Fred 66
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 11:23.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 66
Item | Author | Description |
Editorial | Books Galore, Sam Encyclopedia | |
Letters | Notepad, Hard Drive, Zodiac Review | |
C-Library | Luke Falla | A Sam C Graphics Library |
Zoinks | Matt Round | Puzzling Colour Zapping Game |
Spectres | Robert Pain | Ghostly Demo |
Captain Cosmic | Victor Cooper | Arcade Superhero Action Game |
'The' Interview | Colin Anderton | With David Handley |
E-Tunes | David Laundon | Musical Heaven |
Jellytext | Matt Round | Titter Titter Titter |
Nine Card | Paul Eyre | Gambling Card Game, Written In Sam C |
Modules | Graham Goring Search: “Stewart Skardon” | Converted Amiga Mods |
Scr$ Compressor | Andrew Collier | Very Efficient Screen Compressor |
Lottery | Doug Young | Moneymoneymoneymoneymoney.... |
CA Happy Valentine's Day Folks! h on t j on the r ! Anyw elc e an is f FR D, m f of mo w L aw n m o w er. G lp. Co n a d f iss e 6 F D , w hi C h I di o ti s f all I , ng f or this! M f hi r at , s gh Ne m eh? Af t s, (o f o h ! A ywa , e n jo ac ew f ast month i Co w th fa v errr. I as , f is h f In g ers (!) ha ev a r j h... Sa y, ma h best I s r, su sh an n on???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CA Tee hee hee Only joking, everyone. It all works really. I couldn't think of a start, and some nice person told me to "write a load of rubbish as usual". So I did, literally. Ho ho ho. Anyway, welcome to yet another edition of FRED. I haven't got any contributions yet, but no fear because I'm expecting a gigantic parcel of wondrous discs in the next couple of days. Once again the disc company have made a mess of getting FRED done. It's a shame, because they've always been really good, but two months in a row is a disgrace. I work so very, very hard for hours on end, working well beyond what is humanly possible, for piddly pay, and then the disc company selfishly get taken over. I don't know. You'd think that they'd wait a few days. Well, they won't be geting FRED's business any more. Yeah, that'll teach them. Erm, yeah. CA Robert Dies Stefan Drissen told me a nice little story the other day. Apparently Andrew Collier had sent Stefan, Robert Van Der Veeke (a SAM graphics artist) and Martijn Groen (programmer with a strangely spelt first name) some colour screens of the latest SAM & Speccy show. Robert was looking through the screens when he recognised my FRED jumper that my gran knitted me. He asked Stefan if my gran had knitted the same jumper for my sister, or niece, or some other girl related to me! The swine. How on Earth could he mistake me for a girl??? Stefan tells me that it was probably the shadows that were in the picture. Yes, that'll be what it is. Sob. If ANYONE calls me a girl, or Mrs. Anderton, or Coline, or anything equally unfunny at the next show, then I'll feed them to the ravenous beast that is hidden underneath the Gloucester hall. One young lad was fed to it at the last show for simply pointing out that I had a bit of marmite on my lip. He won't be saying that again. Mwa ha ha ha. CA Ooer Valentine's day is coming up. What a load of rubbish it all is, though. If you don't send some b- hang on, I got into trouble for that. If you don't send a nice girl a card, then you've got no chance, and if you do, then you're instantly the biggest fool in the universe, and you won't hear the end of it for a decade. It's not fair is it? Rumours are afoot, however, that Colin Macdonald has sent a valentine's card to Carol Vorderman. After failing to meet Cilla Black when he went to auditions for Blind Date, he's set his sights on Carol, mainly because he likes intelligent women. If this fails, he is said to be aiming for his second fave, Anne Robinson from Points of View. ** ** * * * * * * * * * * CA Thicky Anderton Well, in lovely Nottingham, I've just had exams. Gulp. Due to a severe lack of revision, and some impossible exam questions, I've got a horrible feeling I could have failed a couple of exams. Hopefully, I'll scrape through this semester without having to do any re-takes, but that'll teach me for thinking I know all there is to know about maths. Still, I was comforted somewhat by a few inches of snowfall (hurrah). When I was in Evesham over Christmas, it seemed like everywhere in England had snow apart from crummy little Evesham. Much to my dismay, it seemed as if I would go another winter without snow, but, just as I was giving up hope, it snowed in Nottingham. Much joy was shared