This is a Rumsoft Zippers compressed archive, when run [loaded at 32000 and CALL'ed at 32000] it will decompress and prompt you for a blank disc for the file to be saved onto.
Four files will be generated, each being a full E-Tracker module.
Some are designed for mono, some for stereo (my amp blew up...).
I decided to upload my modules in their full glory (!?! ;-) so that you can fiddle with them in ET, compile them etc. If you want to make use of them in your programs/demos et al, feel free; just give me a tiny credit somewhere!
Now to the music:
-------- -------- -----------
LEANDER .M 45 secs Leander by 4Mat tune for the game by Uncle Tom (or Unc Tobomory?)
DIGI3 .M 1:01 Quick hash of the third tune in Anarchy's "Digital Innovation" demo
HYSTERES.M 4:57 Tune by Dextrous, in Magnetic Field's "Hysteresis" demo
RSITHEME.M 5:25 Great (the original version :) tune by 4Mat
These are some of my better ET modules. Now lets have some more ET stuff
uploaded please! How about starting a ET sample library?
Also, does anyone want me to upload my infamous sample demos?
Comments (no flames please!!) to:
Michael Andrews (Mike AJ of ENTROPY), February 1994
For the .M files - Load E-Tracker and go to Disk / Load Module to load a tune. Then "Play S" to play the song.