Fred 18
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 17:23.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 18
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Simon Cooke | |
Magazine | F-16 Combat Pilot binned, details of LERM Samdisk update | |
Letters | Editor of public, The shortcomings of PD | |
Draughts | Paul Milner | MC version of the classic board game |
Childish demo | Dennis van Berkel | Demo/advert for Challengers PD |
The Axemen | Ian Slavin | Top-notch humour from Ian Slavin |
HTBA CP | Ian Slavin | Zeb green tries programming |
MC pt 12 | Steve Taylor | Search: “MC 12” More graphics routines |
Database | Colin Borland | Database |
Base-X | Andy Monk | Database |
Life anim | Paul Milner | The famous on/off cell thing |
Demon anim | Paul Milner | Vaguely similar in concept to life |
Wireworld | Paul Milner | Enter the scary world of electronics |
Gizmo demo | Robert Smith | Adventures of the Gremlins star |
Creator | Dennis van Berkel | Game list creator |
Yahtzee 2 | Dan Dooré, Simon Cooke | Additions to the game on Fred 17 |
The blues | Dennis van Berkel | A spot of music |
Fonts 2 | Ian Slavin | Large collection of fonts |
Daft demo | Colin Borland | You’ll like this one! |
Exclusive | Colin MacDonald | Not really a demo of Batz 'n Balls :-) |
Editorial Happy New Year to everyone!! It's 1992 - the year of the FRED. Well... Lets hope it's a good year anyway. To start off the year which is the start of Europe and "the end of the recession" here's a little warning : no more Amiga owner jokes OK? I don't mind Amiga USER jokes, but not OWNER jokes. The thing is, at the last London AFCF (All Format Computer Fair), there were a lot of Amiga A500's on sale for rather low prices, being the traitorous person that I am, I bought one. I have been to confession and said ninety seven Hail Marys and all that but it's no good, I've still got it. So, you might be calling me a traitor right at this very minute but if I said I had absolutely no plans to leave the SAM but instead start using the Amiga to convert games FROM, I think you should be giving me a round of applause. Sadly, as per usual, I can't give ANY details of games I plan to convert so PLEASE don't plead with me to tell you when you phone me - 'cos I won't! Editorial On the brighter side however, Impatience has now covered it's costs although I don't have the XR2 yet. And you all know what this means don't you? Yes, it means that ol' Col's got more projects being developed (I would say right at this minute but I just phoned one programmer and he's out and apparently won't be in a fit state to talk to me until late tomorrow afternoon !). The first thing that most people have asked for is ..... extra levels for Triltex. And so, they are being done at the moment. The packaging is not definite as yet, but I am hoping to case it in the small plastic casing you see 16-bit budget games in, but there should be more than simply a disc with a label. The price? To my loving FRED readers it's only £4.99. A measely price to pay for hours and hours more of bafflement AND a new logo thingy! Yup, you'll need your original Impatience disc to load up Triltex and then you can load in the new data !!! Fantastic isn't it ? We (as in me and the various people working on it, although it's Mr Taylor that's doing all the coding and designing again) hope to release it hopefully in about a month to six weeks time so don't place your orders yet as there'll be Editorial more news next month on the final release date unless we encounter some MAJOR (beggin' your pardon, John) problems. As you will already have guessed, "Triltex, The Later Levels" is not the only FRED release planned, no siree, FRED has several other programmers lined up for games. Sadly, things are a bit in the early stage so there aren't any contracts signed yet so I'd better not say anything. However , what I will say is that I hope to have about FOUR releases by the Summer, hopefully at least one of them will "hit the shops" by Easter but no promises! Whatever gets released, you'll hear it first in FRED and wherever possible, FRED readers will get a demo to boot. As FRED Publishing expands, you will see larger write-ups in magazines with advertising in some of the "glossies" and naturally, some bigger and better compos! If anyone has ideas for compo prizes I'd love to hear them (but I won't be able to afford another "lifetime sub to FRED" again for a while). More Pleas On the subject of this sort of thing : if you know someone who can programme the Z80 to make it do things that would make a toaster jealous (ie if they've got a Speccy or SAM and can do m/c pretty well) then get them to give me a ring and we can have a chat about things like ROYALTIES and COMMISION and MONEY in general - and with any luck, some of it could disappear from my bank account into someone elses pocket! Give me a ring, send a demo, petrol bomb my Amiga, just let me know that you exist - that these