Fred 26
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Friday, May 18, 2018 - 13:47.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 26
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Brian McConnell | |
Magazine | SamTek closes, The New Editor Arrives - Guess Who?! | |
Reviews | Dyzonium, Support For SamCo | |
Dyz Demo | Balor Knight | Rolling Demo Of Dyzonium |
Bulg Demo | ESI | Demo Of The Bulgulators |
Draconis | Mark Davis | Demo Of A Game-In-Progress |
Frog Squad | Jeremy Wood | Version Of The Classic Frogger |
Mc Pt 18 | Steve Taylor | Search: “MC 18” Basic Progs In Sam's Wimp System |
T-Tll | Steve Taylor | Later Levels Solutions, 6-10 |
Editor | Steve Taylor | Triltex - Build Your Own Levels!! |
E-Tunes | Roger Hartley | Music Done On E-tracker |
Rachel | Andrew Hodgkinson | Chapter 1 Of The Hilarious Story, again. |
Fin's Flowers | RJC Finnigan | Colourful Patterns |
Cassette Labels | Marc Rickard | Print Out Cassette Labels |
Parallax Fixer | Fixes Bug In Parallax | |
Rotator | Frank Kirby | Screen Rotator |
4 Lines | Dan Dooré | Pattern Producing Fun, again |
CM FREDitorial Welcome to Issue 26 of what is now the best-selling SAM disc magazine! No doubt you'll all be wondering what all these fabulous changes are. Well, if everything has gone according to plan this disc will not have a label on it - it should be on-body printed! Secondly, my new editor can be announced. For this issue he will just be helping me out so that he gets the hang of things but as of next month, he'll compile and edit the magazine properly. Don't worry - I'll still be making lots of contributions to it and oversee everything that he does! Happily or sadly, I now have to announce a price increase. The price of a single issue of FRED is now £2. The extra £0.50 will pay for the duplication of discs, the new editor as well as letting me make small payments to contributors of items that become an item on the main menu. ie screens, articles, reviews or anything that appears in Bits 'n' Bobs cannot be paid for. CM FREDitorial There was also a takeover about to take place. Unfortunately, the editor of the other magazine changed his mind at the last minute and took other actions - I'll leave him to explain it all to you. OK, so out of the estimated 7 changes I hoped to implement, only 3 have happened. I was going to switch the FRED address to a PO Box number so that if I went on holiday, someone else could despatch orders, I decided against it because of the extra complications (as well as cost) and if I ever closed the PO Box, any mail sent to it would never reach me. I was also toying with the idea of a name change to give FRED a more professional image - I did some research and no-one wanted the name changed! I was also hoping to have the FRED phoneline installed by now. Unfortunately, due to money problems (not having enough of it!) this was not possible. I'll try to scrape it together for next month! CM Shows Well, on 3rd October I went to the All Format Fair at the Northumbria Centre in Washington (nr Newcastle). For a change, I had to get up at 5.30 am (instead of leaving at 7.30 pm the night before!) to arrive at the show just after 10am. Was it a brilliant show? Well, I managed to count the number of SAM users that turned up. 2. Yup, two SAM users in the whole show. A £70 stand, £64 train fare, £20 taxi fares and £25 eating expenses as well as getting up at 5.30 am and not getting back until 10pm for two SAM users!!! Needless to say, I lost a bit of money. I would like to say a big hello to the two users I did see there though!!! I will attend ALL Birmingham and Scottish shows from now on. But if you want to know if I'll be going to any of the other venues, give me a ring a day or two beforehand to check. I should be going to the Haydock show on 24th October - so be there!!! NB Haydock Racecourse - near St Helens, Bury, Bolton, Wigan etc somewhere in between Liverpool and Manchester! CM New Releases Well, progress on Dyzonium has been steaming ahead and is now released. You will all remember the demo from Newsdisk 5 when it was called Plasmoid. Now, we've spent a further 3 months work on it - including making it easier, adding four more levels to make 10 in total as well as having the graphics totally redesigned. You can see a brief sampler on this issue. It is now available costing just £9.99 ETracker - hmmm.. a few problems here, the artist doing the inlay picture has let us down and we discovered a bug. Shock horror! Anyway, Mat of ESI has been beavering away and has polished it off - in the meantime adding many new features! ETracker costs £29.99. If it has not been released when we get your order, we will not cash the cheque until your copy is in the post! WaterWorks - Everything's going great here. You'll find a demo on this issue which you'll enjoy playing. It costs £9.99 - same story, your cheque won't be cashed until your copy is posted. CM New Releases Remember that Pacman game everyone in the press has been waiting to see? Well, it's now called "The Bulgulators". Strange name but when ESI write a game as good as this - who gives a monkeys about what it's called? Again, you'll see the demo on this ish. Basically it's your souped-up Pacman - but with several poptabulous tunes (yes, created with ETracker) and many features that have never appeared on this sort of game before - such as locked doors which you need to collect the key to get through, walls that you can pass through to access hidden parts - of course some of them are one-way walls!!! Bulgulators is £9.99 Cheques held until release as before. FRED Publishing have now taken over "Boing" from Noesis Software. It was reviewed in this month's YS although there will be some changes before the FRED version is released. We hope to have it ready for the end of October. Again, it's £9.99 but we aren't taking orders until nearer it's release - phone to check. CM Money talks.. OK, you'll all be wondering how much you can get for getting your proggies