Fred 51
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Stefan Drissen on Monday, May 14, 2018 - 22:34.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 51
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Brian McConnell | |
Magazine | Colin Anderton | Introducing The New Editor... |
Letters | Congratulations, Why Called Fred? | |
Spectiles | Dan Dooré | A Match-The-Tiles Game |
Attack Raiders | James R Curry | Rebelstar Clone |
Interlaced | David Simmonds | See Captain Kirk With Green Hair! |
Eddac | Stefan Drissen | How To Build The Eddac Sound device |
The Net | Graham Goring | More Wierd Net Offerings |
E-Tunes | Lee Willis Peter Moore | A Stunning 50 Part Demo (Joke) |
Modules | Converted Amiga Mods | |
Inter-Race | Graham Goring | Brilliantly Animated Betting Game |
Cd | Martijn Groen | Converted Spectrum 128k Music Demo |
The Ant | Matt Round | Mathematical Cleverness |
Slob-O-Meter | Colin Anderton | How Big A Slob Are You? |
Not Again! | Michael Capstick | A Lightycycles Game (1 Player Option) |
CA MY FIRST EVER PAGE! Welcome to my first ever editorial. And a delight it is too, if I do say so myself. Right, sit back, put you feet up and prepare yourselves for about two hours of reading.... Right, first things first. A horrendously large thankyou to all those of you who voted for me. A big slap round the face for those who were going to vote for me but forgot. A bigger slap for those who wouldn't have voted anyway. Oh, and commiserations to David and Stewart. I was quite impressed with the letter you sent in Stewart, and I'll look forward to any contributions (or hate mail!) from you in the future. Sorry to anyone who wanted to meet me at the show. I hope everyone had a good time. It's actually before the show at the moment, but I'm pretty sure I'll get one or two show reports which may get into this issue. If not, the next one. "Why weren't you there?", I hear you cry. Well, Colin Macd rang me CA SECOND PAGE OF MAGNIFICENCE up and said, "Colin, I've bought you and Pete two tickets for a week in Greece seeing as I'm so incredibly rich." Only joking. Yes, I was in Greece, but Colin Macd didn't pay. No, we booked the holiday about 6 months ago. I think this is a good time to point out the sort of luck I have at times. You see, all year, I've done nothing but sit at home, bored. I book 1 week, JUST 1 WEEK IN THE WHOLE YEAR to go on holiday, and they plonk the SAM and Speccy show in the middle of it. What are the odds of that, eh? Tish. Never mind. I'm sure that those of you who wanted to meet me would have been more upset if I had turned up. No, actually, that's a lie. I'm wonderful. Anyway, it goes without saying that I am never going on holiday again (well, not until next year) and even if I win a cruise around the world, I will turn it down just to make sure I'm at the next SAM gathering. You know, I never realised what a liar I was until now... CA NEWS A Direct quote from FORMAT October 1994 Editorial : "Some of you may already know that there have been a few problems at Blue Alpha this year. First there was the move and then without much warning, Adrian Parker left the company in April. Mark Hall then had a major car accident early May that caused a major hassle. But then, just as things were getting back to normal, the worst news came. Mark was diagnosed with a tumour near his brain. Although at the moment Mark is fairly fit and well, he is now undergoing chemotherapy which is keeping him out of the office most Mondays and Fridays. However, he is doing his best to keep things running and alternative arrangements are being made for repairs during the period he will almost certainly have to spend in hospital (possibly early next year). Both ourselves (FORMAT) and West Coast will be doing everything we can to ensure service is maintained for SAM owners. CA NEWS I'm sure all of you will join me in wishing Mark a speedy recovery and I hope everyone will continue to support him and Blue Alpha during this difficult period." Best Wishes go to Mark from myself and all the FRED readers. Any messages/cards sent to FRED will be passed onto Mark. Obviously, this is a difficult period for everyone and both Colin and I will try to keep you all informed about the situation. If you have any enquiries about buying or repairing hardware or questions about Mark, can you contact FORMAT. Their phone number is [redacted] CA MY FIRST IMPORTANT SECTION Revelation have now (or will have in a few days) released two new titles. The first of these is called TnT and looks extremely enjoyable. I've got a demo of it down here and I spent about an hour playing the three levels over and over again. It is written on Gamesmaster, but I didn't notice. The game in itself is a little like the old Spectrum game 'Bombjack', but much more humorous, a lot more fun to play and loads of levels. For those of you who have not played Bombjack, here is a brief guide. You are a small character who has an incredibly high jump. It's based in one screen, and you have to collect the faces (which are constantly changing expression), avoid the baddies and score as many points as possible. Collecting all the faces means you progress one level. The game, you'll be pleased to hear, is for 1 or 2 players. Hurrah! Such fun with 2 players. There is key collision with some keys, but you'll be pleased to know, we found two combinations which avoided this problem. CA NEWS Each level contains its own humour. The first level on my demo has the Mona Lisa as the backdrop, and as platforms, she has been given a pair of glasses, a moustache and a cigarette! The price is £9.99, but you lucky FRED subbers get it for £9. Do not order this through FRED yet. It is only currently available through Revelation. Their address follows. The other release is Sophistry. This is Revelation's latest licence. A conversion of the old Spectrum game, Sophistry uses the SAM's capabilities to the whole through beefed up music (by Craig Turberfield) and graphics (by Robert Van Der Veeke). I haven't had a chance to play the game properly, but have had a look at it, and believe me it looks magnificent. Yes, it is a puzzle game, but