as students lobbed snowballs through other people's windows (I had no part in this skulduggery, obviously) and at taxi's and other people. It wasn't quite so much fun walking to dinner, when some people who were hiding on the roof found great amusement chucking snowballs onto innocent passers-by (eg. me). CA Bored? Nah. And now, after the hectic exam week, I've got a week and a half off. A week and a half to do with what I like - at the expense of all you tax-payers out there (ho ho ho). So, I've spent a week of this doing everything and anything. I tidied my room, almost giving one of the cleaners a heart attack (my room does tend to get a teensy bit messy every now and again). I've spent a bit more time exploring the Internet, but not actually finding anything exciting (except the SAM WWW page of course) and I've been able to mail people again. Until now, I haven't played with my SAM much. Eight of us had a game of Chaos, and everyone marvelled at my new disc drive, which everyone agreed is a beautiful addition. I've also spent a few hours on my neighbours Amiga (spit) beating everyone at Sensible Soccer as Lincoln City. But apart from that, all I've done is sleep and wander around Nottingham looking for pictures of Home And Away's Shannon (what a "nice girl"). CA Our House, In the Middle Of The Street... FRED has found itself a new home for next year, and a wonderful place it looks like it will be too. Six people from Uni and I have found a house in Nottingham which we're going to move into next year. It's not actually built yet, but Mr. and Mrs. Czzzzzzdodgeypeople-smythe told us that it will be finished and that we shouldn't worry at all about giving them a £200 deposit. They also pointed out that contracts are just bits of paper and aren't worth bothering with. Still, the good news is that I've got the loft, or as I like to call it, the Penthouse Suite. It's the biggest room by far, so I'll have plenty of room to throw discs around and lose FRED master copies. Even better is the address. We'll be living at 1, Albert Square! What a wonderful address. Actually, now I think about it, it does seem a bit strange. It really would be embarrassing if they ripped us off, and we had to tell Esther Rantzen all about it. Cripes, how silly. CA Idea Corner After reading a, erm, a friend's copy of Loaded (gulp), I noticed what immense fun they had in visiting lots of their readers in their reader's locals, and got round to thinking what a wonderful idea that would be. Colin and I could hire a car, spend a few quid out of the FRED bank account and visit around 500 readers in a matter of days. Colin isn't going for it though, claiming it would cost him "a lot of money" and that the police are apparently not too keen on people driving after consuming vast amounts of alcohol (?). If anyone has any other bright ideas that they think may be possible, then get in touch and we'll try and do something. Colin M says that the readers couldn't think of an idea if it implanted itself in their brains, but I'm sure you can all prove him wrong... CA News First of all, a date for your diaries - the date of the next SAM and Speccy show. Once again, the show will be in Qudegeley village hall, and will be on: SATURDAY the 20th of APRIL You should have about two months to find a way of getting there, so no excuses. We are expecting a record number of SAM and Speccy companies at this one, so a trip there will be well worthwhile. All the SAM programmers, editors (yahoo), musicians, etc. will be there as usual, all ready and waiting to be bullied into writing a routine, or giving a cheap advert, or simply answering your questions. Matt Round should be there, either to help sell his latest release, Retros, or to celebrate the fact that it's a year late. I've spoken to John Ketley, the weatherman, and he assures me that both days of the weekend will be perfect sunshine, but not too hot to make driving unbearable. We'll see you there! CA GOOD RESPONSE TO PLEA! EDITOR SHOCKED! After a little plea last month for issues of Your Sinclair and Crash and things for the SAM story book (as in "SAM story" book, not SAM "Story-book"), surprise, surprise - it worked! Colin has got plenty of issues of them, but would now like help from people in finding out which issues have the most important snippets of news in them. As he has a million things going on at once, Colin doesn't really have time to look through them all. So, if anyone can find out where important bits are, a letter/phone call (evenings only) would