Fred 24
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Friday, May 18, 2018 - 12:22.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 24a
Item | Author | Description |
Magazine | Samco Goes Down, Questionnaire Results | |
Letters | Puzzle Corner, Astroball, Film Reviews | |
Ore Warz | William McGugan | Brilliant Arcade/Strategy Game |
Dracula | Dan Dooré | Projectile-Lobbing Game |
Mom Demo | Masters of Magic | Superb Machine Code Demo |
Thriller | Roger Hartley | Fred's 1st Etracker Tune; Brill! |
Mc Pt 17 | Steve Taylor | Search: “MC 17” Bubblesort Routine |
Triltex 2 | Steve Taylor | Triltex Solutions, Levels 10-15 |
E-Demo | Simon Cooke | Entropy Demo |
Zat Demo | Daniel Cannon | Demo/Advert For Zat |
Rachel | Andrew Hodgkinson | Part 1 of a Hilarious Story |
Issue 24b
Item | Author | Description |
Notes | ||
Spellmaster | Darren Clarke | Usable Demo Of Spell Master |
Parallax | Masters of Magic | Playable Demo Of Parallax |
Birthday! | Simon Cooke | Demo By Entropy |
Music | ESI, Roger Hartley | Two E-tracker Tunes |
Runner | Mark Davis | Animation Of Man Running |
Moonlight | Neil McClean | Graphical Demo |
Triltex 3 | Steve Taylor | Triltex Solutions, Levels 16-20 |
Signal | Stefan Drissen | Converted Spectrum Demo |
Cheats | Rob Clayton | Selection Of Pokes For Games |
Escape | Neil McClean | Scrolly Demo |
Starshot | Tim Paveley | Impressive Space Invaders Game |
Useful Procs | Stefan Drissen, Tim Paveley | Useful Procs For You To Use |
Magazine (Disc A)
Editorial THIS time it really has been an eventful month. Sadly not many good events though. Firstly, I must apologize for the lateness of this issue - although this issue seemed to be the last thing on your minds after I send out those letters to FRED readers telling of SAMCo's sad demise. Many of you have been phoning round companies looking for the "real" story. Obviously, there are a lot of details that there is no point telling you when they have a chance of hurting someone so I'll tell you what I feel appropriate. In late May I went down to Swansea again to work for SAMCo, nothing had changed really except that Alan and the staff were over the moon about a foreign investment deal they were expecting to come through any day. Things had been tight, sure, but for every company in the UK, things are very tight. The weeks went on, the deal always looming over our heads yet it never quite seemed within reach. Editorial The orders had dropped off drastically for three main reasons : 1) It was the height of Summer and sales are never good. In fact almost 75% of most companies trade is done in the last quarter leading up to Christmas. 2) The demos on the Newsdisk gave far too much away, meaning people played the demos and games and found that their time was already preoccupied with all the Newsdisk programs - without buying commercial software. 3) Many people had outstanding orders with SAMCo, naturally, these people would not order any more goods until their original order had been completed. In many cases, SAMCo could not supply the goods because the money to buy them was owed by various debtors - shops and dealers of various kinds. Editorial There came a point when too many of the creditors, bearing in mind these included MGTs creditors as well, were threatening and even carrying out legal action again SAMCo. Although the Arabian deal was still looking very possible, Alan knew he was simply buying time - it had to go all the way, one way or the other. Either SAMCo disapeared - or the deal went through and SAMCo would become a HUGE company. By HUGE we are talking guaranteed six figure SAMs sold. And that's not including the knock-on effect of having a successful computer... So Monday was the date. Monday evening came, the latest wages hadn't been paid and we stopped answering the phones - answering two hundred calls a day was no-one's idea of fun. Tuesday came and went with no further progress. Come Wednesday, Alan gave it a noon deadline. The deal didn't go through, Alan went down to the liquidators, came back and closed the lines with the message "We're sorry to tell you that we havn't been able to make it. The company is now in receivership....." Editorial In actual fact the company wasn't in receivership - it was in liquidation. The essential difference is that receivership puts the company on ice - as many of the companies "assets" are sold - even the company if possible. With liquidation, the company is dead. For over a week afterwards, some of SAMCo's employees still came in and helped Alan out wherever possible but most of the work had to be done by him. Lists were made of all creditors and each one was sent a letter explaining the situation and telling of a "creditors meeting" on Wednesday 28th July. Although I was back in Scotland by that point, apparently nothing much happened. Although, you've all been bombarded with the liquidators address time and time again, here it is once more : Editorial [redacted] And that's about it. The story, told for the first time by someone who was working there at the time. Many of you are concerned about Alan. He's bearing up and putting on a brave face. But it's a lot to happen to one man, and I think you all know, however much you have criticised SAMCo in the past, that he has put his whole life into this machine that you've all had so much fun out of. Any cards/postcards you send to me will be passed onto him. Just a simple "Thanks - hope it works out OK" or whatever would be best. What Now? Good question. You may have heard that Bob Brenchley of Format and INDUG has been putting together a rescue package along with West Coast Computers. At the moment he's in discussion with numerous people including the liquidator and progress is being made - albeit not fast enough for this issue. The deal being worked on not only includes the computer but also most of the software and hardware. Anyone interested in financially assisting this new operation should contact Bob on 0452 412572. Incidentally, the only part of SAMCo that appears to be in a state of unwantedness is the Newsdisk! With over 1,000 people owed an average of six discs, it would be a hefty responsability to take on - would people still buy the Newsdisk if it was not produced by the company that manufactures the computer??? What Now? No doubt you'll all be wondering about what's going to happen now. Nothings changed really. All the companies will still be trading indefinetly, certainly FRED will continue for as long as people keep buying it. In fact, FRED Publishing has snapped up the rights to several games that Revelation were to be doing : WaterWorks - an original puzzle/arcade sort of game all to do with shuffling water about activating switches, opening doors, killing aliens and, well, completing the level. Demo next month. Expected release date : 1st September. Expected price £9.99 Plasmoid - it was