one carefully chosen by Revelation as their next big license. Included on the disc with this game is the speccy version, so you can see the difference yourself. The game is priced at £9.99, and, in true Revelation fashion, it's only £9 to FRED subbers or INDUG members. Again, this title is not yet available through FRED, so don't even try ordering a CA NEWS copy from us. If you are keen on buying either of these two great looking games from Revelation, you can get in touch with them through this address. Revelation Software, [redacted] With Christmas looming over the horizon, no doubt you all want Santa to drop a few SAM titles in your stockings. So, let me remind you of some of the latest wonders he can pick up from FRED. Oh no! More Lemmings - If you haven't got the original yet, WHY NOT? It's only the best game to come out on the SAM yet. And if you do own it, 'Oh no! More Lemmings' is an absolute must. For those of you who are holding back because they can't CA THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH TO CHOOSE FROM... complete Lemmings, don't! 'ON!ML' contains another great range of levels, all with new obstacles and different graphics. The puzzles have improved and the fun has increased. With more traps, graphics and effects, this set of levels is not only an add-on, it's a whole new challenge. At only £13 for subbers, it'll keep you busy from Christmas until Summer. And probably further, if you're as bad at games as I am... Football League Manager - What can I say? If you read the review of it by - darn, I've lost his name, hang on; ah! Dean Nicholas in the letters section, no doubt you'll all be drooling the night before it arrives on your doorstep. Stephen Pick has made sure it looks good, and FRED have made sure it has the addictive quality of Mars Bars (well, I LOVE them). It's just £12 to you lucky subbers and is something you're parents, erm, Santa can easily afford. Not like those rip-off console games (spit). Waterworks 2 - Wow! What a beaut (As my mate Carl would say). CA GET YOUR CHEQUE BOOK OUT DAD! If you've played Waterworks, this will be the perfect game for you. The levels provide that little bit more challenge, just to keep the hardened games players on their toes. The options are wider, the puzzles more complex and the gameplay more exciting. Plus, the best thing about this game is that you can turn into a JEEP! Wow. So, if your life lacks that bit of challenge, get your order in for Waterworks 2. (You don't need Waterworks 1). Oh, and if you haven't got Waterworks (and I'm probably only speaking to a few people), what on earth are you playing at? Get saving now. Just think, all those sickly sweets which you digested for a matter of seconds before they have gone could have been a SAM game, which you'd still be playing today. Remember, it's only £15 for both. AND THERE'S MORE - If you're not content with these three incredible releases, then don't forget, we still have all the old FRED software waiting to find a nice warm cupboard. Or if you fancy some creative work to do, buy Gamesmaster or SAMPaint. CA NEWS A reminder now. Still available to those long-time dedicated SAM owners are a few original gold SAM ASIC's. When Bruce Gordon was designing the SAM and it's ASIC, MGT had to have some prototype ASIC's made for testing, developing and the like. At a cost of £50,000, there were 40 gold ASIC's hand produced by VLSI. Until now, very few people have ever seen a god ASIC - only a dozen or so actually own one. In conjunction with Bruce Gordon, the remaining ASIC's have been framed with a plaque individually signed by Bruce himself. At a cost of £80 each, they represent a valuable SAM's collector's item. Remember, they ARE limited. No more will ever be produced. They are also only being sold to the long-time and dedicated SAM users. If you are interested in acquiring one of the last few, please phone for acceptance and confirmation that they are still available. Appearance: Gold ASIC on dark green backing with gold frame. Marbled effect plaque with gold writing explaining use of ASIC, each individually signed by Bruce Gordon. The size is approximately 9 inches square. CA IT'S ANOTHER TRUE STORY OK. That was the news. Now, probably most of you are thinking, "Who on earth is this strange lad who keeps wittering away. You'd think he'd introduce himself. Hmm, that reminds me. Those walls could do with a dash of paint." Fair enough. Here is a little more in depth guide about me. It was a sunny day in June 1977. On the 30th, I was to be born. I was born round about the age of 0. I'd be more accurate, but I don't remember too much about it. Needless to say, my first main memory was when my life began for real, back in 1985. Yes, my first proper memory was my Dad bringing home a brand new 48K+. The fond memories we have of not realising for about 2 months that you could leave the first room in 'Booty', the joy we shared from that really annoying screeching sound that 'Chequered Flag' made when you went round a corner too quick, and of course the hilarity when 'Scrabble' (Still my brothers favourite game!) accepted a rude word. CA SKIP THESE PAGES IF YOU'RE BORED STUPID I went happily through school (mostly) and finally at the age of 12, I completed a game! Using a cheat. A year later, I got a 128K. I learned to write small BASIC programs which did absolutely nothing. Little did I know what fate had in store for me. Anyway, I went through school like a sad young child and became sadder in the first year of High School when I ended up in the same class as Peter Moore. This was probably where my life went downhill. I stopped being a big swot. I then stopped being a little swot. I became known as a bit of a fool. ALL PETER'S FAULT. Just as I began to regain control of my senses, Peter introduced me to someone in the year above. Someone he felt sorry for because he had no friends. Someone called Graham Goring. My life continued downhill. CA WHAT A LIFE The few 'normal' friends I had were scared away by Graham or killed by Peter's bad breath. Despite this, I survived. I was 14 when Graham announced he was getting a SAM Coupe. Oh, how I laughed. I laughed even more when Peter decided he was going to get one too. Oh, how they laughed when Graham talked me into buying one (I still don't know how he did it). And so, at a Birmingham 'All Formats' show, I was handed a SAM by good old Alan Miles. I gave Colin Jordan (remember him?) my money and spent hours carrying a massive white box around with me. I got home and (and here comes my luck again), it was in black and white. The picture that is, not the SAM. Much to my relief, so was Peter's. Ha ha. We both sent them back to be fixed and after a few weeks they were returned. How I marvelled at the wonderful graphics of 'SAM Strikes Out!'