Soccer! The SAM has so many friendly faces, and you won't find a disc magazine as entertaining as FRED on the Amiga. You're a really good editor, Colin!! Anyway, I just though I'd write and say Hi! I'm off now to play Lemmings (I can't believe it's out - and it's stunning). Richard Quirk (back with a vengance!) CA Reply To Richard Quirk It's good to have you back - don't you ever even think about leaving us again! And thanks for the complements. My head is touching the ceiling now, but I think I can cope... SamSprite Review by Graham "Speccy Graphics" Goring SamSprite! Sent down by the Gods on high to test the mighty underpants of our bravest warriors! Tamed by the nasty Witches of the mountains of Klontarg so that they might use it's powers for evil gains! Sprayed generously with goats intestines till it glowed with a force that was not of this earth! Those are three lies I could have used. But I didn't. And why? I'll tell you why. Because I respect you readers of FRED. I think you deserve a little more than to be fobbed off with bizarre claims from the back of packages. Oh yes. So it's not sent by the Gods, so it hasn't been tamed by the Witches of Klontarg, and so what if it doesn't plop onto your doormat reeking of goats guts? If you ask me that's good. The last thing I want a computer program to do is make a mess of the hallway carpet. What I want a computer program to do is to make drawing sprites easier on the Sam Coupe. Easier than, say, drawing then using Sam Paint. And that's pretty easy, mark my words... Of course, I suppose it could be said that this review was always going to be a little biased seeing as I did suggest quite a lot of improvements for Wayne Coles to make to his original program. For instance, toggleable cursor speeds, easier grabbing utilities, more keyboard shortcuts etc etc. It's come on a long way since the November show launch version (which you can upgrade from for free), niggling little problems hve been ironed out, and lovely sweet toothed new features have been bolted on to it's rusted iron behind. So it's great. And it's for drawing sprites. What more can I say? Not much really. You can manipulate the images in a variety of ways. You can define animation sequences easily and alter the graphics in them as they animate at the side of the screen (thus enabling you to decide whether the frame you're altering fits in or not). You can grab images from screens oh-so easily. And of course you can flip/turn/mirror/scroll pictures at the tap of a key. You can store the equivalent of five screens of graphical and mask data in memory at once and 4 different palettes. And it's all accessed via an ultra-easy to use wimp system. So, if you're wanting to design sprites of the 16x16 or 8x8 (later updates will allow different sizes to be edited, but trust me 16x16 and 8x8 will do for a vast majority of uses) size then you can't do better. It's bootiful as Bernard Mathews would say, or f*****g bootiful as Bernard Manning would say. You can't buy better on the Sam. Oh, and it comes with programs to help you integrate the sprites into your own programs, too. Oh, and a load of sample sprites, some of which are by me. Ease Of Use - 92% - There's nothing you can't access easily. Presentation - 90% - Crisp and clear, you won't get lost. Overall - 91% - Perfect for the job in hand. Honest. I should point out at this section that this mark makes it viable for a Gold FREDal. I should. But I won't. Because gold FREDal is about the worst sounding and ill concieved name for an award I've ever heard. Thankyou. [OI! I made that up, it's a wonderful idea. "Gold FREDal", it just rolls off the tongue. Now you make sure you use those terms in the future, young man. I don't know, this insolent youth of today - CA] SAMSprite is available from FRED Publishing, so get it ordered now! Review Of Crashed By Colin Anderton Before I start this review, I should just point out that if I don't make it to the end it's because the film 'Birds' (I think it was called that) is happening outside my window. There's about a million birds flying about and four have hit my window already. Go away. I was sent copies of Crashed and Zodiac to review on the same day, so I was a bit stuck choosing which one to do this month. I can't do both because then it's just a direct competition. However, I'm going to review Crashed purely because it's first in the alphabet. Sorry Zodiac, you'll be reviewed next month without fail. Crashed - first impressions are very good. It's got a really well done front cover, which is actually much preferable to look at than the last few Your Sinclair magazines which had them awful three colour drawings on. This one has a piccy of Santa riding his reindeer, so you can guess it's the Christmas issue. There's loads of different