be most appreciated. Following on the topic of books, Steven Ekins from Jupiter Software, is writing a book on SAM C. If anyone has any suggestions or particular problems, then let him know. The address to write to is: Jupiter Software, [redacted] CA News As you may know, Steve Pick, famous for his wonderful pieces of SAM art is working on a SAM encyclopedia. In this he wants to put a sort of FRED companion. If anyone is available to help him put bits together and find out information, then they can get in touch at the following address: Steve Pick, [redacted] Despite a poor response to the FRED packs, the Best Of FRED disc has had a good sales boost in just it's first two weeks. At only £2, the Best Of FRED is an essential addition to any good SAM disc box. What can I say, except if you don't buy it, you're making a big mistake. Who can afford not to get it? CA Disc Contents Just to shock everybody, I'm going to be organised this month and introduce each of the disc contents... IN ORDER! Here we go... In slot C, we continue and conclude the Alton Towers Piccies with another six wonderful shots, all scanned and converted by Allan Clarkson. Slot D contains two very useful C libraries. The first allows you to use a mouse for programs written in C, using Steve Taylor's mouse driver. To use it, load SAM C, then quit to basic. Load Steve's mouse driver code and then press F7 to return to SAM C. You can then program and compile your wonderful mouse programs. When you have your compiled code and you want to run it you must have the mouse driver code also loaded. CA DisC Contents FUNCTIONS mpointer(n) - change the pointer (0 off, upto 6). mcontrol(n) - change control to keyboard, joystick or mouse. mbutton() - returns which mouse button/s are being pressed. getmx() - returns the mouse pointer's x value. getmy() - returns the mouse pointer's y value. movex(x) - changes the pointer's x value. movey(y) - changes the pointer's y value. movexy(x,y) - changes both of the x and y values of the pointer. All of these functions are more explained in the MOUSE.C file. The second library is for sin and cos. These can be used in SAM C for innacurate purposes like plotting onto the screen. The functions use a static variable which contains the values of sin and cos for different degrees. To be able to multiply integers by non-integers, Luke has used CA Disc Contents the following method: if a=50*.25 then a=(50*25)/100 All integers For this reason, the sin and cos functions are of the form int sin(int number, int degree) where n is the number you are multiplying the sin by, and degree is the degree of the sin. Eg. for a=10*sin(50) use a=sin(10,50) On the disc are the following files: "sin&cos.c" - sin and cos functions and how to use them "sin dem2.c" - source code for the sin demo "sin de.BIN" - object code for sin demo CA Disc Contents The two libraries are from Luke Falla, so thanks to him for them. If anyone was unsure of getting SAM C because they are not sure how well they can use it, then listen to this for a quote from Luke: "I think SAm C is starting to look very good, and already I prefer programming C on the Sam to on the PC. It has a lot better libraries, and the SAM is generally a lot easier to work with." Thanks, Luke. Zoinks is a little game from Matt Round, knocked up in a couple of days. If anyone remembers the little games in calculators where you had to zap the numbers (I don't), then you'll recognise this. If you don't, you'll soon catch on. Thanks, Matt. CA Disc Contents Next up we have a little demo from Rob Pain. It's nothing spectacular, but is nicely written and is hopefully the start of some wonderful coding. Cheers, Rob. Captain Cosmic comes blasting at you from the furthest depths of the Galaxy in slot G. Written by Victor Cooper, you have to fly Captain Cosmic through the levels of enemy mayhem. To advance a level, all you have to do is shoot the LEVEL+ sign. However, shooting enemies gives you more points and advanced skills. If you don't cheat, then it's got a great difficulty level. As an added bonus, you can also fly around the menu screen! Anyway, advance through the levels onto the main zone, then get to the levers and let the blue splodey man drop off the screen, and you've won. Some rooms seem impossible to get out of without losing a life, but by being clever, you can do it. Due to what I think are SAM BASIC bugs (shocker!), this game won't compress. It's far too long, but I'm putting it on because I've spent ages failing to compress it and I