. How I ooh-ed and aah-ed at the demo by Masters of Magic. How I laughed when Peter told me his SAM still didn't work! CA THE LAST PAGE OF MY LIFE STORY Last year, I decided that I wanted to do something more, something better, something to make myself known. I decided to write a 6th form newspaper. Oops. A letter from Peter that I included in the problem page didn't go down too well with the teachers and resulted in us both getting into some serious strife indeed. To make up for this, we offered to do coffee at Parents' Evening and made a complete mess of the kitchen and ended up nearly getting suspended. (I'm such a good lad normally) Just as my life was hitting rock bottom, Colin Macdonald rang me up and said that I was being considered for the job of FREDitor after I had applied. Incidently, I only bothered applying for the job because I was ordering some games at the time. Lucky, huh? Anyway, the Angels came down, lights shone from above and my little section appeared in FRED and a few wierdos voted for me. So, here I am, ready to fill your issues of FRED with delightful nonsense. CA OLD MACDONALD HAS A SAM (HO HO HO HO HO) I must apologise if this issue is late, but please, hear me out. I'm not just trying to follow in the footsteps of Brian, but it is the 4th of November, the issue takes about a week to copy and process, and I still haven't got the discs of programs... Oh, well. You may well have noticed something different about this little text reader. It's only a small difference, but I thought I'd use it just to make out that I'm doing something. Yes, this is a slightly updated version of the old document reader, courtesy of Simon Cooke. There is a nifty change page effect and you can go back to the help page. Ooooh. AND the credits are different. True, it's not a major step forward, but it's a start. What I would like to see, as I know many of you do, is a new, super-deluxe text reader with different fonts and maybe graphics (disc space allowing) and all sorts of funky things. I've got a feeling that a few people have got a new version in the pipeline. If you would like to see another, drop Colin MacD a line and tell him want you would like to see in it. CA ISN'T THIS LAD EVER GOING TO SHUT UP? Excuse me for going on, but the editorial was pretty short before I put all the news in. Never mind, it'll give you something to do when you get bored. Remember folks that next issue is the Christmas issue. Yes, that got you didn't it? With all the excitement of FRED 49 - Brian's last issue, FRED 50 - big birthday issue, FRED 51 - my first issue, we have another biggie! Four special FREDs eh? No, make that 5. Issue 53 will be the new year issue. Blimey. Nearly half a year of constant, pure excitement. How on earth do you cope? Anyway, I'm getting a little sidetracked here. Why not help FRED celebrate the best Christmas yet? Let's have some new, wonderful, Christmassy items for FRED 52. I'm sure most of you could knock up a Gamesmaster game, or a m/c demo. If you can't,you could at least send me a joyful Christmas letter which I can spend pages replying to (The letters section has to be my favourite for editing). So, as soon as you've finished with this FRED, go and do something for Christmas. Oh, and any presents you want to send me, send via Colin. CA NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG... Brilliant! My first real moan at everyone. I've been waiting for this for ages. Seriously, I've been sifting through the few discs that I was sent from Colin. True, the people that sent us software are glorious people and they have no doubt booked their place in Heaven, but we really really NEED some more stuff. I know you can do something. Even if it's only an article. Why not write something and send it in? Look, I don't usually do this, but, for this special occasion, I will. Here goes... (deep breath) PLEASE There, I said it. Now, it's your turn to make an effort. Why not buy Gamesmaster! You've seen the wonderous efforts done on that. Or SAM Adventure System? Or you could try your hand at BASIC (It's free, after all). Or why not a letter? I'll even reply to serious ones. Or a TUNE! Or an article. The list goes on. See you next issue (WITHOUT FAIL!). Thankyou. CA PUZZLE CORNER Being pretty useless at logical puzzles, I thought it would be nice to dump this on you. Read it and cry!!! Erm, I solved it immediately. Yep, saw through it straight away. Honest. Three young lads from Kent want a bike. They each have £10. They go to a bike store and see a beautiful green and purple bike for £30. So, they pay £10 each and leave with their bike. The manager then realises that there was a discount on the bike of £5 and orders his nasty, low-life assistant to give them their fiver back. The assistant thinks, "Hmm, there are only three of them and £5 doesn't split three ways very well. I know, I'll give them a quid each and pocket the rest." Now, with a pound back, the lads have paid £9 each for the bike instead of £10. BUT(!), 3 times £9 is £27, plus the £2 the assistant kept is only £29. What happened to the other pound? I hope that has you thinking. I may give you the answer next month. CA SHOW REPORTS Right, I'm going to stay up all night for you just to get these show reports in FRED 51. See what happens when you make FRED the most up to date disc magazine? On the next page will be a show report by either Graham Goring or Colin Macdonald. There may even be one from both. Wouldn't that be boring - I mean, nice? Erm, I've got