Z80 programmers aren't just a figment of people like Clive Sinclair's imagination (and what an imagination that was ladies and gentlemen, I mean he actually thought people would drive about in his C5 instead of using it as a heated slipper while watching late night TV). I must apologize, it's one of those "Oh my God, I think I'm about to explode moods" !!! Actually, instead of just pleading for coders, I'm still looking for game ideas so if you've got a few faves you want to see on the SAM or if you've just invented the mega-game of the year, get in touch and we'll em... do something with it? NEWS Ahem...there doesn't seem to have been very much happening lately, SAMCo have finally gotten The Sound Machine, Splat, Hexagonia etc etc released but don't yet have plans for future releases other than those that are still under development like Manic Miner. You will be disapointed to hear that Alan Miles recently told me that F16 Fighter Pilot has been scrapped due to the unreliability of the programmer. Naturally, refunds are in order but contact them on [redacted] for details. Will FRED step in and save the SAM Flight Sim fanatics?? You'll just have to stay tuned and wait and see !!! You will have noticed the company Noesis mentioned in the menu credits, well this is actually a software house. The first title should be finished by now and is SAM PRINT. This enables you to design posters, letter headings etc and dump it out to your Dot Matrix printer. A review will appear shortly with full details. Misc As I mentioned last month, ZAT's Dave Ledbury has gone done to SAMCo. Anyway, ZAT's address has changed, so DON'T SEND ANYTHING TO THEIR OLD PO BOX ADDRESS 'COS IT WON'T GET TO THEM. The address to send your subs etc to is : [redacted] Sinclair User managed to cock up the Impatience review totally! By reviewing Triltex and Viking as two seperate games they were awarded 81% and 69% respectively which in my mind gives Impatience 150% !! The highest rating SU have ever given ! Along with this, old Garfy said things like "the bombs don't even blow up" which is not strictly true, well, it's more like a blatent lie as I'm sure all Impatience owners will agree. Never mind, the CRASH review should appear soon. Misc While I'm here I guess I'd better do some apologizing in advance : for the lack of text and screens on this issue and for the possible delays you might encounter when ordering from FRED in the following 3 weeks. These are, as usual, due to exams (plus the fact that I don't have enough memory for many screens this month!) however they SHOULD be over by next issue by which time I can get my Amiga printing out disc labels, my SAM perfected at printing out address labels and should have a lot more time to do FRED in... unless some wonderful project gets in the way...... ! I was going to put some samples by Jon Hampton on this month but I couldn't get them to run in SAMDOS! If I think I can use them in FRED19 I'll get in touch Jon! As reported last month, Adrian Parker (MD of Blue Alpha) is now employed by SAMCo and it is now official that PBT Electronics have purchased the rights to all their hardware. Details of any possibilities of price changes etc are not yet available. Misc A recent press release from LERM Software tells of numerous new and improved features in their SAMDISK, including : * Improved REPAIR and COPY features * Format a disc with or without verifying * A super fast Duplicator thingy which, with two drives, copies a disc "very quickly" because it only copies the relevant tracks - not the empty ones! If I remember correctly, there was a poke way,way back that let you do this...? * The "File Information" now also tells you what MODE of SCREEN$ the file is (if it's a SCREEN$ file obviously!) * You can now rename the disc AND rename files. The price wasn't given but apparently it costs £7.50 to upgrade from Version 1 to 2. Having never seen the original, I wouldn't know if it is worth spending that sort of money on a few extra and improved features but if you decide not to, just save up an extra £2.49 and you can buy a copy of Impatience! (well, it was worth a try you must admit!) Calling all Scotch folk There has been call for a Scottish SAM user group to be organized recently so myself and another fellow Scot have decided to see if we can get something going. At present the idea is to book a hall say once a month and have a mini-Show to help cover costs eg small companies book stands for a small fee and the rest of the hire cost would be made up by an entrance fee if necessary. The first hour or two would be allocated "Show time" to allow the companies to regain their expenses and then the rest of the day would just be spent as a get-together sort of thing, still in the hall but with numerous SAMs set up giving plenty of oppertunity for meeting new SAM owners and finding SAM owners in areas near to you that you never knew existed before! Obviously this is just one idea of how it