I would like to warmly welcome you, the reader, as the editor of the first disc magazine in Poland.
Due to the appearance of the SAM Coupe computer on the Polish market and the growing interest in it, I decided to create a magazine allowing users of this computer to find out about the multitude of problems and questions that concern them.
I will try to ensure that this magazine writes about everything related to cars. I will describe programs, additional devices for SAM, respond to letters in the magazine and provide portions of new products. I would also like to open a SAM club and a bank of addresses for SAM Coupe computer owners through this magazine.
If you want your address to be known to all readers of the magazine, write to me! The editorial office of this magazine is located in one small room in Warsaw.
My name is Michał Szafrański and I am currently the only editor of this magazine. (Our magazine is a monthly magazine and you are currently reading its first issue. If you like it and would like to receive it regularly, all you need to do is send a postal order to my address for the sum of PLN 150 (fifteen thousand) and a blank diskette.
Further issues of Sam Paper will be published every fifth day of the month: If you would like to obtain additional information, you can write or call me. I am asking for opinions, criticism and article suggestions.