quite a bit of space to fill up now. HOW AM I GOING TO DO IT???????????????????????????????????? Oh dear, Colin's going to blow a fuse when he sees that... CM Show Report I've been "ordered" to do a report of the recent Gloucester Show by Colin, so to show my enthusiasm for writing I thought I'd humour him - just this once, mind. I must be about the worst person you could ask "how did the Show go", because although I know that FRED did quite well - I just about broke even - after I had to pay for a meal for the "FRED helpers". The FRED launches - Football League Manager and Oh No! More Lemmings went down very well, especially having the programmers of both games on hand to give demonstrations and answer queries. Not wanting to sound as though I didn't enjoy the show, but the best part of the weekend was just before we left Dundee..... About an hour before leaving, we were having "just the one pint" to steady our nerves before driving down (except for Gavin - the driver), when one of Dundee's most hated nightspots went up in flames across the road - this is the place which was continually CM Show Report being closed down for violence in and out of the club, and recently lost it's licence because of this. Shock horror, when the place is closed, a viscious fire starts up, lasts for hours - igniting gas mains and damaging nearby buildings - and it's completely destroyed. Burnt to the ground. I'd be lying if I said it was sorely missed - something made fairly clear by the hundreds of people who gathered to watch the fire - and spent the best part of two hours CHEERING as different parts of the structure collapsed! Not being that sort of people, we didn't join in.... Anyway, back to the story. Although he promised to attend, Brian McConnell had to back out at the last minute. This meant that the empty space in the car had to filled by another "non-SAM" person - Ross. You may remember last time, two 'young' gents helping last time (Gavin and Allan). Sadly, I haven't been able to lose them yet, so they came down to the Show as well. It's just a shame none of them have a SAM! CM Show Report The show's attendance was down slightly on the last two but people certainly seemed happier with the day. Instead of everyone coming at lunchtime, which happened both times previously, the attendance was spread out pretty much over the whole day. Being "a one man band" as FRED, I'm really the only person that can answer FRED questions so I'm usually kept really busy throughout the whole show - and this time was no exception. I've yet to have breakfast or lunch during one of these shows! It was nice to see a lot of the FRED subscribers turn up and say hello, although it's difficult remembering everyone's name and face - so I apologise to those who I un-subtly asked "who are you again?". I was thinking about persuading FORMAT to get everyone to put on name-badges as they cam into the Show.... anyone else think it's a good idea? CM Show Report I can't really comment on the other stands at the Show because I never got a proper chance to walk round. I know that Steve's Software was there with his new SC_Word, Jupiter Software have just launched a new budget label "Zedd-Soft", Woodpecker discs seemed to do very well with their range of peripherals, and erm, discs! Nev from SD Software was showing off a new MIDI package for the Spectrum. Also in attendance were West Coast Computers, Revelation Software, FORMAT (of course!), Phoenix Software and many others that I've forgotten - I apologise! A lot of the FRED regular contributors turned up : Chris White, David Handley, Craig Turberfield, Stefan Drissen, Robert Van Der Veeke, Andrew Collier, Matt Round, Steve Taylor and again, many more who I've forgotten! David Zambonini (he of the Chaos demos), turned up to donate a quantity of some stuff ("All-Ko-Hall" or something) to the ex-editors fund. I believe it was well enjoyed. CM Show Report I should also thank Mr H.Gay for turning up at the FRED stand, handing over a 4-pack of beer on the pretense of it being too heavy to carry around the Show! Once again, I would like to thank you for that - it certainly made relaxing at the end of the day easier! I don't know (!!) where everyone is getting these dreadful impressions of the FRED staff. But if it makes people happier to ditch their full bottles onto us, we'll survive somehow.....! The bulk of the Show was a blur to me - I spent most of the day chatting to people and answering questions, but that's about the one thing I am good at so I enjoyed myself! I'd like to thank everyone for coming to the Show and saying Hi, I hope I'll see everyone again soon. On the "after-show-report" scene, I will just give you a quick rendition of how I was very nearly brutally murdered the morning CM Show Report after the show... After a celebratery night on the town in Gloucester, and getting back to our B&B at some ridiculous hour I would have thought I'd have had a good night's sleep - considering I'd had no sleep the night before in the car down, and that I was exhausted after being on my feet all day. But no, to break with tradition, my internal alarm clock decides it wants to wake me up at 9.15 AM - on a SUNDAY! But hey, I'm not one to waste a morning so I tell the others to be ready to leave after I come back from a walk around the scenic parts of central Gloucester. Upon arriving back at the B&B just before 11 AM, I'm politely reminded that I forgot to turn back my clock and what was I doing waking everyone up at 8.30 on a Sunday morning! It's just as well I can run pretty fast! GG (Graham Goring) SHOW REPORT 2 Well! What a show! Quite simply one of the most luvverly days out of my life! But, if you missed it then here are the edited highlights... (not including DAVID JONES's appearance!) Well, we where late for the show, about an hour late in fact, mainly due to freak events of nature (namely Will and Andrew) who forgot minor little details. Such as jobs and cars and such trivial little things. Bad start, and it worse before it got better. Y'see, when we arrived it was raining, and we had to run from the car park to the village hall in the torrential rain (okay