firstly seen on Newsdisk 5 but we've changed the name to "Dyzonium" and spent three more months on it. It's a fast shoot-em-up / collect-em-up with lots of power ups and tricky puzzles. Naturally, we've put decent graphics in as well. Expected release date : 30th September. Expected price £9.99 What Now? Mr Pac - another unseen wonder. This is a brilliant version of the arcade classic featuring lots more features. The name will change before it's release, but the fact that ESI have programmed it should appeal to you! Demo next month. Expected release date : 14th September. Expected price : £9.99 E Tracker - YES, FREDs got it!!!! The amazingly brilliant music system from those Polish wizards ESI has been snapped up! Work's been done rewriting parts of it and hopefully putting in a front end but it's lookin' good!! Music this and next month. Expected release date : 14th September. Expected price : £29.99 Please note that we are not yet taking orders for the four products listed above. You will be pleased to know that FORMAT now has the rights to the Secretary. How it will be sold - especially to those of you that had already paid for it, is unknown. FRED Publishing to the future As you should have been able to tell, FRED has every intention of continuing to publish games for as long as possible. And I can personally guarantee that'll we'll see a lot of games released between now and Christmas. And not only games - there are already a couple of utilities that are almost completely programmed which could be ready for imminent release... On the next page is the now rather extended price list. All the items listed are released and ready for desptach. We have already agreed with Glenco to stock SCAD as soon as they receive the manual back from the printers. Phone to check it's availab- ility because it only just missed this issue. Price is £24.99 Cheques should be made payable to FRED Publishing and sent to the usual address. Goods are normally despatched same day however if we are out of stock and not likely to get it back in within 14 days, we will inform you how long the delay will be. Price List FRED Publishing titles Impatience - £9.99 ) Both for just £13. NB The Later The Later Levels - £4.99 ) Levels requires Impatience to run. * Parallax - £11.99 * SpellMaster - £l4.99 BetaSoft / Andy Wright MasterDOS - £15.99 MasterBASIC - £15.99 * GamesMaster - £24.99 * File Manager - £14.99 Steve's Software SC_Assembler - £12.50 SC_Filer - £12.50 * SC_Monitor - £15 Price List ctd ENIGMA VARIATIONS Defenders /Earth - £14.99 NB : KLAX and Pipemania - £14.99 EFTPOTRM are Sphera - £14.99 not available. Famous Five - £14.99 We will buy copies MultiPack 1 - £14.99 of each (in good Mind Games 1 - £14.99 condition). Please Mind Games 2 - £14.99 Ring. CHEZRON SOFTWARE Outwrite - £12 Style Writer - £9.99 Mouse Mat - £3 FRED Back issues - £1.50 (1-23 available) * FREDatives (1-4) - £2 / £7 all * Rachel - £3 6 month FRED subscription - £8 12 month FRED subscription - £15 Price List Ctd HARDWARE 256K Memory Upgrade - £29.99 Messenger - £39.99 1Mb Upgrade - £79.99 SAMBus - £49.99 External Drive Int - £29.99 Comms Interface - £29.99 BBC type Printer Cable - £9.99 Mouse - £44.99 Mouse Interface only - £29.99 Technical Manual - £15.99 Replacement PSU - £24.99 Disc Drive - £79.99 SAM Coupe 512K - £199.99 256K Tape SAM - £99.99 MIDI leads - £9.99 Network lead - £9.99 SAMBus Power Supply - £19.99 Printer Interface - £19.99 Price List Ctd NOESIS SOFTWARE ! LATE ADDITION : ! SAM Print - £14.99 ! PRODOS - CP/M EMULATOR ! LERM SOFTWARE ! FROM BG SERVICES ! SAMTape 4M - £11.99 ! JUST £31 (INCLUDES FREE SAMDisk 2 - £11.99 ! SAM Toolkit - £14.50 ! CP/M PD DISC) SAM Assembler 3 - £10.99 ! ! HILTON COMPUTER SERVICES Personal Banking System - £19.99 * Indicates new product. Send orders payable to FRED Publishing to the usual address Printers, monitors and more software soon to be added to the list!!! Goods normally despatched within 24 hours. Overseas orders add £2, with hardware add £5. And now - the normal FRED continues!!! Now that the serious side is over with we can continue with the usual malarky. Provided I get the time, this issue should be quite productive. To start off with, I have an important announcement : On Friday 26th June 1992, Adrian Parker (he of MGT, Blue Alpha and SAMCo) proposed to, and became engaged to the "small but beautifully formed" Catherine O'Neil. It's sad really, because they're both Welsh which means just one little accident and there'll be one more "boy-O" to mess up an otherwise perfect world (except for the existance of Wales!).... Yes, that's right, now you can't print any comments in the Newsdisk in return!!! Seriously though, I hope that Adrian and Catherine will continue to be very happy together, and I also hope that someday, Adrian will buy a decent car. The Other disc For those of you that have subscribed past Issue 24, you will have received issue 24B in your envelope this morning. For those that havn't - you'll need to send £1.50 off for it. Just to give you a quick taster : demo of SpellMaster, demo of Parallax, another demo by Entropy, a game written using GamesMaster from BetaSoft, a few more demos, possibly another game and a few more tunes written using ETracker. I'll apologize to people who have been waiting for SpellMaster and Parallax that didn't receive my letter explaining the delay. They will be with you within a few days. We hope you like them and that you'll enjoy this disc as well. If we can possibly avoid it,we will not take advance orders again. Sorry. Remember, you can tell what issue your subscription goes up to by looking at the number at the bottom left of the address label on your envelope - the first four figures make up your membership number, the last two is the last disc you will get. Looking for a job ??????? Due to my many other commitments, including the vast expansion of FRED Publishing, I am running short of time to be the editor of this magazine each month. I am therefore looking for someone to take over the compilation, writing and editing of FRED each month. You MUST be able to keep to deadlines, be able to write articles that are suitable for thousands of people all over the world and of all ages. You should have a sense of humour which will show through into your writing but also have a good working knowledge of the computer and how to program - not necessarily in machine code. You should also have a very professional attitude towards you work. Good money is paid for a good editor. Please write to the FRED address with all your credentials - especially if you will be studying for exams. Do not phone. Please write as soon as possible for you to start work on FRED25. Professionalism??? I made a point of using the word "professional" on the last page because I have something to explain to all you talented bods that want to make money out of