colours and it gives the mag a professional look. However, it is issue 13, so that's a bit dodgey. Anyway, you can't judge a book (or SAM & Speccy magazine) by it's cover, so let's take a look inside. The rest of the magazine is in black and white, but this was to be expected. I should have mentioned that it is an A4 magazine for the SAM & Speccy and comes out monthly for £1.00. Sorry, bad reviewing, slap in the face. The original idea of Crashed was to take over from the now dead SAM & Speccy magazine, Crash. Nothing went to plan for the old editor, Mark Sturdy, and he ended up doing it all on his own. Slowly, he got help from Allan Clarkson and a few contributors and then a few months ago Allan took over the magazine. The contents page and editorial are really well set out - it's slanted, text in boxes, little graphics circles and squares and it's clear that it has been done on a very expensive DTP. The only thing that lets it down is the photocopy quality. It's not BAD, it's certainly easy enough to read and is probably one of the better photocopied magazines I've seen, but it does suffer sightly from this process. At the top of the third page, Allan writes a little editorial (some people have it easy - he writes five paragraphs, I have to write 20 pages. Tish). Below that is the contents, highlighting regular columns and special features. Allan tells us that Simon Cooke will be resurrecting Spec Tec Junior in a months time. The magazine does seem to want to be the same as Your Sinclair was, so why it's called Crashed and not Your Sinclaired, I'll never know. The whole magazine is really well set out - I've said that already, but it's surprising what he's done. There's even snow on a few boxes this month. In keeping with YS, Crashed has it's own cartoon, Bodge Fredd. This, thankfully, is nothing to do with me making a mess of an issue of FRED, but a mick-take of Judge Dredd. I don't get it, but I've never really watched Judge Dredd. I'm sure it's funny! There's also a tips page, a letters page (which includes a letter from Pamela Anderson (!)) and then a two page review of the Edinborough show, complete with pictures. The photocopied photographs haven't come out too well, and you need to read the words below to realise who some people are. Following that is the second part of an interview with Bob Brenchley, which is reasonably interesting. This interview is better than one I read with Simon Cooke about six months ago where he was asked very little about computing and more about what crisps he liked. Most interesting is Bob's theory that YS and SU fell apart because they treated everyone like kids. Interesting, but is it true? It just goes to show that what we need is some response from readers. For all I know, FRED might be doing the same (!), but does it bother people? If it does, write, otherwise things will never change. Then there's a few speccy reviews, and an apology for giving a friend's program 0% as a joke, when it was actually someone else who had written it! Ho ho ho. The reviews are a little too short, and don't explore what the game has to offer and what it's strong and weak points are. I'm pleased to see that not all games are given over 80% - that has to be the most irritating thing ever. 50% should be average for a game in my opinion, otherwise there's no point giving things high marks. Crashed seem to share this view (I think). There are a lot of old Speccy game reviews in this issue, and no SAM reviews, but hopefully this isn't consistent. All in all, there are 20 pages to Crashed, which isn't bad for an A4 magazine that currently has a low readership. Although it caters for the SAM & Speccy, I don't think it can compete with Format because they are so different. It could well pull a few readers away from Format, but those who read Format would rather read a sensible mag. It's refreshing to see a professional looking magazine produced - I know in the early days of Crashed it looked like just another poorly photocopied effort not worth bothering with. However, since Allan took over production of it, it's improved in leaps and bounds and is well worth a look. The humour is very much the same as FRED's style and the reports that Allan writes are entertaining to read. It has it's down sides - the photocopying could be improved, and there's a few too many spelling mistakes. However, I do get the feeling it's going to continue to improve with Allan at the helm, and at just £1.00 an issue it's worth a look. The only danger is that it'll fall into the SAM Prime trap where due to too much work, the magazine doesn't come out on time and readers get irritated and don't re-subscribe. Hmm. I should think I deserve a few free issues for that review. I've actually been quite nice. Crashed is available from:- CRASHED, [redacted]