GM Software Granted
Gary Thomas was asked by me (Steve Parry-Thomas) for permission to archive the disk images and manuals as pdfs for GM-Base and GM-Calc.
“Would you be willing to let copies of your software for the Sam to be stored in archives / ftp / web sites as Disk images, and the manuals as pdfs ? ” - 7/07/2005
I have lost reply in my great harddrive crash of 2005, but it went somthing like “…Do what you want with the Software/manuals, we (Gary and Malcolm) had a great time working with SAM …..”
A few days later the GM-Base manual was sent by Gary with some of their adverts for the GM software. - The manual will be pdf sometime this year (2006) - so take it as permission has been granted for this software to be placed in the PD for all.