on FRED. Well, it isn't a great deal of money I'm afraid to say. Judging on how well it's been done etc etc, I'll pay £10 to £25. This is not intended as buying the rights for the program off you but merely a small token of my gratitute. It also lets me occasionally buy bigger programs to put on - naturally for which I will have to pay more! When you send in a program, either myself or the "ed" will decide whether it should go on a disc, and if so, whether it will be a main menu item or a BITS item. Remember, the price of a FRED is now £2. I'm doing away with the 6 month sub because hardly anyone used it so the price for a 12 month subscription is £20 - a saving of £4 , that's 16% off!!!! Don't worry if you've already got a sub - it will still go up to the issue it was supposed to. Isn't that kind of me? Actually it would be illegal if I did it any other way so it's not really that generous!!! CM Money talks.. You'll be pleased to know that we've now added the SAM Adventure System & Sheriff Gunn to the price list. Both by Axxent. And now for a few special offers to FRED readers. These special offers apply only to FRED subscribers until 7th November '92. ----------- ETracker for £26. Dyzonium for £9 ) Bulgulators for £9 ) all three for £25. WaterWorks for £9 ) Alternatively, order OVER £40 of FRED software (Impatience, TTLL, Parallax, Spell Master, ETracker, Dyzonium, Bulgulators and WaterWorks) and get 10% off! This does not include FRED magazine, subscriptions, Rachel or FREDatives. The above 3 titles for £25 does NOT count either. ie all above 4 titles would normally cost £59.96, individually with the FRED price they'd cost you £53. But with the "over £40" offer, they'd only set you back £47.70 - total saving of over 20% !!!! CM Obscure Scribblings A few people have been saying that a lot of the "small, friendly spirit" has gone out of FRED because it is now a much larger company. Well yes, it's true. And it is something that I have been aware of all along. Back in the start of FRED I had very little to do - except give my utmost to everyone, I remember that for people writing asking for information I would write out a whole A4 sheet of text explaining FRED (if anyone still has one then give me a ring!). Although I still make as little money now out of FRED as I did then, I now have much, much more to do. Back then, I was a schoolboy who got bored during his holidays. Now, I'm still the same little boy but I'm trying to get this machine on it's feet - as well as trying to pave the way for my future. Incidentally, I'm at College full time doing a degree in Systems Analysis and Business Computing. I'm enjoying my course but I see so many other people that are going to get their degree, get a job then moan about how restricted their jobs are and how things should be made. CM Obscure Scribblings I hate being told what to do when I KNOW it's incorrect or it's going to have adverse side effects. I want to be able to have the freedom to do what I think or know is right, or just to do whatever I feel like at the time. In that sense, I want FRED to grow into a company I could make a living out of. That would make me very happy. I also want this computer to succeed, I KNOW that it deserves to. I KNOW that the people who have put more than their life and soul into this computer deserve to succeed. And I KNOW that people who work hard should be rewarded. I want FRED to be bigger, however not just for me - I want FRED to be what other people want it to be. I want it to help people, I want to do what I want to do but I always want to be told what I SHOULD do. If you, the FRED customer, think I should or should not do something - then tell me. I won't always agree - in the past I've rarely agreed, but I will make sure to accommodate you as much as possible - if at all possible. Thanks. BM New Editor!! I know that Colin's been keeping you all in suspense about who his new editor is, so you might be pleased to hear that the waiting is over! He tells me that a fair amount of you actually guessed that it was me who'd be taking over, but for those of you who didn't guess, my name is Brian McConnell. I did used to be on the FRED staff, back when it was a mere 6 months old, but then left (sinful, I know), to do "other things". I went to Enceladus for a fair bit - a year and a half actually. God. I didn't think it was that long! Anyway, tempted by the promise of great quantities of power (not to mention cash, if Colin can be "persuaded" to pay me), I've now returned to FRED. So, what does this mean now that I'm editing the magazine instead of Colin? Well, the short answer is "not a lot". There won't be any huge changes made to the magazine that Colin wasn't planning himself. All I'll be doing really is writing a few pages such as the News and what's going on in the world. BM New Editor!! My main task is going to be sorting through all your contributions and finding the demos/programs and things which will be gracing the contents of the disc. So hopefully there won't be any drastic changes to the mag you all know and love. Part of my introduction to editing FRED was looking through a stack of disks to find programs for issue 26 (yes, that's this one), and something which I've noticed is that virtually every disc has clearly had a Hell of a lot of effort put into it, so even those of you whose programs didn't quite make it onto FRED are to be applauded for that. Well, now you all know who I am, I may as well begin (on the next page). COME ON BRIAN - I DON'T "PAY" YOU TO LEAVE BLANK SPACES LIKE THIS ALL OVER THE MAG! CM BM General Bits and Pieces Chezron have released version 2 of their popular word processor Outwrite. FRED will be selling this at a price of £19.99, but while Chezron themselves offer an upgrade system (send them the old version + £3, and get the new one) FRED won't be. So don't send in hundreds of old Outwrites to us! SAM Technology has, in the interests of the SAM, voluntarily decided to close. This does not