Day Dream

Release Year
Written using the Sam Adventure System
Designed for new adventurers, the aim is to make your way onto a table-top to get to your Sam computer… the twist being that you are only 4 inches high!
This is but a short instruction file to help you in this adventure game.
It is assumed that you have not really had a chance in playing this kind of game before; ( if you have, then Press a key to return ) to MAIN MENU
The first thing to remember, is that there are always a lot of things to EXAMINE. You cannot hurt the game in anyway, it is very useful to use your imagination and think a lot. Though this game has logical problems to solve, some have cryptic clues, this in itself can be difficult.
If the phone rings, or you have to eat, or maybe a visitor arrives; then don't despair. By inserting a Blank Formatted disc into drive 1 and type SAVE and Return, the game will save for the next time you return and after booting up the main disc later, type LOAD at the start of the new game will take you to where you were at the end of the last session.
The same applies to RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD, this saves to ramdisc and is very useful if you think something ominous is to happen. Remember though, if you switch off the machine at this time all ramdisc is lost.
There are lots of words you can use too, e.g. Get, Take, Drop, Look, Place. These are some verbs. Use nouns too. N for North and SW for South West. The game will also recognise the first 6 letters of any word.
As is mentioned, this is the 1st Adventure written by EUREKA SOFTWARE and we hope you enjoy it. The next game, which is now being written will be a lot more difficult. We hope you will buy it.
Please don't copy this disc as pirating is illegal. Please buy your own copy. We feel that the price for this game is very reasonable and has taken many hours to write. The revenue from this and subsequent games will allow us to produce more for YOU, and Support SAM COUPE. We Thank You. © Eureka Software 1992.
Review by Brian McConnell from Fred 30
This is an adventure game. You're 4 inches tall, and must move around your house completing tasks to allow you to get help in returning to your normal size.
The game costs £4.50 and can be bought from: Cheques Eureka Software, payable [redacted] to: C.G. Williams Adventure games are, like most puzzle games, not things I usually enjoy playing unless they are noticeably different from the rest of the genre. This isn't, and I don't like it. The few games I've had have led nowhere.
It's meant to be an introduction to adventure games, but I still can't work out how to do anything. It seems that there are a lot of locations but nothing to actually DO in any of them!
This is extremely frustrating at times. For example, you're told at one point "You see a tack" but when you try to "get tack" it's not understood. Also, when you try to read a computer screen (which you are told has some writing on it) that isn't understood either.
Things like this really get to me, I'm afraid. The graphics are very poor, and typically consist of a simple shape filled with a garish FILL from Flash! If you think this WILL appeal to you, you know where to get it from, but I can't advise it. 4 out of 10.
Also referred to as 'Daydream'.
Thanks to Simone Voltolini for providing the dumped disk.