programming, drawing or composing. Over the last months, I have had two graphic artists let me down, 1 musician and THREE programmers. Obviously, this left me in a very sticky situation. All of these people were very good at what they did - some of them were exceptional. But all of them are amateurs. When members of the trade use the word "professional" about someone, they could be either the worlds least talented person or most talented. Their talent is irrelevant. What matters is their attitude and their ability to quote a time for getting something done - and doing it by that time. I could have Raffaelle Cecco, Archer Maclean and Dave Jones working on projects but if they let me down continually, they are rated as unprofesionals. Now that that's explained, I'm desperately looking for professional musicians and artists. Send samples of work ASAP. A bit of English humour... This is a copy of an article in the style of a job reference Alan Miles wrote about Adrian Parker to try and raise spirits. Almost every single line contains a joke - so look out for them, but many of them are "in-house". You should still find it amusing though : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN In three memorable years Adrain Parker has earned a repuation as one of Swansea's leading character actors. In 1990 he made a promising debut in the tragedy SAMLET;after a quiet start he won critical acclaim for his portrayal of injured innocence in the famous bedroom scene (co-starring Penny Jones and Katherine Edmunds). His rich tenor was also a feature of the Roadshow sequence. Regrettably though, not even Adrain's performance was able to save SAMLET from a very short run. Some critics questioned Adrain's interpretation of high tragedy as farce or light musical, but if this was a failure it must be attributed to lack of direction. Job Reference Undaunted by this setback, Adrain then went on the produce and direct his own one-man show, MURDER AT THE BLUE ALPHA. Set in a Portakabin, this was the story of one man's heroic struggle to breed mice. Despite a series of problems with sound, Adrain enjoyed some success in the provinces, and the production continues occasionally today now in the hands of the small repertory company PBT. Adrain was then offered a leading role in DEATH OF A SALESMAN - AND A PRODUCTION MANAGER AND A DESIGNER AND A WAREHOUSEMAN AND A REPAIRS PERSON. Teaming up again with producer Alan J Miles,it was here that Adrain's talents were allowed full rein. He has a fine sense of dramatic timing - never better illustrated than when heinterrupts a crisis meeting to announce that the company's assets have all been stripped by bailiffs. He has also developed a find feeling for the absurd and for horror. (Leading critic David Tonks described Adrain's Harware Development Kit as "horrible" and his Kaleidoscope as "absurd".) And in this production has played every single role nervously at first, but then without prompting. Job Reference Regrettably, DEATH will shortly be ending its run, and Adrain has started his intention to devoting more time to his other great love -KARAOKE. Whther this is hid future or not, we expect further great performances from Adrain - a star of the future. 1031488962 Swansea Prison 8th July 1992 Very amusing eh? I'll run through a few facts with you to help : Adrian has performed staring roles in some theatrical plays hence the base for most jokes, and now enjoys going down the Karaoke club frequently (it was over the microphone at Karaoke that he proposed to Catherine!). The rest of the jokes are based on what he has down over the last 3 years. Misc FORMAT Publications have now taken over the "dubious" Sinclair & SAM Computing from Garner Designs. If you had an outstanding order with Daniel Garner, you will be contacted shortly by FORMAT. I have been approached with a DMA (Direct Memory Access) circuit and am considering publishing it by the end of the year. I propose taking advance orders of £30 to fund it's release, with the RRP once it's release at £40. Any comments? NB Orders are NOT yet being taken!!!! You may have noticed that if you phone up a large company and they want your address, all they ask for is house number and postcode and then quote your full address back to verify it. They don't seem to have names, just all the address of houses in Britain - any reactions? How do you feel about the 1984 Data Protection Act? How do you feel about your address being on hundreds of computers - included the FRED computer? Elementary Welsh A short lesson in the delights of Welsh , with phrases quoted from various ex-employees of SAMCo. Other than raising and lowering the tone of your voice as often as possible, mentioning the word "Valleys" at every opportunity and adding "O" to the end of every second word, here's a few sample conversations : Charles Gill : A'Right Boy-O, where we gointo sit 'en? How about by-there? No. No. No. We'll sit by-here, look-man. Paul Jenkins : Isit? Fair Doo's, that seat does look a lot more educational boy-O. But look at that one. Fair Doo's to that one by-there too. Hold on, I'm having a fag. Mark Hall : 'Old on boy-O's. I'm bigger, I'm bolder, I'm rougher , I'm tougher - I'm the one and only Mark 'Oll, boy-O. Adrian : Aiiiiiiiye. Uh..........Huh. WHAT A GREETIN' BAIRN!!! Swansea antics There comes a time in every editors life, where he/she does something silly. It's inevitable. However, how come I've landed myself in more hot spots than I've produced issues? My first story relates to a weekend when I went to London to see some friends and relatives (cue smoke filled borders and husky voice) On the Friday, I went out as per usual until 2-3am. I then set off to the train station for a train I thought was at 3.30 - I didn't buy a ticket. Fortunately, I did get a ticket, I didn't miss the train and yes, I did get on the right one! However, from Swansea I normally get the train to Birmingham which involves changing at Bristol. Since it was a 4 hour journey I went to sleep. I woke up as the train pulled into Reading. "Reading" I thought. "Reading??? - Where the !