David Gommeren
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Monday, May 14, 2018 - 21:03.
Lord Insanity
Lord Insanity of The Lords originally a Spectrum-based coding group from the Netherlands.
David was responsible for the famous Tetris clone known to many as the game that launched Fred’s meteoric rise from a small fanzine to the powerhouse it became.
Most of Davids demos feature converted tunes by C64/SID master Rob Hubbard by Rob Mies.
- Tetris - Possibly the finest piece of PD for the Coupé, in the scroller David alluded to wanting to do a clone of Arkanoid which he eventually produced as…
- Batz 'n Balls- Superior Arkanoid clone with optional mouse control.
- Silly Demo I - A MODE1 conversion of a Spectrum demo.
- Sabrina Demo - A converted Spectrum sample demo with “raster interrupt desampler” in a time when most sample demos had to turn the screen off to get around the memory contention issues.
- Little Joke - A converted Spectrum Sample demo with some of the worst jokes in history.
- Tweety Demo - This baffled the public as it looked like a basic M/C demo with a scroller and music but was actually a game of clay pidgeon/skeet shooting when pressing ‘0’/Fire on the joystick, not that it gave any clue in the demo.
- Batz 'n Balls Demo - A PD demo of Batz 'n Balls.
- Screen Cruncher - Screen compression utility, heavily used but contains an infamous bug that alledgedly thwarted Simon Cooke’s Zub project.