then, light shower). But when we got in it was fabulous, lot's of erm, "famous" people were there including Ian Collier, Steffan Drissen, Simon Cooke, Colin Piggot (I think...), Wayne Coles, Ian Slavin (correct me if I'm wrong), Steve Taylor (pretty darn certain) and all the publishing big-wigs flaunting there latest products. I myself got asked to maybe write a book, by the organiser Bob Brenchley, though I'm not allowed to disclose the subject matter at this time (pornography laws and all that, tsk!). Well, you ask, what would you personally say was the highlight GG SHOW REPORT 2 of the show? Well, apart from the all-star FRED product line-up (suck-up), there was a new and improved sound-chip thingy that played the MODS at damn near CD quality sound (maybe I exagerrate). It was also quite funny watching all the coders running around trying to commandeer SAM's so that they could show off their latest demo, of to copy some discs for someone. On sale was quite a bit of everything, Derek Morgan was there selling lots of PD disks at the bargain price of £1.50 each, and there was a big selection of them, stupidly I chose one of the worst though... FRED was there in force, occupying it's normal stand by the door, ready to wrench the money from the sweaty palms of the show-goers, in exchange for all manners of exotique delights, such as SAMpaint at the bargain knock-down price of £20, Oh No, More Lemmings, a Lemmings expansion kit at the measly and insubstantial price of £13 (or less, I'm, er, not sure) Waterworks 1 and 2 for just £15 the pair (I myself was tempted by this and it's all I can do to tear myself away from them to write this article, they're damn good!), and many others... GG SHOW REPORT 2 Phoenix Software Systems where releasing a pack of goodies. Among these were Syncytium, Booty (a SCADs speccy conversion) and Marbles Deluxe. Jupiter turned up, opposite PSS, with their decidedly SCADs orientated stall, no less than six games from them... Of course FORMAT, th organisers, had a massive stall, so long that it crossed the international date line, causing you to age and regress by one day, simply by browsing. Of course, they had aple supply of snap-up-ables on sale. As well as that there were quite a few stalls selling Speccy games (and commodore and amstrad ones too, odd...) and one stall that sold incredibly cheap disks, we're talking 20p for a 720K disk, or 30p for a 1440K disk. Very cheap, perhaps there was a reason. Though I think I can rule out them being international disk smugglers... All in all, the show was damn fine from beginning to end, but it wasn't quite as busy as the April 30th one though. Ah well, roll on next year, next show... CA AAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!! NO!!! My first ever issue of FRED, and I've botched up big time. Oh, how I'd love to swear. It's only a good job I have control over myself. I'd already written the disc contents. What happened is that I make two copies of the uncompressed editorial - FRED51 and EDITORIAL. I load each one in turn, swapping round so as to have an up-to-date backup. BUT, I LOADED THE WRONG ONE AND SAVED IT OVER THE LATEST VERSION, MEANING I'VE LOST ABOUT 2 HOURS WORK. I really don't feel like doing those darn disc contents again. I apologise to anyone if I'm not too complimentary about their item, but I was the first time, so sorry. It's very good really. GOD, I'M A FOOL CA DISC CONTENTS - TAKE 2 The screen$ this month were sent in by Scott Inwood. You'll also notice a couple of screens which you have seen before. These have been accidently put on, and it's not just some cheap stunt to promote the best game ever (and the extra levels for it). Honest. Spectiles is done by Banzai - Dan Doore. You may notice a few subtle mentions about issue 50. Sorry it wasn't in issue 50, but 51 isn't far off. It's one of those turn-over-the-matching- tiles games, but this one will warm the hearts of every player. Yes folks, it stars some of the classic Spectrum heroes, such as Willy (from Jet Set), that woman who tells him to shoo, and all manner of spooky people who I can't remember their names. Play it and say, 'Wow, it's Ujimyflip'. Next is a Rebelstar type game by James 'F.L.A' Curry. I'm afraid the computer is as thick as 2 short planks and can't play this, so you need a friend; or a teddy bear. That's what I use. One player controls the attackers, one player the defenders. It CA DISC CONTENTS has got instructions, but here's a brief rundown of the rules. Annoyingly, the keys are QZOP(Up, Down, Left and Right) and S is fire (God knows why). D opens or closes a door, F ends the turn and I displays info about what it is on. Use S to select your man, the QZOP combination to move him, S to fire and F to finish the go. Player 1 controls green (!) humans, attack droids and robot things. As is usual with these games, he has two missions, either destroy the enemy's defences or units. Player 2 has to destroy player 1's units. Simple, huh? It takes a while to set up, but bear with it, it is a good game when you get into it. And may the best teddy bear win. Interlaced was sent in by David Simmonds. I used this because I was running out of disc space and because Kirk has a rather funky hairdo. I'm thinking of doing my hair like that... CA DISC CONTENTS EDDAC is by Stefan Drissen and is really only for those who are solder boffins or madmen. Basically, it is a set of detailed instructions for building a pretty powerful sound interface allowing near-CD quality music to be played by your SAM. And the cost - about £10. The original was going to be built and marketing by Edwin Blink and Stefan himself, but Edwin having to move abroad means that Stefan was unable to do it by himself and instead gave the blue-prints to us. I hope you don't mind me changing the main program Stefan, but I had to in order to be able to use compressed screens. Neither FRED nor Stefan accept any responsibility for damaged SAMs when trying to put this together. If anyone builds it, Stefan has written a MOD player for it. Send a disc and SAE to Colin Macdonald for it. Next we have a set of articles by Graham Goring. I haven't