mean that they ran out of money or anything like that, it's just that Bruce didn't see the point in keeping on all the staff and the factory when all he really wanted to do was design chips. If you need a repair, then contact FRED to find out what to do about it. Following on from that, now that SAM Tech has closed, FRED will be adding Boing and SAM Print to its ever-growing collection of titles. You can order SAM Print now, but wait till Boing is released (in early November, if all goes as planned) before placing any orders for that. BM More General Bits and Pieces When SAMCo folded a couple of months back, all the Revelation software was sort of "messed up". Now, a new company has kindly stepped in and taken over from where they left off. Revelation Soft, as it's now known, will be publishing all of the older titles such as Hexagonia and Batz 'n' Balls, and they tell us that they've also got a whole lot of new software in the pipeline. No real details, but there'll be a fair smattering of serious software as well as games, apparently. One of the first things the new Revelation will do is launch Secretary, the word processor which everybody has been desperate to get hold of. This'll cost £14.99, but Revelation are going to give substantial discounts to all subscribers of FRED or Format! This means that you must hold a subscription to one of the magazines - it doesn't mean you can order one issue and automatically be eligible. So what better incentive to get a sub for this wonderful mag if you don't already have one! The discount offer applies to all titles, by the way, not just Secretary. BM Yet More General Bits And Pieces Unfortunately Parallax had a slight bug in it. Nothing too major, but in order to fix it there's a program in the Bits And Bobs section. This program appeared last month as well, but we didn't really explain about it. Anyway, just load the program and follow onscreen instructions and it should all work fine! We were working on a deal with Future, where FRED converted YS covertapes to SAM Disc to save everybody the hassle, but due to the fact that "further research" showed it to be highly illegal, the idea was scrapped. Sorry about that. Here seems as good a place as any to publicise a couple of extra disks you can buy from FRED. The FREDatives are a set of disks each containing a variety of demos, utilities, and even games! The disks are £2 each, or £7 for all four. None of the stuff's been on FRED before, incidentally, so you will be getting completely new material for your money. Apart from one thing: a game called Puzzled which we had a few months back. That appears again (but it's the only thing. Honest!). BM Bits and Pieces (Yes, again) The other thing which needs publicised is our hilarious story, Rachel. A preview appeared a couple of issues ago (on 24A I think), and we thought we should maybe make it clear that you can buy the rest of it. We have had a fair amount of people asking what happened to it, so maybe we didn't make it clear that it's a seperate thing. You can buy your own Rachel (sounds a bit rude, doesn't it?) for only £3, and a fine buy it is too. The SAM Adventure Club has just announced that it's going to have to exercise some price rises toward the end of the year, so if you're thinking of sending a cheque off to them, try to contact them first to find out about the prices. ARE YOU WANTING THE SACK 4 DAYS AFTER YOU GOT THE JOB? GET IT SORTED OR IT'S BACK TO THAT OTHER MAG FOR YOU! CM BM Spellmaster News We've heard that Spellmaster is one of the few titles that won't work on SC_Autoboot, the replacement ROM chip by Steve Nutting. The chip is compatible with virtually everything else, but not Spellmaster, as it turns out. An updated version of Spellmaster which IS compatible is being considered, but isn't definite yet. In Spellmaster there's a special feature which somehow got missed out from the manual!! When you are checking words in the file, and you choose to correct a word which isn't found, pressing CNTRL and B together brings up the main dictionary, from which you can choose a word to replace the "mistake" with. The dictionary is brought up with cursor beside the word which most closely matches the word which needs corrected. Finally, we thought we'd better point out that Spellmaster doesn't check words less than four letters. This is simply so that postcodes and abbreviations and things aren't checked, and is not a bug. You should be able to spell three letter words anyway! BM Go To a Show! As I write this Colin and I are just back from an All-Formats thing in Glasgow. In case anyone cares, I picked up a very natty dust cover for my Amiga, and a couple of cheap games. Hello to the bloke who took out a subscription (you know who you are!). The point of this article is just to try and get some more of you to go to these shows! They really are a great way to get cheap materials, for example blank disks for 25p each! You can usually haggle with stall-holders as well, which can be "interesting". Colin got 25% off some hardware just by being persistent, so imagine what a few well placed threats might achieve! (that was just a joke). There are console and Amiga/ST games at ridiculous prices as well, so if you have another computer as well as a SAM it'll certainly be well worth your while. (Oi! The haggling does NOT include the FRED stand! Unless you're buying quite a few bits and pieces! CM) BM Go To a Show! As an added incentive, FRED will giving 10% discounts to anybody who goes to either the Glasgow show on the 29th November, or the Haydock one on the 24th of October (we know it's in just a couple of days, but we can't really help that. Even though FRED is hugely powerful it doesn't decide Show dates. Yet.). This applies to ALL software, including the magazine, so you can get back issues and things for just £1.80! (I'll just remind you here that FRED now costs £2. Not that you'd forget, of course). Apart from these reasons though, going to these shows is a