could be organized but if you are interested, tell me and you'll get a "Scottish SAM Group" newsheet or something similar. If you have any ideas or suitable venues you know of then please get in touch. It's hear at last! My printer has finally arrived and I've almost gotten used to it already (only 4 weeks later!). Hopefully, you could have already told this by the label on the front of your envelope this morning. If your address is wrong in any way then please tell me what's wrong so I can correct it for future issues. To save me trying to remember who's subscription runs out on what issue, there should be a number either after or under your postcode, the first four digits are your FRED subscription number, the last two are the issue your subscription runs out on - clever eh? If things go wrong and there is only a 2 digit number instead of the 6, then that'll be the issue your sub runs out on. While I'm talking about subscriptions, I'll tell you the fabulously cheap rates you can aquire FRED at : £15 will get you the following 12 issues, a saving of £3 £8 will get you the following 6 issues, a saving of £1 Impatience Here's what the three Sinclair magazines said about Impatience : SU - "fantastic pointer-driven gameplay, brilliant stereo sound and addictiveness on both games" "excellant gameplay...involving...superior graphics" When reviewed separately, SU gave Viking 69% and Triltex 81% CRASH - "presentation is great, with slick, well-drawn graphics and music that begs to be turned up!" "Impatience is a good purchase...I'm sure there's room for both in your software collection" 74% YS - "knuckle-gnawingly hard! It's also incredibly likeable with presentation buffed to a shine and loads of friendly features." "So there you have it. A sizzler and a fairly good supporting act - a lot for your crumpled tenner. It's got to be a Megagame. And it is. Hurrah!" 90% Impatience As you've already gathered, Impatience has TWO games on it! Both games work with redefineable keyboard (the first m/c game to have redefinable keys!), joystick, Joymouse or SAMCo's mouse (the first piece of software to work with it and still the ONLY commercial game that uses it!). Hundreds of people have bought Impatience so far and have been "delighted", "very frustrated", "immensely pleased" and even "infuriated" with their purchase! With over 20 baffling levels on Triltex to keep you burning the midnight oil, and head to head battle on Viking against a friend during the day! Simply send a cheque/PO to FRED at the usual address for your very own copy of this "amazing" game!!!! Impatience is available from your local SAM dealer (if they don't stock it, send me their details and they soon will!), from SAMCo, or from FRED itself! The cost is a meagre £9.99, how many times to you see a game which is a first in many areas for under a tenner? Not often - but here you get TWO games! Cheat modes! As many of you will have guessed, there is a cheat mode to Triltex - but if you think you can con me into telling you what it is then you're barking up the wrong tree, mate. However, I would be very interested if anyone came up with a cheat for Prince Of Persia - Chris White swears their isn't one but all the other versions had one and he said it was a true conversion... If you're stuck on the very last bitty of Prince when you have to fight yourself then here's how to do it : Drop your sword by pressing fire and down, then simply merge with him!! Run off to the left and you've nearly completed the game! Simple once you know isn't it. Naturally, if you know of any other cheat modes that havn't yet been published then please get in touch - there may be hundreds of people crying themselves to sleep at night wishing they knew what it was... The Puzzle Corner no.2 Right then puzzle freaks here's the answers to last months puzzle corner, as if you need them! Answer to (1) You probably had some difficulty in doing this, nobody claimed the prize. The answer is... there isn't one! It's impossible, there's always one last connection that will not work. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying. Answer to (2) Fortunately this one is possible, how many of you said 4 rungs? The answer is, of course, the water covers no more rungs at all. When the water level rises so does the boat, and if the boat rises the ladder rises with it! Answer to (3) Another trick question. The two coins are a 50p piece and a 5p piece. One is not a 50p piece but the other is! Answer to (4) If only one statement is true then the rest are false so the answer can only be (d) Puzzle Corner no.2 Answer (5) to The obvious answer is 5 cigarettes but when the tramp smokes these he has another 5 cigarette ends left which he makes one more cigarette out of. 6 is the correct answer. Which is more accurate a stopped clock or a clock that is 5 minutes fast? The stopped clock is more accurate, it displays the correct time twice a day, the fast clock never displays the correct time. After you've finished kicking yourself, on with the next lot of brain teasers. (1) Bad news, a group of Tibetten monks have predicted that the end of the world shall happen when New Years Day is a Sunday. Oh dear! how long have we left? ( You might want to write a little program to solve this! ) The Puzzle Corner no.2 (2) A bit of a tongue twister this one; "Round the ragged rock the ragged rascle ran, say how many R's in that and your a clever man". (3) What is the next number in this series? 