won't let it win! CA Disc Contents 'The' Interview this month is with Football League Manager and Grubbing For Gold programmer, David Handley. E-Tunes are from David Laundon. They're all very good, especially the Cities Of Gold which will probably take a few people back to their child-hood memories of watching telly after school. I must apologise for the lack of a scrolly this month. I had written one, and I was very pleased with it for once, but due to a disc error and me being a spoon and not having a back-up, it can't be used. I don't have time to re-write it, but expect a bumper scrolly next month to make up for it. Sorry... Jellytext from Matt Round is a SAM Street special. The next episode has a great cliffhanger ending, and all your views would be gratefully received. Ninecard is a nice little game written in SAM C. Although I should maybe have put this in Bits, I think it's very well CA Disc Contents written, but simple enough to be a lot of use for people learning SAM C to look at. Many thanks go to Paul Eyre for this little gem. I wonder if I can talk him into writing a little C article... Adverts are once again from paying companies, so you won't find any cheap, shoddy rubbish in there. Please do take a look - these companies have paid money to grab your attention. In bits n Bobs, we have a screen compressor from Andrew Collier. If you remember the Gloucester piccies last month, then you'll know that they had a different compression system. They were done using this program. It has a much better compression than the current one, but at the moment is slower. Depending on whether you want space or speed, the choice is yours. Secondly, we have a simple lottery predictor by Doug Young. I've had a few of these but this is the only small one. Unfortunately, it got tonights draw completely wrong. Sob. CA Thanks Very Much EDITOR: COLIN 'Menu Screen God' ANDERTON BLOKE : COLIN 'Two Companies' MACDONALD With undying gratification to : **************** Luke Falla John Eyre * * * * * * Matt Round Allan Clarkson *** ** *** * * Rob Pain Doug Young * * * * * * Victor Cooper Phil Glover * * * *** ** Andrew Collier Martin Wilson ====Publishing==== Dave Handley Paul Walker David Laundon Michael Stocks FRED disc magazine is available from : FRED Publishing, [redacted] Please keep writing and contributing *********************** P.T.O -> DY Music Reviews (wow!) by Doug Young Meatloaf - Welcome To The Neighbourhood Running time - 58 minutes 42 seconds Number of tracks - 12 Price 8.99/-12.99 As I am a fairly big Meatloaf fan I expected this album to be of a high quality and to last a fair while. Well it does last almost an hour, which is a lot for an album ( most being only around the 40 minute mark). The first track is , where the rubber meets the road. This track is a very good example of a classic rock 'n' roll song, it has all of the excellent construction of a great song and a certain amount of flare along with it, thus making it a really tremendous lasts 4 minutes and 59 seconds. 9/10. Next is the pretty successful single , i'd lie for you and that's the truth, which reached number 2 in the chart and sold well over half a million copies. It's a very well constructed DY Music song and sounds great, the video was tremendous too. It lasts 6 minutes and 30 seconds. 10/10 Next is , original sin, this is quite good and a typical meatloaf track. Lasting 6 minutes and 10 seconds. 8/10 Next is, 45 seconds of ecstasy, this is some woman remembering an evening with a man when she enjoyed herself with him ( well this is going in to a family magazine, what do you expect me to write ? ). It lasts 1 minute 10 seconds, so that's why it's called 45 seconds of ecstasy. 4/10 Next up is definetly the best track off of the whole album, it being, runnin' for the red light. This track slowly builds up to an electric pace and then explodes, and then it continues to progress into a state of electrifing brilliance ( anyone get the hint that I love this track ? ). The lyrics are cool as hell ( something pretty common amongst DY Music most of his songs ), the guitars are strong, the drums are, as usual, loud as hell and the vocals are very good.The only bad thing about this track is that it only lasts 3 minutes and 57 seconds. Of coarse 10/10. Next is ( wait for it ), fiesta de las almas perdidas, this is an instrumental, it is performed by all sorts of instruments nd it is either spanish or mexican and means something about paradise.It lasts 1 minute and 24 seconds. 