In the game of "GEMSTONES", you start off with 50 gems, and the idea of the game is to put them all out on the board.
There are 5 different shapes of stones, and 5 colours. There are 2 of each stone, making a total of 50 stones. At the start of the game, 1 of each shape and colour is put on the board for you.
To make a move you, position the cursor on the square that you wish you gem to be placed, and press "FIRE". If it is a legal move, the stone will be placed there. The next stone to play is shown at the top right hand side of the screen, and is updated as gems are placed.
The placing of gems can only be made as follows:- A gem must always be placed next to at least one other. If a gem is placed next to only one other, it must match it in either shape or colour. If a gem is placed next to 2 stones, it must match one of them in shape, and the other in colour.
If a gem is placed next to 3 others, it must match one in shape and the other two in colour, or two in shape and the other one in colour. If a gem is surrounded by four others, it must match 2 of them in shape, and the other 2 in colour.
Scoring:- You get a point for each surrounding gem, when you place a gem. If you place a gem surrounded by 4 others, a bonus is given. If you get all the gems onto the board, a further bonus is given.
If at any time you think that you can't go, then pressing F0 will quit the game.