great day out - who does anything worthwhile on a Sunday anyway? - and you can meet other SAM owners, in case you haven't already met all the SAM users in your area. The only minus thing about shows is that sad fat five year olds tend to come over and say "SAM Coupe? Ha!" Menacing looks soon solve that little problem though... CM Disc Bumf At last, I've got a word in edgeways! Mind you, you've got to hand it to someone that can shut me up for a dozen pages or so... anyway, I've opted to tell you what you get to amuse yourselves with this month..... Jeremy Wood has been playing with the top notch GamesMaster from Andy Wright and came up with "Frog Squad" - a totally excellant version of the age-old Frogger games. Control is by cursors, and as usual, your objective is simply to guide everybody's favourite frog into his home across the road and river! If you're interested, the BASIC file for it is simply to get the scroller on the menu done - the rest of the whole game was compiled into solid machine code. (a standard GM feature) Just to let you see what could well be the best game this side of the next FRED release, here's a mega-compact "rolling" demo of Dyzonium. We've missed out tons and tons of effects including the different 3D vectored routines, but you should get a basic idea of the game. Disc Bumf - Colin Drivels on. As promised last month, the revolutionary machine code article on adding commands to BASIC is in on this disc. It only missed last month by a day it turned out! Not only did Steve do this, but he's come up with more level solutions to Triltex - The Later Levels AND (cue drum roll...) the LEVEL EDITOR for Triltex!!!! Now you can create your own levels! Wow!!! You'll find Steve's own instructions for useage in the reviews / letters section. From our trusty coder, the OMCC alias Mark Davies comes a demo of a game he'd like to do. Called Draconis, it's a shoot-em-up NOT a conversion of the old Zeppelin game. He's still in the early stages but I think all Mark's programs show us all quite well how he's progressing with machine code - he could even become a FRED programmer one day! Once more, Roger Hartley has done a few more tunes using ETracker. I should point out that his version is over 6 months old and he didn't have a manual - and they're still half decent! CM Disc Bumf This issue has been put together with what could be the best thing on it, not being on it - if you see what I mean! What I'm talking about is the demo of Bulgulators - I've been promised by ESI that it'll be here in time for FRED26 but it hasn't turned up yet - with any luck it will! There may still be one or two small problems with this demo but I hope you'll see what a brilliant game it is! This month, we've decided to put the first part of "Rachel" on again for two reasons : a) we didn't have anything else and b) I don't think many people realised how funny it really was so I'm going to ask you to read it through. Because it's the first part, there has to be a lot of introduction but the rest of the 12 parts will have you in stitches on every page! Bits 'n' Bobs this month comes from people such as Frank Kirby, Fin, Marc Rickard and possibly one or two others that I've forgotten - never mind you still get your names on Bits so you will be recognized wherever in the SAM world you go! BM Nearly Finished Colin's just told me to ask for any menus that you might have done. So, has anybody got any menus lying around that they don't really need? If so we'll be glad to take 'em off your hands. We're also always on the lookout for talented programmers, musicians and graphic artists, so if you think you fall into one of those categories, get in touch and you could be writing games for one of the most prolific publishers around (yup, that means FRED!). While we're on the subject of making requests, if anybody wants to sell us a copy of Klax, EFTPOTRM, or a Kaleidoscope or a +D interface for a Spectrum 48K, you know where to find us (or you should by now). We also want a lot of stuff for the Christmas issue, so if you've been too modest to send in your stuff, now's the time to send it in! And remember, we're now paying for items used on the main menu. BM Honestly, There's Not Long To Go Now... If anybody's still labouring along with an old ROM chip, we've found a couple of the newer ones lying around. If you bought a SAM before May 1990, and haven't bought a new ROM chip, you'll need this "new" (even though it's a good couple of years old now) one. If you want one, they're only £12, or £10 if you order it before the end of October (1992). That's it for now I think. Before I go though, I'll just stick in a quick plug for Games Master. You really wouldn't believe how easy it is to use!! If a programming failure like me can get nice big sprites leaping around the screen then it MUST be easy to use! The first games created using this program are just beginning to come through and they really are surprisingly good. Remember that if a game is good enough, we'll put it on FRED and if it's really amazing, FRED'll even publish it as a full price thing (which means loadsa cash*, in plain English). *That means OUR idea of loadsa cash. Not necessarily yours... BM Finished! That brings me to the end of my SAM bit in the magazine. I say "SAM bit" because I thought I might chuck in a couple of Music Reviews (in an attempt to convince Colin that I really AM working hard!). They're at the end of the magazine anyway, so if the thought of album reviews makes your stomach revolt you may as well not read 'em. I did think about announcing that the SAM has been revealed to be a top secret Communist experiment in marketing techniques, but decided not to (it's a lie, you see). // // (A picture of a tick to take up some // <-- room on what would otherwise have \\ // been a particularly bland page...) \X/ OK, I'LL LET YOU OFF FOR THIS..... CM Credits Thanks this month must go out to: Frank Kirby AXE Neil -H- Banzai Hipposoft Stuart -L- Fin Balor -K- Mat of