got any NET down here, and I came across these articles by Graham. In true Graham fashion, they do go slightly over the top. I hope everyone can take them in the light they are intended and enjoy them. If anyone thinks they can write any humorous CA DISC CONTENTS (Still) articles like these, send them in. E-Tunes this month are by Lee Willis and Peter Moore. I'm saving the Christmassy one for FRED 52, Lee. Think you can rustle some more annoying Christmas tunes for FRED 52? Don't Christmas tunes really get on your nerves? Mine too, but I can't help but love them. MODs will get decided on at the last minute. I'll thank you next month if I use your MOD. Inter-Race is a beautiful looking gambling program by none other than Graham Goring. Yes, a few of the names are pushing it, but I'm sure you'll agree the game is beautifully presented. I'm pleased to say (ARGH) that the keys are QZOP and S. Any more games with those keys, and I'll ban you permanently. CD is a nice little Spectrum demo conversion by Martyn Green. It's just a basic scrolly and music, but there are a few nice CA NEARLY DONE... tunes and the scroller does some strange things. Adverts are the same cobblers, but I'm planning on having a few new ones to sparkle up next months little section. I bet you can't wait. Who am I kidding? Three Bits n Bobs this month from Matt Round, ME and Michael Capstick. Matt Round has done a program which will bore the, um, feet off you people who say, "Ooh, Maths. I never have liked that. It's just numbers." However, us maths worshippers will find this most interesting indeed. It's a mathematical model of the progression of this ant, and really could be intersting. I sat watching it for hours. Did my eyes in, though. A rather nice chap called Colin Anderton has sent in this next lovely donation. It's a measure of how big a slob you are and is done by you TRUTHFULLY answering questions. I ripped it CA LAST PAGE OF CONTENTS. HURRAH! straight from a newspaper which had got all their arrows the worng. It's useless, I know, but I wallow in the fact that I'm much less of a slob than Pete or Graham (and no doubt Col Macd). Finally, there is a program from Michael Capstick. Yes, it is another of those Light Cycle games, but this one is quite fun in one player mode - something you don't normally get. So play it, and stop moaning. Right, that was nowhere near as long or as friendly as my last set of contents, but I think I did quite well. It's 11:30pm you know and I'm supposed to be going out tommorrow night as well. Oh, how do I cope? Right, I hope you've enjoyed reading my editorial. Get your orders in for Christmas and I'll see you all next month, with a very special utility on the main menu... You can either wait until next month to find out or read the letters section. CA THANKS VERY MUCH Editor: COLIN "I'm a work-a-holic" ANDERTON Thanks to : Dan Doore James 'F.L.A' Curry Stefan Drissen Martyn Green Dean Nicholas Matt Round FRED PUBLISHING, Michael Capstick Graham Goring 40 Roundyhill, Peter Moore Lee Willis Monifieth, Andrew Collier Scott Inwood DUNDEE. Simon Cooke David Simmonds DD5 4RZ Lewis Farmer Martin Fitzpatrick Robert Van Der Veeke (01382) 535963 Colin Macthingy Everyone else DON'T FORGET THE GREAT SOFTWARE FROM FRED YOU COULD HAVE FOR *** CHRISTMAS *** Nothing follows, but next month, I promise CA I HOPE NO WOMEN READ THIS Here's a couple of jokes that are guaranteed to offend. That's why I didn't advertise them. I personally think they are offensive and should not be passed on by anyone. Q) What do you do if the dishwasher breaks down? A) Slap her! Q) Why do Welsh policemen hang around in threes? A) One to do the reading, one to do the writing, and one to look after the two intellects! Well, that's all for now. Any other jokes I know are too obscene for most of you, so I'll leave them. Goodbye until next month (If I still have a job) COLIN ANDERTON
Letters & Reviews
Letter from Dean Nicholas Dear Colin, Just thought I'd drop you a line about FRED 50, I think that this was definitely the best FRED yet!I especially enjoyed DWC, which is probably the best demo FRED have ever featured!Also, DERF was really great, those jokes about SCUM! were brilliant.Matt Round, you are surely FREDs greatest contributors ever! Congratulations to you, Colin Anderton, for making it as the new FREDitor.I hope that you will take Brians place well, however I have one request;could you please try and continue the music section, I could even do some more music reviews myself! Hopefully, you will decide to continue it. Finally, I have a suggestion.Howsabout you start featuring news from other companies in the SAM world, such as Phoenix Software Systems, Zedd-Soft, SAM PD and others.I mean, at the second SAM show in April the absolutely amazing MiDGET was released and in Letter From Dean Nicholas the time since then you haven't even mentioned it at all!So come on, give us FRED readers more news! One last point, could you please consider producing a 'Best Of Machine Code' disk featuring all of Stevie T's M/C courses up until the latest Issue.I ask this, because I am trying to learn M/C, and have not got the first 13 parts of it, it is a bit of waste buying a whole mag just for one program! Oh well, I may as well end this now.In case you didn't read the disk label, there is another file on this disk called "Review"- It is a review of one of FRED's latest games, Football League Manager (released at the 3rd Gloucester show- alongside the brilliant Oh No- More Lemmings) I hope you will include this on the disk. Keep up the exellent work, Dean Nicholas CA Reply to Dean Nicholas Wow! My first ever letter to reply to. Cheers Dean. Thanks for the confidence booster. It's very late at night and it's just what I needed. You know, editing a disc magazine doesn't help your black coffee addiction. I'd drink something a little stronger, but my replies may get a bit, er, strange. Music - ouch. You hit a sore point there, Dean. Much as I have loved Brian's music section and would read it all taking little notice, I'm not what you would call THE most up to date person when it comes to music. However, I will try