3 1 4 1 5 But don't give the most obvious answer, give the second most obvious answer. And remember its as easy as pie! (4) In my hand I have a long length of material. I cut clean through it. I have not created two pieces with four ends but one piece with only two ends. How is that possible? This months classic puzzle is that age old question "how long is a piece of string?". CM : ON THE SUBJECT OF THE ACCURATE CLOCKS - DEPENDING ON HOW FAST THE FAST CLOCK IS, IT COULD DISPLAY THE CORRECT TIME SEVERAL TIMES IN A DAY ??? NOT THAT I'D BE PICKY !! MORK!!! On the subject on nicknames. I haven't really taken to the one Colin gave me, "The Smarty". I just can't relate to it. I don't particularily like the nickname I get called at school, "Wully", either so I have decided what I want to be called. Have any of you ever seen "Mork and Mindy" on TV? well that's what I want to be called, No! not "Mindy", "Mork". From now on I will not respond to the name "William", I'll just shrug my shoulders and say "who's he?", from now on call me "Mork". CM : OK, so it wasn't very constructive to say the very least but never mind, Mork seems fine to me! Now, how about one for other people that don't have a nickname yet? I'm not asking anyone in particular nor am I refering to anyone specially but I hate mentioning names in scrollies, and I'm sure you lot do too so if you've got a groovesome (as CRASH would say) name then get in touch and IF I remember I'll put your name in. I guess you'll all want to know what's on the disc...? OK then, I suppose I can tell you. Firstly we have another 100% machine code game, this one is by Paul Milner and is the game of Draughts. It's one player and you simply enter the row followed by column characters to move a piece. It's very straighforward - the only snag is that you can't do double (or even triple!) jumps ie you can only jump one of the computer's pieces at a time. Great demo makers, the DVB recently did a great advert for Challengers PDL. As I hadn't seen it anywhere else I thought FRED readers might be interested in it. The demo features no less than THREE great tunes - one is a rendition of Sweet Child O' Mine by G n R !!! Uh oh! The AXE is back!! Firstly, we've got three amusing demos featuring different characters - these load one after the other and are guarenteed to get you smiling (well, almost!). The further adventures of Zeb Green are also entailed in the How To Be A ... Computer Programmer. Ask anyone - it's much more realistic than you would think! On the Flip Side is... Steve Taylor takes a break from designing Triltex levels to give you another insight into the stange world of Machine Code. Now, here's a real choice for you : There have been two great databases sent in and because I'm so indecisive, I thought I'd leave the chosing up to you. Each one has it's plus points and they're both extremely usable but you have to chose between Colin Borland's user-friendly ness or Andy Monks (EXTREME) flexibility and pesentation... Oooh it's a tough choice!!! Mr Paul Milner has been very busy at the assembler this month - not only did he do the great draughts game BUT there's also THREE fascinating cellular animations. The name sounds dull but believe me, they're not. LIFE is a SAM representation of the famous on/off cell thingy, DEMON, my favourite is all to do with colours and can keep you gazing at the screen all afternoon!! Wire-World is a very interesting concept - you can now watch the little electricity pulses travelling along wires! And you can even define your own circuit! Full instructions are included in all three of these so I'll leave you to enjoy them. Still on the flip side is... Here's another Gremlin demo by Robert Smith. Watch Gizmo spawn Gremlins, do excercises and finally kill off the evil Gremlin. It's all neat stuff, what I do recommend is that you might want to hold down a key during parts of it to speed it up. And now the interesting bit! Firstly, I'm proud to announce a fabulous EXCLUSIVE demo just for FRED - and I'm not even going to tell you what it is!! But if I said it had something sort of to do with Arkanoid and programmed by a certain LORD I think you'll all get very excited. The DVB have also done a few other little proggies for your consumption : a nifty little CREATOR to store a list of all your programs which comes in handy as well as a Blues tune which may appeal to some of you. AXE pops his majestic head up again with even more FONTS! Cookie and Banzai both come up with different additions to last months Yahtzee game. And lastly, Colin Borland has done a rather...em..daft demo. Screens by Allan Norton, Mike in Sheffield and Credits FRED thanks go to : Paul Milner AXE Wizard The DVB Challengers Banzai Extreme Colin Borland Robert Smith Allan Norton Mike & Roger H. Noesis SAM Tech SAMCo PHS Grafix Wizard Mork M.o.M. Simon Scott (snigger, snigger....Ha Ha Ha Ha - sorry everyone!) Okay Dokey, FRED 19 (gosh it seems like only yesterday it was FRED 2) will be out sometime in the first week of February at the usual cost of £1.50 (NB : FRED costs £1.50 per issue or £15 for 12 months, not £1, £1.75, £2 or £2.20 people seem to think!) Usual address : [redacted]