@#$%& is Reading? Oh $#@! I was supposed to change at Bristol" Just then a voice came over the tannoy asking people to change for Heathrow and Gatwick airports. There was no-one around me to ask where in England Reading was and the guard had just blown the whistle for the train to move off. Instincts prevailed and I thought "Right, ZZZZzzzzzzz..... I'll nip off this one and get a train to Gatwick - that's in London". Off I popped and onto the next London train I hopped. There happened to be a map on the train which told me to my delight that Reading was on the way between Swansea and London - meaning not only had I lost half an hour waiting in Reading but I spent an extra £7.50 on a ticket I didn't need!!! Adventure One over and done with I proceeded with my day. That evening I had arranged to meet Chris White (yes, he's still alive and thinking about Lemmings). We met up, went for "one or two" drinks and a meal. Now, I was staying with friends in a place called Grays in Essex and the last two trains were at 11pm and 11.55pm. Being the cautious type, I opted for the 11pm. Knowing I had only slept for 3 hours the night before and that I had a few drinks inside me I forced myself to stay awake - I made myself read every scrap of text I possessed then went on to read a paper I picked off the ground. I then woke up as the train pulled off from a station, looking at my watch I realised I should have got off 30 minutes ago! The next stating we pulled HHHEEELLLPPP!! I need somebody - ANYBODY. into was called "Leigh On Sea", checking the map I saw that between London and Grays were 2 stops, between Grays and Leigh On Sea there were half a dozen. Oh &%$#. I asked a woman sitting further along "Any trains back to Grays?". A wide-eyed glum shake of the head told me I was not in luck. "Any buses then?". An even glummer shake told me that "Lucky" was most certainly not my middle name. After rushing off the train before it pulled off again I was taunted by the oh-so-kind conductor "Wake up sleepy head - enjoy the walk!!!" I was depressed to discover that "Leigh" only had a small station - hence with no-one around at midnight. I was more depressed to walk outside and not find a taxi-rank but when I saw I was in the middle of no-one and had to run a mile or so into the centre!! You will be glad to know that I did find a taxi - but it left a hole of £25 in my pocket!!! The Rivalry In SAMCo, there was frequently pranks played - firstly brightness turned down on monitors, then leads disconnected, then fuses taken out of plugs along with the usual locking in toilets etc etc etc but my good self and Charles (who was entirely to blame), thought up something one better. There has been the occasion when some bright spark locks some unsuspecting person out of SAMCo, fortunately for the person outside (me!), the rear entrance bell was connected to the fire bell so that certainly got attention. However, after a trick or two from Adrian in the morning, he was last to return from the infamous lunch van (yes, they still make chair jokes). We unscrewed the bell and disconnected the neutral wire and proceeded to re-screw the bell back together. At this point Alan appeared and enquired "You're not disconnecting the doorbell are you?". "No" we replied "Neither are we planning to lock Adrian outside in the rain". Seeing as it was lunchtime, Alan left us standing in front of the door talking try not to laugh as Adrian unsuccessfully rang the bell!! Ta-Daaaa It's that time again - where I have to tell all you loving bods what you get to play with after you've read the text! The Letters section is still decidedly empty - if you intend a letter to be published either mention it in the letter or write "Letters" on the envelope. Ore Warz is a brilliant arcade / strategy game from Mork aka SmartSoft. You get instructions when you load up by selecting DEBRIEFING but you will need to know the filenames of a few additional scenarios to load in that are also on the disc : STOCKADE, CAVES, TRICKSHOT & DEATH HAll (write these down!) Dracula is another game for this month's disc. This time it's from Banzai Productions (Thanx for the Postcard Dan - I was there the same time as you! And yes, I know what you were trying to say). It's based on the old Tanx type game - you must fire projectiles at the other player by inputing range and angle until one player hits the other. It's remarkably addictive if FRED24 Contents you really get into it. Before DRACULA loads up, a demo will load. Once you've had enough of it, just press SPACE to load up DRACULA. And now, the long-awaited MOM demo! It was supposed to go on FRED23 instead of Steves column but it didn't get here in time so some of the messages may be a little inappropriate but I'm sure you'll be suitable impressed anyway. Here is another piece of music done by E-Tracker. From Roger Hartley, it uses only the simplest of ETracker's functions because he doesn't have the instructions (pirate!!) but along with a nice picture and scrolly it goes up to make a good quality demo. For those of you who remain stuck on the tiles of Triltex, here's a few more full solutions to keep you happy. Courtesy of Wiz-Man Steve Taylor. Contents Also from Stevey -T- is the m/c column for this month that so many of you expressed dissapointment when it didn't appear on FRED23. And another sample of E-Tracker music! This one is from newly found group Entropy (Cookie and a few mates) but shows off his their talents rather nicely. If you like this one you'll also find another Entropy demo on disc B... ZAT magazine eh? Well, ol' Daniel Cannon's been busy doing adverts for them and has come up with this little cracker. Featuring some very clever techniques it does ZAT a world of good. Unfortunately, the ZAT / QUEST crew are having a few address problems but if you pass orders onto me (either send a seperate cheque or add it to a FRED cheque ) and I'll make sure they get it. DO NOT SEND ANYTHING TO THE ADDRESSES IN THE ADVERT! A Story???? OK, boys and girls. You now get the chance to read a story. "Rachel" is a totally original story written by Andrew Hodgkinson and a few friends (HippoSoft - used to be Force 48). After reading all the parts of this I was in complete histerics and I'm sure if you appreciate the works of the likes of Terry Pratchett or just have a vivid sense of humour you'll find it brilliant too. Anyway, the first part is on this issue - totally free to you! However the next dozen parts won't fit on FREDs so we've decided to sell it for £3. For just £3 (half the price of a book these days) you get a totally wonderful story (don't believe me? Read the first part for yourself) along with little jingles if you have MBasic - Boot first MBASIC for a ditty on this demo too!! Remember also that the FREDatives are still available at £2 each. Each featuring games, utilities, text, music, graphics etc etc - all in a style like a super-FRED! Buy just no. 1 for £2 and if you like it, I'll still sell you the other 3 for £5! Virtual Reality All The Way! Now that I have sampled the delights of a VR machine at London, read one of the latest books on the subject and seen the Lawnmower Man film, I can honestly admit to being more excited about this than ever before. The way it seems inevitable that it will work out is that 99% of people will one day, will spend all of their time on a VR system. It will let you work. It will let you take a holiday in the Bahamas - you choose what the weather's like, you choose the people you meet - the perfect holiday every time. Instead of going out with mates who have an annoying habit you go out with virtual mates who are exactly the same - but