Planned initially as the SAM's very own Target: Renegade, coded by Wayne Coles, with graphics for the demo provided by Steven Pick, and to be published by Persona.
A single-screen, two-player demo seems to be all that exists, but no enemies are included, so players can only fight each other with their Greg-Proops-in-sportswear clone characters against a backdrop closely based on the opening level of Target: Renegade. Collision detection is implemented, but not fully (you can knock down with a flying kick, but only stun with punching, and sprites must be no more than 1px off vertically to make contact). It's not clear whether there was a story attached, or if the idea was to simply recreate Target: Renegade in SAM's MODE 4.
Gordon Wallis was tapped to provide graphics, and aimed to make the game closer to a flick-screen Streets of Rage/Final Fight-alike, though first drafts of both level maps and player sprites are, to this day, incomplete...
It remains to be see how much of the revised style would have been feasible.
Plans/ideas included:
Two unique player sprites (male & female) by default, with plans for 2 secret/unlockable characters
Animated background elements
Dramatic cut-scenes!
As many arcade-style features as could be dreamt up and squeezed in
As much SAM scene name-dropping and as many graphical easter eggs as could be squeezed in
Penguin Mode?
With the benefit of hindsight, the revised graphics would need a massive overhaul anyway, as the palettes weren't remotely optimised... (Typical of my work at the time - GNW)