and get Brian to keep it up. I'm sure he'd love to. Meanwhile, if anyone else wants to contribute to the music section (or write their own completely different section for that matter), get it done and whip it in the post. I'll stick anything in from George Formby to Pantera. (Except Take T**t. Bleargh!) Glad you liked issue 50. DERF (FRED backwards to those who are a little slow) was indeed a rather great game. I can only get CA Reply to Dean Nicholas to issue 43, but then again, I'm not a computer game addict like Colin Macdonald. The only problem with issue 50 is that everyone put lots of effort into that and I'm left a little short for this issue. Regarding news about other disc mags and their products, we will of course keep you in touch with all definite releases from all software companies when they come. However, regarding MiDGET, I do have details on it, but things are changing all the time. It has certainly not been released yet, and it is likely to be a long time before we do see it. It's better for everyone if we wait for definite news, n'est-ce pas? The "Best of M/C" idea sounds good. I'll have a word with the boss, and if it doesn't require me doing too much work, it may well go ahead. Your review is later on. Many thanks. Letter from Graham Goring Dear Colin (Anderton), Why am I writing you a letter? You only live five minutes away from my house. Yours sincerely, Graham Norris Goring Reply to Graham Boring Dear Graham, Why? Because it fills my heart with joy just to see your typed letters every month. Besides, I'm at least ten minutes away. Colin. Letter From Lewis Farmer Dear Colin, First, I would like to say how completely gobsmacked I was at the Gloucester Show, when you came up with my address off the top of your head in response to 'Lew Farmer'! If you remember, I asked you why the 'FRED' in Fred Publishing and you said it was too long a story for you to go into it there and then. So here I am asking you to tell us all the story in reply to this letter. I'm sure there's plenty of other readers who would also be interested. As you can see, I have written this letter using the Notepad processor from issue 36. I wanted to increase the time for the system variable REPDEL, so I added to the basic program - 35 Poke &5c09,100 Letter From Lewis Farmer No joy! Still a very short delay on key repeat, and print peek &5c09 returns '5'. Is there somewhere else in the program I can put this command to make it effective? Lewis Farmer [I'll let Colin MacD reply to this. Not that I had a choice. CA] CM Reply to Lewis Farmer Hah! Thought you'd be impressed! From sending out hundreds of issues of FREDs for the last four and a half years, I do get to know a lot of the addresses of subscribers off by heart, so I like to show off my amazing memory skills at these shows! Perhaps I should run some sort of "challenge Colin" event at the next show? CM Reply to Lewis Farmer Sorry, at the Show I thought you meant the story behind FRED - why I started and how things progressed in the early days and all that. This is a story I will write some day, and with any luck I might even find someone remotely interested in reading it! When I first got my SAM, in May 1990, there was no software available, so I started messing about with simple programs and writing reviews of Spectrum games. This all sort of came together into the first issue of a magazine. Now, not being the most imaginative person in the world I was stuck for a name. Partly because I thought it complimented the name of the computer, and partly because it was such a common name that it was kind of different, I called it FRED. Although I did try to work out what it could stand for, most attempts were pretty poor - "Funny & Readable Excitement on Disc" , "&!#$$#@ Ridiculously Expensive Disc" - perhaps not, although I was giving away FRED free at that point. Just as well too - have you SEEN issue one!? Letter From Stefan Drissen Hi there Colin & Colin, How are you all doing up there in sunny Scotland? FRED 50 was rather great. I loved DERF, it should have contained a warning though: "Students who still need to study should not load this game thinking they will be able to study after playing just one game." My highscore is an average circulation of 814 with unfortunately a loss of some 1400 pounds (talk about a wicked tax inspector). I like the Sci-Fi stuff, it is a lot better than the net rubbish. Choas 2 was very impressive too. Anyway, why am I writing? Definitely not for the fun of it (or am I), at the Gloucester show Craig Turberfield asked me if I could go along and write an E-Tune decompiler so that he could see how Andy Monk does his very cool sounds. There had also been several requests earlier by various people for a decompiler, so who am I not to listen to public opinion? Letter From Stefan Drissen So I threw a few bits and pieces into Comet and voila, out popped the D-Compiler. *dream mode off* After a whole load of hassles the program finally did what it was supposed to do properly. And there I was thinking I could get if finished in an hour or two. Now for my list of goodies for the forthcoming main menu items, in the following order: Waterworks 2, Oh no more lemmings, FLM. I doubt that the EDDAC info and this will cover all those products though so I'd better get coding. Any ideas for SMALL projects would be welcome, since I will now be concentrating on developing the MOD code. Cheerio, Stefan Drissen CA Reply to Stefan Drissen Hello Stefan. Many thanks for the E-tune decompiler. Almost certainly, millions of SAM owners all around the world will be drooling over the news of this. I am. For those of you who are dying to get their mits on it, IT WILL BE ON FRED 52. I've already finished FRED 51, so you'll have to wait for this very special Christmas treat. Well, Mr Anonymity Smith, you heard the man. I've found out who he is and been in touch with him and we are going to get another dose of his sci-fi next month. This month, I'm afraid you'll have to put up with Graham Goring's rather strange section. I bet you're all desperate to know who Mr Anon Smith really is... Yes, indeed Stefan, we do want lots more