ESI Mark Rickard Martin -B- Ziutek of ESI Wizard Darren -C- Rob -H- Lightmare Hopefully, we'll get this duplication lark sorted out in time for FRED27 to be hitting your doormats in the second week of November. It costs £2 or £20 for a 12 month subscription..... FRED Publishing [redacted] Phone me on [redacted] at any respectable hour. If I'm not in - leave your name and call back later. REVIEWS OVER >>>>>> BM Albums #1 Music reviews are always a good way of filling up space, so "Why not?" I thought to myself. This month, a couple of new ones, a re-issue, and a fairly rare, but old one which I found in a record store in Glasgow on my last visit (yet another reason to go to the show if you live far from a decent Our Price/HMV). First up is the new one from the Lemonheads - called "It's a Shame About Ray". This costs less than usual (on CD anyway) because even with a dozen songs on it it doesn't even last half an hour. But that's okay, because it's quality not quantity that counts in this game (that's why an eight hour New Kids album would still be a load of s**t). (Watch it! CM) For anybody who's never heard of the Lemonheads (and it wouldn't surprise me; they're not exactly in the charts a lot), they're an "indie" band (even though that tends to mean anything with a guitar in it these days) from America. This is their fourth album, and is much more "mellow" than anything else they've yet done. BM Albums #2 - Lemonheads / It's a Shame About Ray The title track has just been released as a single. It probably won't get near the c**p-dominated charts, but it's class, and one of the best on the album. Claimed by some members of the music press to be their best album yet, ...Ray is a great buy. I'd have to give it at least 8 out of 10. ********* Lemonheads / Hate Your Friends This is the reissue I was on about. I know having two Lemonheads albums in one issue is a bit one-sided, but they deserve some recognition! This album originally contained 13 tracks, but the new version has 20. With most groups, this'd last hours, but this being the Lemonheads it comes in at just 36 minutes! Again though, the quality is outstanding. Without exception the songs have powerful and catchy tunes, the sort you find yourself BM Albums #3 - Lemonheads / Hate Your Friends humming constantly and wishing you could get the tune out of your head! This is a very pacy album, and where ...Ray would be a great way to relax after a tiring day at work, this is the sort of thing you should listen to before going to a concert or something. Inspiring stuff! Highlight of the album is probably Second Chance, which is class. There's a good one called "F****d Up" which deserves a mention though, merely because I like the name of it... I hate to imagine how a "Radio One Edit" of THAT would sound (probably so full of bleeps people would think it's a techno song!!). Don't buy it if you tend to wet yourself at the use of the F word (as some people apparently do), but otherwise seek out this album!! I think I'll give it a healthy 8 out of 10, just like ...Ray. ******** Before I go on, I may as well add that I'm not going to review any c**p albums because I don't buy c**p ones. That'll explain why you never see an album get less than seven or so. BM Albums #4 Time for another "newie" I think. This is by another decidedly not-famous band by the name of the Flaming Lips. Bet you'd never heard of them! Well, they're another American group, and like the Lemonheads will probably be hiding in the Indie section of your local (large) record store; the chances of you finding one of these in your local John Menzies Record Dept are slightly less than non-existent. The album has the title "Hit To Death in the Future Head", which rolls off the tongue about as nicely as a dose of arsenic (I like a good simile, I do). This has 10 tracks on it, and lasts 40 minutes (I don't know about anybody else, but I like to know if my £13 is going to get me a value-for-money length of CD or not. That's why I'm mentioning times). The band are what you might call "garage pop" and if that means nothing then I can only describe it as music with "some electric guitars, a raw energetic sound, but with stacks of tune". So now you know more or less what Garage Pop is (unless I've got it wrong, which is pretty likely). BM Albums #5 - Flaming Lips / Hit... There is an 11th track on the CD, but it doesn't really count as all it is is a bloke playing the same note repetitively for a whole half hour!! It's a bit scary that somebody could do something that weird really. I mean, the question "Why?" does kind of spring to mind. But on with the review... Out of the 10 tracks on this (10 serious ones, that is), I'd say that 7 are very good, and 3 are good. So I think it's only fair to give this one 7 out of 10. ******** Dinosaur Jr - Dinosaur A quick test of the power of your memories now - remember the term Garage Pop? Well, it applies perfectly to this extremely rare album. Dinosaur Jr are an amazing band, but I have to say this is probable their weakest album so far. BM Albums #6 - Dinosaur Jr / Dinosaur To be fair, it was their first, and it's by no means bad, it's just that it doesn't seem to have the noticeable sense of direction that the others have. It's a lot softer than the others, and there are certainly good tunes in it, but I'd advise that you buy another of their albums before this one if you're wanting to hear the band at their best (Green Mind is the one to get, and most record stores should have it). There are 11 tracks on this, with a running time of 40 minutes (oddly enough, all the Dinosaur Jr albums are approx. 40 minutes. Spooky eh?). No bizarre "bonus" ones on this either. I'm going to give this 7 out of 10 as well. It's a lot better than I think I've made it out to be in this review. I think I'm slipping into over-critical mode here so I think I'd better stop. That's your lot as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for listening and I'll see you all next month!