without the "habit". You can have whatever you want because, in time, it will get to be so realistic, so good graphics, so fast that it will be exactly the same as the real world - only exactly the way you want it. Virtual relationships, virtual shopping, virtual working, virtual cigarettes, alcohol - even drugs will be made "real" to the user. VR The whole concept of Virtual Reality is amazing, yet it's incredibly frightening - that we now have the power that could make every person on the planet happy. Or make everyone's life miserable. And the thing I find odd about it, is that it's not new - VR is just a souped up computer - processor, screens and gloves for input devices. But only now is the huge resourch being tapped. The Japanese telecommunications giant, NTT (the largest telcom company in the world) are investing £150,000,000,000 (150 billion pounds) just into fibre-opticing Japan for VR - let alone all it's Research & Development (R&D) costs. For example, when I was on holiday someone tried to point out a minute object on a mountainside to me. No chance. In the future, with a VR system, I would see the mountainside through the VR system but he could virtually point at the object, ie a pointer would appear on my display. I would appreciate any comments you have on VR, and I'll do my best to answer ANY queries about it. SAM Tech If you remember from the Newsdisk, Alan explained about Bruce Gordon's company - SAMTech. Despite SAMCo's demise, they're still going strong and are now on the verge of releasing the platform game "Boing" from Rob Holman they've been working on for almost 9 months now. It costs £9.99 and will be available from FRED from early September. However, they have decided to deal direct with the public to offer repairs. They can fix your coupe for a standard price of £20 (not including disc drive faults or problems due to tampering). If your SAMs gone down, phone them on 0792-797770. They will make sure the problem is a machine fault and if necessary, give you a quote. So there you go, you can still buy almost all the software and hardware for your SAM (including a SAM) as well as getting your machine fixed! NB : Obviously, your guarantees lie with SAMCo - not SAMTech. . SCAC SOftware My, Dave Whitmore and Phil Glover have certainly been busy - I've just received their FOURTH issue as well as a few discs with dozens and dozens of adventures on! I don't have time to review either the mag or the games this issue (considering I've released 2 games in the last 12 months and now I've got 6 coming out in the next 6 weeks!) so here's the details and prices to FRED readers : Deep Waters : 12 games by Jack Lockerby. £7 (£8 from 1 Sep '92) Marlin Magic : 3 games by Linda Wright. £5 (£6 from 1 Sep 1992) The Traveller in Black. 3 games. £6 River Collection. 4 games by Jack Lockerby. £7 Darkest Road & Kobyashi. 2 games by Clive Wilson. £4 Magic Isle + free game. By Palmer Eldritch. £2.50 The first two I can vouch for as being particularly brilliant but I'd imagine they're all top notch!! SCAC / JMP The address for SCAC software is : [redacated] I can also heartily recommend £3.50 for all you budding techies out there, at £3.50 it's very steep but here's the address if you want to order an issue : [redacated] Yes, Of Course I Remembered!!! Well folks, other than all the exciting news, it's issue 24. That means I've now done 24 issues (2 double issues and 3 "Best Of FREDs"). It all started one day in May 1990 when I got my SAM and had no software for it and started writing a magazine. Naturally, I had my dreams of it being big - I had planned to give away my "Issue 1 notes" as a prize if it did get off the ground! Well, here we are - I'm still doing it as a hobby , still non-profit making and I've got a lovely little software house to go with it. One day I'll give away the Issue 1 notes as a prize - but I think I'll hang on to them for now. Call me nostalgic if you want.... Since the first issue of FRED has appeared, two companies which manufactured the SAM have gone bust - as well as thousands of other companies as well. Not that people who voted Conservative should feel guilty for killing their computer. Really... FRED Questionnaire I've done a quick calculation of the Questionnaire that about 150 replied to back in June. Here's the results : FRED Quality : 8.4 / 10 FRED Service : 8.9 / 10 SAM Quality : 7.7 / 10 SAM Service : 7.3 / 10 Favourite Game : Prince Of Persia : 79% Batz 'n' Balls : 21% Least Fave Game: EFTPOTRM : 77% Splat : 23% Fave Magazine : FRED : 47% Enceladus : 14% Newsdisk : 11% Supplement : 9% Format : 9% YS : 7% SU : 4% (you SAD people!)
Letters & Reviews
Mork's Puzzle Corner no.6 Tis I, Mork, setter of riddles and poser of puzzles. Not only is Fred celebrating two years since it was just a twinkle in Colin's eye, but on the very day this issue was brought out, I will have reached the grand old age of 18, hurrah! If you want to send me a birthday card (preferably with a £20 note inside) then send it to the usual address. I think I was a little too leanient on you last month. "Spare the rod, spoil the child" as I hardly ever say. Answer to (1). Mork, the Indian warrior, he look far and wide for the answer to the question that burns in men's hearts. After smoking the pipe of peace with "He-who-is-at-one-with- the-grass", the Great Spirit came to him. The earth quaked as the Great One Spoke. "Standing-bull is his mother!", it said. Mork Answer to (2). This puzzle is so old, there's mold growing on it. If two trains crash right on the border of two countries, you don't bury the surviviors anywhere. There not dead! Answer to (3). Dear oh dear, If you didn't get this one there's not much hope for you. Pea-cocks don't lay eggs, Pea-hens do! Answer to the Prize Puzzle Last months prize puzzle was as follows. "A two-digit number, read from left to right, is 4.5 times as large as the same number read from right to left. What is that number?" Here's my solution. 10 FOR num=10 TO 99 20 LET num$=STR$ (num) Mork 30 LET num2=VAL (num$(2)+num$(1)) 40 IF num/num2=4.5 THEN PRINT num 50 NEXT num If you were to run this program, you would get the answer, 81. 81 read from right to left is 18, 81 divided by 18 is 4.5. There you go. I put all the entries into a big hat and pulled one out. And the winner of the Prize Puzzle is... fanfare please... Dan Doore! (aka. Banzai). He came up with almost exactly the same solution as I did. Just goes to show, great minds think alike. So Dan, a copy of SmartFile and SmartPhone will be winging their way to you right now. Commiserations if you got the right answer but didn't win. Take one brain. Add a liberal amount of puzzles. Season with a pinch of frustration. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer. Mork (1) What is unusual about the word UNCOMPLIMENTARY? (2) Create a wordsquare with the word 'mind' using the following letters. Each asterix in the diagram must be replaced with a letter and you must be able to read the same four letters downwards as well as across. A A A T T E E S D M I N D I * * * N * * * D * * * (3) Crack the code and read the message:- CTVDI SLOHK OIEIN ALUSE NOSNG GDNIF GNUDT EOEGD RSCEH VNXNG AYCCI EETEE TOERS RSMDE UUEYM YEOMT LHDPE WENOS AAETS EYTRE (4) Create a sentence with five consecutive AND's in it ('and Mork and and and and'). And it must make sense. Sounds Crazy, I know, but it is possible. (5) The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, The end of every place. What can be described in this way? Computer Puzzle Find a four digit number which satisfies each of the three following conditions: 1. The last digit is twive the first digit. 2. The third digit is twice the second digit. 3. The sum of the first and last digits is twice the third digit Mork Another months worth of brain-power testers over. It's getting harder and harder (infantile giggles) to think of these puzzles and, I fear, next month may be the very last Puzzle Corner. And we don't want that do we! (he says in a very patronizing voice). If every Fred reader sent me just one puzzle I'd be up to my armpits in them. Your Puzzle Corner needs YOU! If you want to send me a birthday card or a puzzle then here's my address: [redacted] Nanoo, nanoo. Mork signing out... Ed : Cheers Mork - the puzzles are getting better , I actually have to THINK about some of them!! Seriously, Great work. Dear Colin, As you and, I suspect, many FRED readers maybe getting the latest (and I MEAN late) SCPDSA catologue disk soon, you maybe thinking that this disk will be up to the standard of their demo disk given to you when joining. Think again. This disk is the biggest waste of money I have ever seen. The catologue part is very irritating to use, and when you do use it you will find it either saying "Write to PD company for more details" (very useful that) or you will find that it only lists about half the disks available at that library (even more useful). Then there was the demo. All it was was about seven digitised screens from the Karate Kid movie displayed in sequence backwards and forwards. Instantly forgettable. Then there were the digitised pictures from The Running Man. They would of been OK if Brent hadn't recoloured them in. Now they just look like yesterdays curry after being thrown up. Letter Also, there was the news that Brent has decided to stop the order service due to alot of people using it. Now he's only selling the Fastline and Masters Of Magic disks. So that leaves one question - what is the SCPDSA's purpose now that it has relegated itself to a diskzine? Not a wise move since the SCPDU disk is doing a better job covering the new PD disks. My advice to them is to improve the disk by getting a full, easy-to-use catologue on the disk and THEN filling the space with demos, instead of the other way around. Either that or go back to the old paper format, which I feel is more appropriate for a catalogue. So,the verdict on the new-look SCPDSA:large (and I mean LARGE) room for improvement. In a few issues time it will have got its act together, so I advise any people thinking of joining the SCPDSA to wait until then before filling out their cheques. Yours in a multitude of interesting ways, HAY YOU, TAKE YOUR FINGER OFF THAT CURSOR AND READ ..... Dear Alan, I just want to thank you for my lovely present you sent me. I've always wanted an ATARI ST. If I can do anything for you in return then don't hesitate to ....... Sorry, I dunno what came over me (looked a bit like a mouldy grape to me) ooh shut up missus. Right , to the point as it were ,or even as it is at the moment. Have you seen the state of the telephone boxes in Bangladesh. Disgraceful. oooooohhhhhhh hhhhh noooooooooooo wwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaattttttt iiiiisssss hhhhhhaaaappppppppppppeeeennnniiinnngggg?????? mmmyyyyy fffiin nggggeerrrrss aarrrree sssssttuuuucckk to ttttthhheee kkkk eeeyyyysss.............. And now a word from Charlie the cow with a big head. Take it away Charlie .... "You lied to me . You said Philip was a nice boy. I didn't like THE 2nd PART OF A STRANGE LETTER WHICH COMES FROM WISBECH KEEP ON REEDIN' him. He wouldn't stop talking about bell ringing." Always nice to hear from Charlie, I'm sure you'll agree. I don't agree with him about Philip though. I think he just eats too many dairy products. I'd get that head seen to if I were you. Now it's time for some music I composed myself. It's sung by my good friend Albert the shru. Take it away Al... la la la la la lo lo lo lo bo bo bo lo lo la lah lala la. Erm I seem to be loosing control of my SAM .I wonder what is ha........ TEG NA IRATA TS WON. ATARI ST I BEST. GET AN ATARI ST ,UOY T'NOW EB DETNIOPASSID , I ESIMORP UOY. ATARI ST'S ROOL. GET AN AT.... Sorry ,I don't know what happened there.. Very strange. But not as strange as the time Mr Pineapple came round our house to show us his goosberry bush. I must say I do like cheddar cheese. AMEN, Christopher Bailey IT's PART THREE.... DON'T STOP TILL ACAPULCO P.s. With your finger (make sure it is clean!) feel the working surfaces of the teeth at the front of your mouth and in your cheeks. The working surfaces are those parts which push into the food when you chew it. Now answer these simple questions . 1) How old is Colins pet aardvark? 2) What does the tattoo say on the inside of Colins lip? 3) Do you drink Carling Black label? 4) Dunno really. 5) The nice men say they have come to look after me so I may see you again or on the other hand I may see you again .It all depends if Colin uses this or on the other hand if he uses toilet paper. It's up to him really. Ed : Oh - VERY surreal and imaginative. Very good Chris. But I must point out that the tattoo doesn't say very much - whether it's on the inside of my lip or whether it's sitting in an armchair sipping a Molotov Cocktail and watching El Dorado. ASTROBALL REVIEW BY CHRISTOPHER BAILEY SAM games , what a load of old balls,eh? Yes ,we've been quizzed by quizball ,kicked in the mouth by Football director 2, Sphera was a bit round and,if you don't mind me saying so, Mindgames was a load of old balls too. What is the fascination with these round things? I mean, what have they done for us? As you may have guessed this is a review about another game featuring a ball imaginatively (?) called 'ASTROBALL'. I bet it took them a long time to think up that title. Anyway ,I'm not paid for moaning (not that I'm paid at all), so on with the review. You are a ball (as I may have mentioned) and for some reason you are stuck in the sky bouncing from cloud to cloud collecting gold (whick looks more like silver,actually). The only two things which stop you from 'doing your thang' are death stars (Which look quite cute and cuddly) which burst your ball