3/10 Left in the dark, comes next. This is the longest track on the album ( nothing compared to , paradise on the dashboard light, which lasts over 15 minutes! ) and has the strongest vocal performance. The song is fairly good but is a bit soppy, althought it has a good ending. It lasts 7 minutes and 8 seconds 8/10 Next is, not a dry eye in the house, this is a very good song, a bit like ,original sing, but not quite a fast or loud. The DY Music vocals are again pretty impressive and the piano/keyboard sections are perfect. It lasts 5 minutes and 46 seconds 7/10 Next is , amnesty is granted, i promise you that you will love this song, it starts off with a really brilliant guitar and drum intro and then is poured into a pot full to the brim with exploding lyrics , and net result ? another great song. Lasting 6 minutes and 29 seconds.9/10 Next up is a song with a quite short title , if this is the last kiss, let's make it last all night ( 13 words ). This is a typical classic rock song which has been blended with a typically classic love song and then been jazzed up a bit and this has resulted n a pretty good love/rock song.It lasts 4 minutes and 5 seconds. 9/10 What follows is another love song and it goes by the ( a bit shorter than the last one ! ) name of , martha. I don't really like this song very much, but then again I don't hate it very DY Music much either so what can I say, well it's about average. Lasts 5 minutes and 10 seconds. 5/10 Finally is ,Where angels sing, this another love type/ rock song and is again pretty well done ( although I have to admit it does sound a hell of a lot better on high speed dubbing, reason being that the guitars are well too slow on this song. ) Lasts 6 minutes and 4 seconds 8/10 Rapping it up. Well it is an album by Meatloaf that is a very typical Meatloaf album, it has flare and excitement, it has surprise and suspense, but most of all it has great songs, although there are a few not to good ones, but there aren't any really bad ones. Rating 89% DY Meatloaf Fan... As I have just reviewed meatloaf album I think that it is only right for me to review another one, and that would of coarse be his best album. Bat out of hell 2 - Back into hell price 8.99/12.99 Tracks 11 First track is the shear brilliant ' i would do anything for love , but i won't do that. This song topped the chart for 8 weeks and sold a lot of copies. Putting it bluntly it is completely perfect. Lasts over 12 minutes 10/10 Next is, if life is a lemon, I want my money back, this is a very good song and has a election of brilliant guitar performances, infact most of the song is just guitar combinations,strange that. It lasts over 7 minutes. 9/10 Next is another song that was released a single, rock and roll dreams come through. This is again totally brilliant, it DY Music combines the write lyrics and brilliant harmonies. Lasts over 6 and a half minutes. 10/10 Next is, it just won't quit, this is a very loud song, i.e aa lot of drums being played. The lyrics are once again very well written and so is the music. Lasts about 6 minutes 9/10 The 5th track is, out of the frying pan and into the fire. For me this is the best track on the whole album. It is loud and brilliant from the very beginning to the very end, lyrics and music are both perfectly combined. This lasts about 6 minutes 10/10 Next is, objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are. This song was another single and surprise is brilliant, but it also had a great video, something that is pretty common amongst videos from Meatloaf.It lasts over 12 minutes 10/10 DY Music Next up is wasted youth, this isn't really a song on it'7s own it is really the start of the following song, but it is very well created, from the shivering lyrics to the shuddering sounds that just appear to come crashing down around you. It last about 2 and a half minutes 10/10 Next is everything louder than everything else, as the title suggests this song relies very much on strong musical performences, although there are great lyrics again. It lasts just about 9 minutes 10/10 Next is good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere, this has a rather wierd bagpipe bit at the beginning, but for some reason it works well with the whole song.This song has the best lyrics and is great.It lasts about 9 minutes.10/10 The 10th track is back into hell, this is an instrumental which has pieces of all of the previous songs in it along with new pieces, and it is very well created, most enjoyable. It lasts a DY Music short time, that being 2 and a half