Letters & Reviews
CM Letters / Reviews Section Hiya folks. This is the section that seems to have been slightly lacking as I've been saying before but I hope that you all know by now that if you buy a new game - write a review and send it in or if you have an opinion on ANYTHING, write in. For your reference, here's a quick contents list : 2 : Darren Sparrow - SAMCo and SAMs past and future. 5 : Colin Anderton - SAMCo. 7 : Daniel Cannon - improvements to SAM. 11 : Darren Hubbard - FRED. 13 : Daniel Doore - Leeds AFCF 16 : Dyzonium Review 19 : Triltex Editor Instructions Letters Dear Col', Seeing as you wanted some letters sent to you, I thought "yeah, I'll give it a try!" So here is a letter for you. "B". Alright I'm sorry - bad joke there! But seriously now, comments on the demise of Samco. To tell you the truth I was thoroughly p****d off! With a computer as good as the Coupe is you would think it a chance in a million of the manufacturer going into liquidation, but no, with the present climate as it is these things happen to the most unlikely of businesses. Alan Miles, our congrats and sincere thanks go out to you for producing such an excellent machine. And everybody will agree with that statement. We hope that, in time, you get back on your feet and amaze us once again. I for one wish you all the best and thankyou. And I would like to thank everybody who is still supporting the coupe through all this. It's simply amazing the amount of people who are prepared to take on the responsibilities of pushing the coupe ahead, whilst others would have given up and Letters got rid of their machine as soon as possible. To those people I say congratulations on your support and enthusiasm. Hearty slap on the back to you all! I would also like to know how the Samco staff are doing Colin. Anyway that's my thoughts on Samco over, but I do have some comments on something else. We're talking that rag S.U. Now I read a letter in it from a fellow coupe user who asked the question, "Why no Sam coverage" And the smart alec response was,"If a major software house writes games for it then we'll review it!" And he had the cheek to call us "slightly cliquish" users! Cliquish meaning coterie or to put it into layman terms an exclusive society! Well all I can say to that is buy Your Sinclair, with its two pages of Sam reviews and news, and a much better read. From:- Darren Sparrow [redacted] Reply Thanks for your vote of confidence Daz - I'm sure Alan will appreciate it as well. You sound as though you'll be a long term SAM owner, and as long as we all stick together, there's no reason why SAM shouldn't become a thriving success in the hands of West Coast. You asked about the ex-SAMCo staff : Well, Alan is still trying to sort out the whole mess. Adrian is being kept occupied by his fiancee but reckons he'll get a job at the University. Charles (the repair person) is going back to College to do an Electronics degree. Bruce was running SAM Tech. Mark (the other techy person) is working for Bruce. Paul (the cofee maker) is also working for Bruce. Greg (the storeman) is the Office Manager for a plastics firm. Louise (Spanish speaking one) is at College in London. Isobelle (the French one) has gone back to the South of France and Brian Nutt (the Executive Manager) is where he belongs - in the dole queue) Bye bye SU !!!!!! Letter Dear FREDitor, Congratulations on your 2nd birthday. Congratulation on Spellmaster (which I'm using now) and congratulations on obtaining the rights for SAM software and hardware. The main reason for me writing was because in FRED 25 there were no letters on the basis of Alan Miles. I am writing to praise him for all he has done, and I hope he can find a successful future with the SAM yet. The reason I wrote was because last June, Peter Moore and I started work on a French newspaper which would be entered in a schools competition. We thought it a good idea to do an article on the SAM. Alan was kind enough to give us his time and tell us the history of the SAM. I tell you now, Alan went from high in the press to homeless while he was trying to get the SAM going. What surprised me, was that he told Peter and I about the Arabian deal and how they wanted him to convert the SAM for other languages. Alan was extremely excited about this and I find it hard to imagine what a let down it must have been when he had to Letter declare SAMCo as being in liquidation. The day he told me about the deal, I felt a part of what was going on, as should all SAM owners, and I think Alan Miles deserved more. Anyway, good luck for the future Alan. Yours sincerely, COLIN ANDERTON Thanks for the vote of confidence Colin. In case you are wondering, all the ex-SAMCo staff who own a SAM receive a copy of FRED each month because they are all incredibly nice people. You seem to have got your wires crossed Colin, FRED only picked up the rights to 4 pieces of software. All Revelation software and the hardware has been taken up by someone else.... Letter This is basically an appeal to West Coast Computers. I've written direct to them as well, but this is to make make the appeal more public. See if you agree with what I'm saying: I'd like to see a new SAM made. One which is compatible with the current one, and all its add ons, but one which has some new features. If you've seen any Amiga/PC/console games you'll have noticed that most games have scrolling and sound. There are a few without scrolling (Ugh/Pushover/Pang are some of the latest) but the design of the game has extremely good to get around this. All games have sound, but in varying degrees of quality. With SAM it's just 'above' Spectrum 128K/Amstrad CPC type music - not too good really. People blame SAM's graphics and sound chip because of this. The fact is that they're not to blame. The resolution and colours of the graphics are quite adequate (but obviously it would be nice Letter to have these improved as well), and if you've heard any decent PD sample demo you'll know that SAM is on a par with the likes of an Amiga. The problem is how they are used. The other computers that I've mentioned (apart from Speccy and Amstrad of course) have extra hardware on board to access the memory directly (DMA). This hardware can copy bytes around the memory and send bytes to the sound chip far more quickly that the processor ever can. Put simply the hardware