Letters & Reviews
Hello Again! As I've said earlier, there isn't many letters this month so you'll just have to make do with what you get given. Oh! A letter! Ha! Fancy that. Dear readers, some of you appear to be under the great dillusion that : a) FRED is good b) I am not really a Russian spy c) I get hundreds of letters every day waiting to be published. Now, I can't comment on the first two BUT I hardly ever get any letters for publication - if you want pen pals, a game, a chat to hundreds of FRED readers or just have a technical query then please send it to me (on disc) and it'll probably be published. I have been led to believe that the lack of letters to date is because you all think I get dozens of letters.Well you're wrong. Public Dear Colin, I am the editor of the new disc magazine PUBLIC. It is a "different" magazine in that it relies heavily on the Coupe using public for contributions (sounds suspicially familiar to FRED - Ed), hence the name. The price is minimal, £1. Issue 2 is already started and is looking extremely promising with articles by Thorsten Gudmundsen (WHO? - Ed) and also some foreign demos. Also included will be; news, reviews, previews, PD scene, screens, letters, samples, scrolly, sound aid to name but a few. [redacted] CM : I HAVN'T HAD A CHANCE TO LOOK THROUGH THE PREVIEW DISC BUT FOR A QUID IT LOOKS PRETTY GOOD. TRY IT AND SEE IS MY ADVICE! Roger Hartley I've been having trouble with my picture recently. It keeps on fading to black and white, then fading back again. It only seems to happen when I'm using SAMSCRATCH, but it is really annoying. Does it sound like my graphics chip, TV, modulator or something totally different to you? When I tried it on another telly there didn't seem to be any problems, but it does only happen occasionally. CM : How come I get all the tough ones? It does sound a bit like your telly but if it doesn't happen too often I don't think you should worry about it. There are however two possibilities you may have overlooked - 1) Your TV may be allergic to SAMSCRATCH 2) If you plot a graph with the exact time and duration of these little "black and white" outs against the time since your computer has been switched on for, you'll not only keep out of everyone's way for a few weeks but you'll probably pass all your Maths exams - dunno 'bout yer telly tho'. [redacted] I've got to agree with Brian in Enceladus 7. Fastline especially produce very little exciting PD these days (from what I hear they aren't producing any PD at all in fact!) Their latest discs seem to consist of film demos, digitised screens and more film demos. I know not a great deal of work can be going into these, and I for one am getting very bored with them. Yes, it was a good idea, and I should imagine it was pretty successful. I have Robocop, Aliens (2 discs) and various others. But, there are tens of them now, and they aren't really getting any better. I haven't seen Terminator yet, but I hear it may be what I am looking for. What I am looking for is quality to be improved. I want demos to use 512K, or even the 1 meg. Crunch them down, so you can get more of them on one disc. Put some M/C into them, rather than just use a big chunk of graphic code, and PUT it in BASIC. Some sound (music even) wouldn't go amiss either. Look at Lord Insanity's demos, swift, great music, and a lot going on at once. Silly demo only used 11K, and look at that! It was amazing, and in my opinion one of the best pieces of PD coding I have ever seen on the SAM. I have seen Roger H. (again!) many Amiga (spit!) demos, and for quality in every way they are more than ten times better. Why not put together mega demos, with various animations, music demos and even both at once. It may even be that you have to charge more than usual, but I wouldn't mind. I know a lot of people will now call me a whinger, and I can see all these death threats coming through my letterbox now. I don't care! Hopefully you might be hearing more from me soon, it just depends on Colin. I'd like to hear from anyone though, especially people who live local. I'd prefer it if you send your letters on disc, but I'll try to read any handwriting. After all, none of you have seen mine! R. Hartley CM : No comment. .