on contact and the ground below which will smash you in to lots of itty bitty pieces. There are helpful things too such as CB Astroball extra lives, warps ,invincibility. Also at the start of each level (there are 30 by the way) you get a map which gives you an idea of wot the level looks like. So wot's the game like then? Well it's good, very good in fact. The parallax-scrolling is smooth and the game is very fast. My only moan is the programmer ,Balor Knight , has left out the space invaders bonus level, a great feature of the spectrum version ,in favour of some little messages. Oh yes, For your £9.99 you get a disk and a badly photocopied inlay card. These are only small moans though and won't spoil your enjoyment of the game. TOTALLY AND UTTERLY RUDDY ADDICTIVE. Great Stuff!!! - 88% PS .Watch out for Plasmoid by Balor Knight coming soon from Revelation. ED - ERM, ACTUALLY IT'S NOW CALLED DYZONIUM AND IT'S FROM FRED PUBLISHING! BUT IT'S WELL WORTH LOOKING OUT FOR. FREDs Film Features Batman 2 - Batman Returns (July 10) Ah ha! Michelle Pfeiffer, Michael Keaton and Danny DeVito all in one film! Well, lets start the elimination process shall we : "The Penguin" could have been ANYONE under all that makeup and costume - a total waste of DeVito's talent (other than using his name for promo of course) Michael Keaton is a Hollywood snob and can't act. Michelle Pfeiffer is only ever seen as Catwomen, a boring old "grey" secretary or for about 10 seconds in her true glory. Another waste of $5 Million Now to the film, A Megalomaniac plans to suck all the power from Gotham city with the help of the Penguin. In the process he kills his secretary who is then transformed into Catwomen. Penguin is elected Mayor. Gets chucked out. Batman, Catwomen and Films Penguin fight for a while. Batman and Catwomen fall in love (well, only when they are Bruce Wayne and whatever her name is). Batman succeeds in foiling everyone's plans but fails in getting the girl - everyone say aaaahhhh. There are actually a few decent jokes splattered around but this still doesn't make up for an over-hyped, over-budgetted souped up kids TV program - even if Michelle Pfeiffer does look nice in black leather...... Sorry guys, it's a bit of a miss really. My Cousin Vinny A fairly low hype film (makes a change) but this one is almost half decent. Starring Joe Pesci, it tells the story of two 18 year olds driving across America. They stop off at a Shop to get some food, they accidentally steal some sardines. Naturally the Police pull them over on suspicion of killing the shop clerk, Films naturally the two guys plead guilty - but they think they're pleading guilty to shoplifting while the Police are charging them with murder! Their families can't afford a lawyer, but it turns out cousin Vinny has just passed his law exams so he represents them in court. Unlike Batman, we get some good acting but for what seems to be a comedy, the jokes are spaced well out - although some of them are brilliant. It's worth seeing but don't miss Brookside for it. Stone Cold I don't think there are any "stars" in this film - in fact we hadn't heard of it until we turned up at the Cinema and it was the only thing on! Films The "hero" gets chucked out of the Police but as usual, the Feds, CIA, FBI whoever, over him a "special" job. He goes undercover into a gang of motorcyclists who have recently become involved in killing, blackmail, drugdealer - more or less the works really. He tricks some of them, beats others up, falls in love with one, kills another few and then at the end of the film, he kills most of them. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it's another Die Hard / Terminator / Hard To Kill type where the producers thought "The more deaths - the higher the box office returns" And it doesn't work. Not at all in fact. To be truthful, it's laughable. Ha ha ha ha ha. Get it on video, save it for a rainy day and then make the most of it by cutting little men-shapes out of the video tape with a pair of blunt scissors. . Roger Hartley Lawnmower Man You can't really not have heard much about this film, the hype has been so intense. But we all know what to think of hype (did someone in the back just say "Sphera"?) don't we? As usual, I fell for it. Why else would I be writing a review of it?! (The film, not hype, silly!) I'll try not to give too much away about the plot, like I usually do. But Doctor Angelo is experimenting with Virtual Reality, to investigate some of it's uses, mainly expanding the intelligence of the human mind. Of course, he doesn't experiment with humans (yet!) but chimps. It is discovered that with the treatment used, the chimp gets extremely violent, although intelligence is greatly expanded. Eventually a chimp (Doctor Angelo's own, apparently!) is killed trying to escape. The government still want experimentation to continue however, preferably with a human. The main character however, is Jobe Smith. He's not very bright, and his occupation is mowing lawns. (So now you know why it's called The Lawnmower Man!) Do I really have to spell out what idea he gets next??? He's not altogether inhuman though, RH LawnMower Man and devises a different treatment, which should not cause such violent reactions. The usual jiggery pokery (can't you tell I'm rushing this review?!) occurs whereas one of his greedy colleagues alters the treatment, making it very similar to the previous one used. (This is due to government pressure, honest!) However, the intelligence experiments work beyond his wildest dreams, with Jobe getting smarter by the day. Then some very strange side effects begin too. Strange effects like telepathy! (I'll say no more). I think I've said too much already, (I'll spoil it for you if I keep on), and I think what you really want to know about are these virtual reality FX. They are UNBELIEVABLE! I think anybody who has actually played a virtual reality (not including myself, I'm still looking for one) machine will still be surprised. The graphics are amazing, (they look like 24 bit images to me!) and the speed is just awesome. I would evem go as far as to say that in many ways, they are better than those in Terminator 2! Although obviously, they are a different style. If this is what RH Lawnmower Man virtual reality is like, I've just got to get addicted! If you're after great FX, see this on the big screen, it simply won't be the same on video (and it's rare I say that about a film). You must see it for the FX alone, this time, believe the hype! It's all virtually for real (geddit? I know it was bad). The rest of the film holds up pretty well, and is certainly well done. Although maybe the magnificent graphics really influenced my opinion. I personally thought the plot was fairly good, even if the basic idea does go back to Frankenstein days! However, if you're easily offended, it's not a good idea. There's