
Release Year
Puzzle game, enhanced with Quazar Surround and re-released on SAM Revival issue 26 written using Games Master.
Billy Blokk, the youngest in the line of the famous Blokk family returned from a nice bounce in the woods to find his home, Blokk Hall, strangely quiet. Strange blue shapes moving in the shadows confirmed his suspicions. The Oddballs, their ancient rivals had returned from the Underwurlde and kidnapped his family. He could only do one thing - save them! He would use his magic power of block levitation to crush his enemies finally. But very soon he learnt that a counter spell cast by the Oddballs meant the blocks were just as dangerous to him as to them.......
(c) 1994 MUNGUS! software
Produced on Gamesmaster by Betasoft.
Go away, nosey!
The menu has four options:
1) PRACTISE=Use this to experiment with blocks, arrows and keyholes. The two question marks have different effects. One is for returning to the menu.
2) INFO=will give you basic instructions.
3) PLAY!=to start your quest,
4) QUIT=ignore this.
To move Billy around the 25 levels, use the following keys:-
You can also use a joystick
BILLY=You. You can be controlled as shown above.
BADDY=The blue ball is a deadly enemy. You must banish it into the Underwurlde to complete a level. Beware! Oddballs are deadly and can kill with the slightest touch. Avoid at all costs!
BLOCK=A plain grey block is a harmless but immovable castle wall. Sometimes, though, they conceal a trapdoor opening. These can be very useful.
COLOURED BLOCK=Three more types of block are red, green and blue. They are deadly both to Billy and to the Oddballs. They represent your greatest weapon and your deadliest danger. Used carefully, they can easily destroy your opponents. They can only be moved with arrows(see below).
ARROW=Like the coloured blocks, these also come in different colours. A green arrow only moves a green block. The direction shows which way a block will move. These can be used by Billy and the Oddballs, and work if you push them.
KEYHOLES=Keyholes keep Oddballs in or out. A black keyhole can only be opened by Billy, coloured keyholes are opened by the same coloured blocks. Oddballs have no keys,and cannot open keyholes.
QUESTION MARKS=These blocks have been covered over by the Oddballs, and there's no way of knowing what they will do. They might do nothing, move a block, open a trapdoor, kill you or an oddball, and may have other strange effects Be careful!
TIME=The Oddballs carry teleporting devices. If they are not banished in a certian amount of time, they will use them to send YOU to the Underwurlde, meaning you must use your teleporter to
return. Keep an eye on your time, it could cost you your mission.
You can see it in the bottom left of the playscreen.
The map of the castle you will see between levels will show you where in Blokk Hall you are, and how far you have to go. The small flashing ball is you. You must make your way from the East wing to the West wing, searching for your family.
LEVEL=There are 25 rooms in Blokk Hall,and this tells you which one you are in. Very few can make it to the 25th chamber!
LIVES=Every time Billy is hit, he is sent to the Underwurlde. He carries a small device for teleporting back to the mansion, but the batteries are low, and will eventually run out. This tells you how many more times it will bring him back before leaving him stranded forever in the Underwurlde.
One final word-take nothing for granted! Expect the unexpected. Strange things can happen. Look out!