The Lost Tomb of Ananka

Release Year
ZX Spectrum adventure game running under emulation with SC_SPECLONE.
Produced in association with the SAM Coupé Adventure Club.
Attached is a SAM Professional Adventure Writing System extracted copy of the adventure that can run without the emulation.
Packaging included a physical sealed evelope to open during gameplay.
When the pharaohs of Egypt died, to avoid tomb robbers they were buried inside hidden chambers which were cut into the cliffs.
These cliffs were situated in a remote valley on the west bank of the river Nile, opposite Thebes. This valley was known as the Valley of the Kings. It was believed that all the tombs in this valley had been found, until the chance discovery of an ancient stone tablet. This tablet was covered in hieroglyphics and unlike those found on the Rosetta stone, were of a type never seen before.
Professor Rolf Sorinson head of antiquities at the Cairo museum managed to decipher part of the hieroglyphics and had sent the tablet onto Dr. Jack Foswell, expert in Egyptology at the British museum.
It told of an ancient Pharaoh called Ananka and gave this brief history...
During the 5th dynasty. the Pharaoh Menkauhor of lower Egypt formed a defensive alliance with Ananka, Pharaoh of upper Egypt. The Hittites were trying to extend their empire into Egypt. Menkauhor and Ananka joined forces and defeated the Hittite army at the battle of Kadesh.
After the battle was won. Ananka tumed his army against Menkauhor and destroyed him!
Now contolling upper and lower Egypt. Ananka began the cult of Osiris, ruler of the dead. Ananka called on the Gods to give him great powers and they bestowed unto him all the forces of the underworld!
When Ananka's reign was brought to an end in a bloody battle. Harsaphes, relative to the king Menkauhor, took the throne of Egypt.
Ananka was then labelled the Great Criminal and hastily buried.
According to the Hieroglyphics on the tablet, the great god Ra had placed the scroll of life within the tomb along with huge statues of the gods to keep Ananka's powers alive.
The tablet also spoke of Ananka's heart being weighed in the judgement hall of Osiris and the Devourer being unleashed to walk within the tomb as guardian for all eternity, destroying all who entered.
You play the part of Dr. Jack Foswell. After many months of hard work, you finally decipher the last part of the tablet. It speaks of a secret way into the tomb from the cliffs and gives the true meaning to the curse!
Before you have a chance to warn Professor Sorinson, you receive word that he has been killed in a landslide while entering the tomb from the base of the valley. It was also reported that a strange sound was heard before the landslide happened.
You immediately head for the Valley of the Kings and using your knowledge, find the secret entrance to the lost tomb of Ananka.
As you are lowered down onto a ledge outside a cave, the rope above you is cut! Suddenly, you hear a scream and the bodies of the native bearers fall past you and smash on the rocks below.
You now find yourself alone. with nowhere to go, but inside!
Thanks to Simone Voltolini for providing the dumped disk.
Make sure you read the COMPASS and VOCAB help commands.