a bit of strong language in there, maybe it's just me being funny, but it seemed a bit worse in that sense than your average 15 rated film. And of course there's some nice women in the film (make of that what you will!). You've probably guessed I like this film, and if it isn't too late, see it. I might even see this again, just for those luscious FX! (A couple of luscious other things in there too, but FRED's a family mag!). It does actually pretty much keep you on the edge of your seat (of course, those effects help again), RH Lawnmower Man and is definitely worth seeing. Lastly, apologies for this naff review. Please, let me just set the scene (let 'em all know why it's bad, Col!). Last night I saw the film. but in approx 12 hours I'm setting off on my holidays, to the costa del Skeggy! I haven't even packed, so this review is so short (and not as critical perhaps as it should be) because I'm in a rush. ED : I've seen the film as well and although the plot wan't thrilling, it was a good film. The effects are not brilliant - however the impression they give of VR is far superior to any machine today - but it won't be long.... Did you know that a certain American electronics firm had produced a prototype of a home VR game called CyberJobe which was to be tied in with the film? It was never released because "they" thought the film was going to flop - how wrong they were! The game entailed the user wearing a similar face-mask (not helmet) as in Lawnmower Man and the user played games against animated backdrop sequences of the film! Remarkable eh? . Come on! I'd just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has helped FRED become what it has. I can't remember everyone but I'll thank EVERYONE in Swansea, Nick Roberts, Jon Pillar, AXE, Cookie, Banzai, MOM, my bank manager....... I hope that some of you will have time to write a letter for inclusion in the next FRED with regard to the current situation at SAMCo and the future of the SAM. Please remember, if you wish a letter to be included, please send it on disc as an ASCII file because I don't have the time or inclination to spend my days typing in letters that have already been typed in and printed out! If you do send any discs into FRED, you will either get a replacement disc or have an issue added to your subscription. MY CHOICE!!!!! We may meet again....! As ever, my gratitute extends to : Cookie Wizman Nicam Doctor H Mork Banzai AXE MOM The Hippo OMCC Doogle Mikropol SD (VR-man!) T Pavely Jenks (PJ) Markey Mark Adrian "Kriss" Charley "Kross" Brucey -G- Daz Clarke Alan (&Edwin!) - Happy Birthday! Ron Column SU - bye bye!!! Next month, there'll be demos of WaterWorks, ETracker, "Mr Pac", Dyzonium and hopefully The Tower. Steve's M/C column will be the best ever - he's revealing EXCLUSIVE brilliant coding techniques only in FRED! FRED25 out fist 2 weeks in September (I need stuff desperately!) Just £1.50 only from : [redacted]
Magazine (Disc B)
Hello Again! Hello, and welcome to disc B of the special 2 year birthday issue of FRED Magazine. If you were impressed with some of the stuff you saw on the first disc, you're going to like this one as well!!! Enough of the chat - I'll get down to the nitty gritty and tell you what's what on this little disc of marvels. To start with, we've got a demo of FREDs new Spelling Checker - "Spell Master". It's 100% Machine Code, has over 80,000 words (on 512K machines - approx 30,000 on 256K), has a fully functional built in word processor which re-formats, justifies and word wraps while spell checking. You can spell check the entire text - or just a single word. There's even an Autocheck option which spell checks while you type!!! It accepts files from all major word processors - Secretary, Outwrite, Tasword etc etc in fact any ASCII file will do. Also.. It's also got a built in Anagram solver and Crossword Solver!! Naturally, all the usual features are included : add / delete words from dictionary, ignore / ignore all spellings of a word, allows for phone numbers etc. It's now been released for just £14.99. The demo on the disc is a VERY simple demo of what Spell Master can do but we hope that you will be able to see that it is a very powerful utility. Parallax : The FRED shoot-em-up is also now been released, the demo on the disc is just one of the TWELVE end of level guardians but we hope you'll enjoy blowing him to bits! Unfortunately, the return shooting and music couldn't go in this demo but that shouldn't spoil your enjoyment of this demo. Parallax Before the demo runs you can have the choice of whether you would like your ship with the speed power up already installed as well as which of the three types of multiples you can have - I suggest just trying them all!!! Parallax (previously named Purge) is now available from FRED for just £11.99 As promised from FRED24A, here's another great demo from Entropy. This time it's a FRED Birthday demo - but it's still full of Entropy plugs!! Enjoy the music - it was done using E-Tracker. (so was the music on their last demo). The OMCC (One Man Coding Crew) has done a multi-part demo which you which like. It features a Ned screen and an animated man running and jumping along a landscape - load it and see! 24B A new contributor who likes to be called Doogle has supplied two programs for this issue. Unfortunately, they only run in 256K mode so you'll need to reset and load up again. They are : MOONLIGHT : A scrolling demo using the HARLEQUIN landscape. ESCAPE : A scroller with a picture in the background and line interrupts on the screen. Wiz-man Steve Taylor is back to assist you with the last few levels from the original Triltex. Look out for the solutions to the Later Levels and a level editor soon!!!! And now, a YS covertape demo! It was originally coded by Mikropol but has been transferred to SAM by Stephen Drissen. It seems you have to choose between the music and scrolly because he can't get them both running at once - I recommend the music! 24B A new contributor, presents the Hints and Cheats section. So far, he's compiled a list of all the cheats etc that he knows. He's already written a mouse compatible one but is waiting for more cheats etc. There is a cheat mode on Manic Miner but I've forgotten it!!! Luckily, Stefan Drissen has come to the rescue, simply enter the following POKE before the CALL in the main loader then whilst in game, pressing F7 gives you invincibility, F8 up 5 levels and F9 up 1 level. POKE &1967 + 11 * 16384 , 0 Tim Pavely, has two programs on this disc (as well as doing the bobs program on 24A). The first is a game he created using GamesMaster. You don't need GamesMaster to run it, and if you've got a mouse then you can use that! He's also done a series of helpful PROCedures in the BITS menu. Mr Drissen appears again with his DISCiple utility. I can't promise that it works - but it looks useful!!! .