stuff from you. I'm sure that you don't just do it for the software though. Ahem. I had a small idea. How about a 3d landscape game where I'm the hero and I have to rescue millions of females in distress? Or maybe not. Oh well, thanks for the D-comp and we'll see you soon with even more heart-stopping programs. Letter from Martin Fitzpatrick Dear Fred Top Of The Morning To Ya! T'right? - Sorry about the sad accent....But thats the way it is in North Yorkshire.....According to someone I know, apparently. But he's also the on who thinks that on his days of from school he lives under a truck which has a TV, Microwave, Electric Cooker, and Mega Drive all running off one battery - That (just to top it all) never runs out......Very disturbing! Well now that the intro is finished I suppose I should get on with the letter... Serious bit now.... You may or may not know, I run a software company. I can program pretty well in SCADS basic and I'm not too bad at putting a few sprites together..... Letter From Martin Fitzpatrick But, since I'm all on my own and get a tad lonely (sniffff!) I was wondering if there was anyone out there who would like to join my band of merry(?) men on the lifelong quest for peace, justice, and decent games on the SAM. So how about it then? If your one of the following (or anything else that might be useful - except a cucumber, I dont like them) then give us a bell, or write to me at the address at the end of this letter....So heres the list..... Macine Coder BASIC Programmer SCADS Programmer Games Master Programmer Computer Artist Games Designer Computer Musician Games Tester Letter From Martin Fitzpatrick Well I'm sure you all fall into one of those catagories...Dont You? Send samples of your work please. Address at the end of the letter. Well since I've just been called downstairs for food, I regret I will have to leave you now....With this little bit of useless nonsense.... Breifly, Breifly, Top Of The Breifly, Breifly Pleasant..... Great Huh? My address is..... [redacted] Letter From Martin Fitzpatrick [redacted] Oh and, I want t MCode so is there anyone who knows some good books on it.....Or, which issues of FRED have the MCode tutorial. CA (Rather Short) Reply to Martin Fitzpatrick You'll have to introduce me to this person who lives under a truck. He sounds a good bloke. Say hello to him from me. I Ummed and Ahhd about sticking your little plea in FRED. I decided in the end that I can trust you, so that if you get a team of fine young coders, you'll send all your stuff to FRED. Otherwise, I'll get a touch angry... As I've said, we may compile the m/c articles. Watch this space for details... (I can feel lots of work coming on.) DN Review of Football League Manager from FRED, coded by David Handley.Reviewed by Dean Nicholas. This was one of FREDs two new games software released at the Gloucester show (the other one, of course, being Oh No! More Lemmings) and is the second footie management game to appear on SAM.The other was Football Director II by DH Games, which I never bought because they charged 20 POUNDS for it! (You can get Lemmings for less than that!) The only other football management games I have played are most of the Football Managers on the Speccy, so this was quite a change for me. The first thing you notice upon loading up is the presentation It really is great.From the loading screen, to the bit where you choose what the manager looks like, and the main options screen, the presentation just shines through.Well, what would you expect when you hear that the graphics are done by Steven "Picasso" Pick?All this came as a shock to me, because I am used to the c*#p quality graphics on the Speccy. Now, onto actually looking at the game.There are just so many options, I just can't remember all of them.There are about 100 teams to choose from, and even more players, each with their own personal name, picture,age and other stats.There are two main option screens, from which you can do some of the following things: ADVERTISMENTS/SPONSORS:You choose which adverts to place round the side of your pitch (from ones such as FRED, Revelation, SAM Prime etc.) and also see who wants to sponsor you. BANK:Take out a loan to buy players etc. BUY PLAYER:Pretty obvious, really! LOOK AT TEAM:Here you can rearrange your team. LOOK AT FIXTURES:See who you are playing next. LEAGUE:See who well you are doing. UPGRADE GROUND:You can upgrade your ground to a maximum seating capacity of 40000. TRAIN PLAYERS:Again, obvious. CHANGE TICKET PRICES:If you put them up, less people will come! There are also a few others which I cannot remember. Now, after you have sorted out your team, you can go into the match.The screen is then divided, with the top half showing a picture of the pitch, and the bottom showing the score and 8 boxes.When people score, their pictures are scored in these boxes, along with the time that they scored.When it is kick off,a ball appears on the pitch.This represents roughly where on the pitch the ball is.Holding down the left mouse button (did I mention the game was mouse controlled?) will bring you to a menu, where you can change the style of playing your team does from a list of Long Ball, Passing, Attacking and Defending. Holding down the Right button will allow you to make a substitution. As I mentioned before, the graphics and overall presentation is spot on.The music is a nice piece of footbally-type music created on ETRACKER.Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, was that you can create your teams first and second kit.While it doesn't matter which you use, it is still a nice touch. Right, overall verdict time.As you may have gathered, I really like this game.In fact, I'd probably go as far as to say that it is my favourite game on the SAM (well, either FLM or Lemmings.) GRAPHICS:94% SOUND:70% PLAYABILITY:90% OVERALL:93% Actually, there is one slight problem with FLM.The instructions given are a bit pathetic, they don't tell you what any of the options are, so you have to spend a little time working out what is what.However, this is only one tiny niggle.Everything else is perfect! [Can't argue with that - buy it now! CA]