Nick Humphries
Taken from the Your Sinclair Rock ‘n’ Roll years
Born in 1974 in the States, Nick moved over to Britain with the rest of his family when he was five years old. He got his first computer in 1985, a Sinclair Spectrum 48k+, and used this to teach himself programming. He started reading YS in 1987, loved it from the start and picked up as many issues as he could, and stopped reading it sometime in 1992 when most shops decided not to sell it any more. By this time, he had already bought one of the doomed SAM Coupés in which he started selling his own programs under the name Cursor Productions, as a result of which he made the princely sum of 28p.
After SAM Computers Ltd went under in 1992, Nick acquired an 8086 PC and his Spectrum and SAM gaming days ended. He then went to Liverpool University to study for a Computer Science degree.