This is the first issue of SAM Revival to feature spot colour throughout the magazine to add life to screenshots and photographs, and kicking off issue is the regular news section to give a lowdown on what's happening in the SAM scene, and this issue features all the latest news of the development of the Mayhem Accelerator - the prototype of which is now speeding up the SAM to 20MHz - there's plenty of photos of the interface during the development and benchmarks too. The SAM Scene Roundup news section looks at several computer shows that have taken place in Europe which had a SAM present, and general news and websites from the SAM Scene.
Feature articles in this issue include an interview conducted by Frode Tennebø with Dr Andy Wright, the chap who wrote the ROM for the SAM Coupe. The 'Coupe Correspondence' letters page features several readers letters and includes a look at the SAM version of the classic game 'Elite', networking SAMs together and the possibilities of new emulators for the SAM with the speed of the Mayhem.