can play samples, print sprites, or scroll the screen whilst the processor gets on with other work - so it isn't bogged down with doing this stuff itself. Result: Fast scrolling games with lots of sprites on screen and decent sampled music. But even utility programs can benefit - wordprocessors, databases, and so on could use it to copy information around the memory faster. Art packages would work faster (especially the 'cut & paste' option in Flash). And at last there will be a Letter proper sample sequencer program (like Sound Machine or ETracker but with samples, not waveforms). Now I know that people who own SAMs know that their computer is good for programming, experimenting with, and so on, and they were probably part-way attracted to SAM because of that. But most of the people buying home computers choose their computers because of the quality (and also quantity) of the games available. To make SAM mass-market (or as mass-market as it will ever get to be now) we need better games - and lots of them. Basically SAM needs a blitter chip, and a DMA sample player. Preferably in an interface box which can be easily plugged in the back so that older SAM owners can upgrade. There are a few other things I'd like to see, but these are the main two. I'm sure with the amount of talent around in the SAM world that it can be done - it just needs someone with the ability to get things co-ordinated (and the cash of course). Letter Unfortunately I know next to nothing about building hardware, but I can tell anybody who does know what I'd like (and I'm sure other programmers can tell the designer(s) what they'd like too). But obviously if nobody wants this kit then it won't be built. That's why I've written to as many fanzines/user groups as I can find to see how people react. If enough people want this kit (and let's face it - you'd be mad not to want it) then it will probably be built. Please write in to say how you feel about the subject - and put forward any ideas which you may have yourself. Daniel Cannon, programmer CM : Sounds great Dan - who's putting up the £2,000,000 to put it into production? Sorry for sounding so pessimistic but without money, everything has to be taken one step at a time - which also takes much longer. Any donations to help West Coast on their way would be put to good use - contact Format for info. Letter DEAR COLIN First off, what happened to the "specialist" articles that FRED used to have before FRED 17? I enjoyed reading them and I'm sure that many others did to. Sinclair User has a pitful quality to it. It carries sweet Frederick Arbuckle SAM news and has only a crappy 52 pages for the high price that it charges. It has said in the letters page that if anything decent comes out for the SAM then they'll review it. As if every issue of FRED isn't decent!! At least YS has a decent amount of SAM pages in it... Sorry to most FRED readers but I am against the price rise to two quid. One of the reasons that I buy FRED is that it is cheap. Then again I suppose FRED is worth a good two pounds. I'd like to see a wrestling game for the SAM. (hint). Perhaps you might also like to see a few of these games on SAM format too... Barbarian, Target Renegade, Op Wolf, a good Missile Command clone, 180, Super Seymour, and a good Asteroids clone. Hope thats some help (probably not through.) DARREN "VOLUME" HUBBARD Reply Thanks Darren. The specialist articles? Well, until now, no-one has been paid for any contributions to FRED and so it's only when people can be bothered to write an article that it can get included! So if you know a lot about last weeks Grand Prix, todays episode of Neighbours or next month's chart hits, get writing !! You will be pleased to know, that our new assistant editor does plan to write some "specialist" articles - wait and see... Whoops - a bit late about the price rise! Hope it doesn't upset your budget too much! As you can see from our line up, the list of games getting released is not short - there's more games out and coming out on SAM than there is on the SNES !!! Big licences tend to be out of the question though. DD AFCF Report - Leeds Uni. Sports Hall 4th October 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------- I suppose I should do this in a sort of 'Tales from the Crypt' style that it is usually done in, so here goes nothing... All is dark, Dan reaches for the alarm bitterly regretting the 8 pints and two bottles of Asda Lambrusco he consumed last night at a student party somewhere in Leeds, but slightly suprised to find himself at home. Having 'acquired' a free ticket to go to this AFCF, and considering it is just down the road, I thought I'd pop along to see what it is all about. Boy, was I dissapointed. Since I have never been to an AFCF, I went with a open if not slightly throbbing mind and I was expecting the 'Legendary All Formats Fair', supposed grand meeting place for those of us who want to mingle with the people that matter. Not so. Granted, there were people who knew there stuff (most were Joe Public) but most of the 20 or so stalls were either box-shifters, book clubs or second-hand spares dealers. I hear a lot about the AFCFs, I have been moaned at for not going to some of the London ones and I always read the show reports so I was expecting at least a few Sam people to be around. I found one. Poor old Nev Young with munchkin and friend on the Format DD Leeds AFCF stall with a well travelled and grimey Coupe running 'Dragon Tiles' (There you go Nev, told you I'd slip a plug in!) which is darn good fun and kept us amused for three hours, we are talking quality game here. Anyway, after asaulting Nev's ears for too long I had a trapse around the other stalls... bought 20 discs... and went back to DT again. Not much to say really, all in all I was none too chuffed with it and I felt cheated for paying the 50p bus fare to come to it. Talking to some of the older die-hard AFCF followers It apparantly used to be much better until they made them more regional and frequent. A word of advice, if Nev offers to show you any Polish software (should be hardware really) and you are in mixed company, decline politely....but go back later. PS Someone please convert NMI3 to you-know-where, what say SC & how's the mousey thing going? Just if you're interested, I can now be reached quickly at my term time address of: [redacted] But this is only for this academic year OK? Reply Thanks for the report Dan. You're not being very fair - considering you got an interesting day out, a chat with Nev and 20 cheap discs out of it! All for 50p!!! Not bad! Yes, back in the "good old days" about 2 years ago, when the AFCF was just at London, each fair was huge. But gradually, they have been getting steadily worse and worse which is why I can no longer afford to go to every one that is organised like I used to. These days it seems to be all happening at Birmingham rather than London, so if you can, make your way to the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull, Birmingham to meet myself, Format, SAM Supplement and a host of other people. Unfortunately, even Brummy shows aren't stunning but they're worth going to even if you've been to an AFCF before. (as long as you buy something off me! Even if you don't, please introduce yourself as I like to meet the FRED readers). BM Dyzonium #1 Before I begin this review, I'd better say that I'm not going to rate the graphics because I in fact did them and would obviously give them far too high a mark. You can see what they're like for yourselves anyway if the the playable demo is on this disk as was planned. You don't need to worry about me giving the overall game too high a mark either, as I'm not on a royalty and therefore couldn't give a toss whether hundreds of copies are sold. Right, now that that's in the open, I'll begin. Dyzonium is a game that can't really be put into a category. The closest I can come to is this: 12 way scrolling shoot-em-up, with a bit of collecting things chucked in for good measure. If the demo is on the disk (and it should be) a quick look at that will clarify that slightly lacking explanation! The plot, if I remember correctly was something to with collecting the energy-packed crystals of Dyzonium from galaxies populated by rather unhospitable aliens and things (and I mean "things"! I drew them all, and I still don't know what some are BM Dyzonium #2 meant to be!). I may as well come straight out and say it - I think this is the best game out for the SAM. It's as simple as that. No other game yet has the instant appeal or the long-lasting qualities (not even Mind Games, ha ha ha). The game is, at first, horribly difficult, but once you get used to the control system (which takes a couple of minutes, but it's not too bad) and start to get an idea of what you need to do, it starts becoming much easier. Not that you'll be completing this game in a hurry! The difficulty level is just right, so that when you die you know what you did wrong and not to do it again. The programming of the game is top notch, with clever vector graphics at the start (the name of the game hurling itself around the screen). The collisions detection is as precise as can be, and there is a definite feeling of accomplishment once you complete a level (there are 10, by the way, and I still can't get past the second one!). BM Dyzonium #3 To finish off, I'm going to recommend that if you only buy one game this year, then make it Dyzonium. It's great! I'm not giving this fancy ratings and things, because I've grown fed up of them. Who cares about so-many percent for addictiveness, and xx percent for sound? The game is class, the music is good but does get irritating, it's addictive as hell, and is instantly playable. I'll give it an overall mark of 8 out of 10. (If you should want a distinctly biased opinion about the graphics, I think they're incredible. But then I would, wouldn't I). CM : BRIAN WILL BE REVIEWING MANY GAMES IN THE FUTURE. HIS REVIEWS ARE INDEPENDANT AND WILL NOT BE EDITED SO AS TO CHANGE THE OVERALL IMPRESSION OF THE REVIEW. HE WILL BE REVIEWING PARALLAX, SPELL MASTER AND A FEW OTHER GAMES NEXT MONTH. ST Triltex Editor Yesssss! It's finally here! THE TRILTEX LEVEL EDITOR! The actual proggie the Later Levels were created with! And now it's all yours! Enough sensationalist nonsense - the instructions: Use mouse (SAMCo) or the following keys - Q UP A DOWN O LEFT P RIGHT N LEFT MOUSE BUTTON M RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (When selecting a tile or layer number etc, click on the digit you wish to change (left = decrement digit, right = increment digit). This lets you jump quickly between largish numbers.) ST Triltex Editor Each level is built out of layers (maximum of 16), each of which is 8x16 tiles in size. There are 48 tiles (numbered 1-48) plus a blank space (number 0). You should all know what the tiles do, but note that QUIT is split into two tiles and is affected like any other by bombs etc. (If you don't include any quit tiles, the player can't quit, as Later Level owners will have found out to their cost - if they've reached level 19, that is!) You can edit either one layer, for clarity, or the whole level. This is indicated at the top of the screen in a grey bar which you click to display the menu. Also at the top is the current tile, the current layer (numbered from 0) and the number of layers. To position a tile, select it (a short cut for choosing tile 0 is to click the top of the tile symbol) and click in the appropriate place. Holding down one button will let you see what it would be like (to check if you had it in the right place, for instance) and releasing will restore that position. ST Triltex Editor To confirm that you want to position the tile, press the second button as well. A short delay is caused by the tiles being reprinted each time. The menu options: * PLAY LEVEL - Click on QUIT tile or press F9 to exit. * EDIT LEVEL * EDIT LAYER * CLEAR LEVEL - Both buttons to confirm * CLEAR LAYER - Both buttons to confirm * CHANGE SIZE - Change number of layers. Press left/ right button for decrement/ increment, then the other button to confirm. ST Triltex Editor * LOAD LEVEL * SAVE LEVEL - Levels are stored as code files with the name "Level" plus the number you specify. * EXIT TO BASIC (well, what do you think?) Coming next month - the compilation routine to transfer your levels into a Triltex data file, complete with your own passcodes etc! CM : OK ALL YOU TRILTEX PLAYERS - GET CREATING YOUR OWN LEVELS AND SEND THEM IN! WHAT WE MIGHT DO IS COMPILE A DISC OF ALL YOUR LEVELS AND SELL IT FOR A POUND OR SO - NATURALLY, ANYONE THAT GOT THEIR LEVEL ONTO THE DISC WOULD GET A FREE COPY..... < END OF SECTION >