minutes 10/10 The last track is good boys and golden girls, this is the only track off of the whole album that isn't perfect, it is the slowest song off of the album and also the quietest. It lasts about 5 minutes 8/10 Overall Well if you couldn't guess what rating that i'm going to give this album I would be quite surprised. It is great and a definet progression from Bat out of hell ( which was released in 1978 ) all of the songs will put you in seventh heaven. If you like Meatloaf, you will love this album; if you don't really think much about him,well you will still love it. Rating 98% ---------------------------------------------------------------- DY CINEMA REVIEWS GOLDENEYE, CERTIFICATE 21, RUNNING TIME 130 MINS THIS IS THE 17TH JAMES BOND MOVIE AND IS CLEARLY ONE OF THE BEST YET. IT HAS ALL OF THE ORIGINAL PARTS THAT MADE UP THE GOOD PARTS OFF ALL OF THE PREVIOUS BOND FILMS, ALTHOUGH THEY HAVE BEEN JAZZED UP FOR THE 90S. IT HAS BEEN 6 YEARS SINCE THE LAST BOND FILM , THAT BEING , LICENCE TO KILL, WHICH STARRED TIMITHY DALTON AS BOND IN HIS SECOND FILM.DALTON QUIT THE ROLE OF BOND AFTER THIS FILM, SO A REPLACEMENT WAS REQUIRED AND THAT ROLE WAS FILLED BY PIERCE BROSNAN. PIERCE IS BRILLIANT AS BOND, HE BEATS ALL OF THE OTHER PREVIOUS ACTORS WHO HAVE PLAYED BOND, EXCEPT SEAN CONNERY HO IS ABOUT THE SAME AS. HE MAY END UP BETTER THAN SEAN AFTER A FEW MORE FILMS. AS USUAL THE BOND FILMS HAVE BOND GIRLS, ONE BEING GOOD AND THE OTHER BEING BAD. THE BAD IS PLAYED BY FAMKE JANSSEN , WHO IS THE CHARACTER , XANIA ONATOPP. SHE HAS A VERY UNIQUE WAY OF KILLING MEN AND THAT IS BY SQUEEZING THEM TO DEATH WITH HER LEGS, AN INTERESTING AND PLEASURABLE WAY TO DIE. FANKE IS EXCELLENT AS THE EVIL BADDIE. THE GOOD GIRL AND ONE OF BONDS LOVERS IS IZABELLA SCORUPCO, WHO HAS BRAINS AS WELL AS A BODY. UNLIKE PREVIOUS BOND GIRLS, WHO ONLY SEEMED TO GET IN THE WAY, IZABELLA HAS TO HELP BOND TO COMPLETE HIS MISSION. AS USUAL THERE IS A REAL EVIL BAD GUY, AND THAT PERSON IS PLAYED BY SEAN BEAN, WHO PLAYS JAMES'S OLD PARTNER, 006. 006 IS SICK OF 007 ALWAYS BEING THE ONE THAT GETS ALL OF THE GLORY, SO HE TURNS AGAINST BOND AND TRYS IN MANY WAYS TO KILL HIM. BEAN'S PERFORMANCE IS GREAT. THE FILM HAS THE USUAL INTRODUCTION , THAT BEING WHEN THE THEME PLAYS AND THERE ARE A LOAD OF NAKED WOMEN DANCING IN THE BACKGROUND. THE MUSIC IS BY TINA TURNER AND IS ONE OF THE BEST BOND THEMES, THE BEST BEING LIVE AND LET DIE ( THE GUNS N ROSES VERSION IS BETTER THOUGH ). OVERALL THE FILM HAS EXCELLENT STUNTS, SOME OF WHICH REALLY ARE BREATHTAKING, THE WOMEN ARE GOOD AS WITH ALL OF THE ACTING PERFORMENCES AND THE PLOT IS GREAT. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BOND FILMS EVER MADE AND I REALLY THINK YOU SHOULD GO AND SEE IT. RATING 95% ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACE VENTURA:WHEN NATURE CALLS 93 MINUTES THIS IS THE SECOND ACE VENTURA FILMS AND STARS THE BRILLIANT JIM CARREY. JIM CARREY ONLY GOT PAID 250,000 DOLLARS FOR ACE VENTURA: PET DETECTIVE, BUT FOR THIS ONE HE GOT PAID 20 MILLION DOLLARS, JUST A WEE BIT MORE EH! THE FILM OPENS WITH A CLASSIC MICKY TAKING VERSION OF CLIFFHANGER, JIM IS TRYING TO SAVE THE LAST SURVIVOR OF A PLANE CRASH, WHICH JUST HAPPENS TO BE A RACCOON.THIS REALLY PUTS YOU INTO THE MOOD OF THE FILM. THE WHOLE FILM IS A BARREL OF LAUGHS, AND LET ME TELL YOU THAT THE BARREL WOULD HAVE TO BE PRETTY BIG TOO. ALTHOUGH I SAY IT IS FUNNY IT ISN'T AS GOOD AS THE FIRST ACE FILM AND IT IS NO WHERE NEAR THE BRILLIANT DUMB AND DUMBER, BUT WHAT IS ? OVERALL IF YOU LIKE CARREY, YOU LOVE THIS, BUT DON'T EXPECT IT TO BE AS GOOD AS DUMB AND DUMBER OR THE FIRST ACE FILM. IF YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE CARREY, WELL SORRY, YOU'RE A BIT SAD BUT YOU WILL PROBABLY STILL ENJOY THIS. RATING 92%
Letters & Reviews
Interview: David Handley
'The' Interview COLIN: He's a SAM programmer, he's written two commercial games, he's at university, he HASN'T TAKEN HIS SAM (so deserves a good kicking) but I'm sure he sits there and plans future releases. He's probably most famous for Football League Manager. No, it's not Matt Round. It's actually someone called David Handley. Say hello, Dave.... DAVE: Err, Hi, I couldn't have put that better myself! Actually, I probably could but you wouldn't let me would you? COLIN: Pardon? Speak English. DAVE: Sorry! I've just about woken up now. It's hard work doing all the, erm, SAM related stuff I do in my spare time. In fact just this minute I am composing mental notes about my next SAM release... COLIN: Anyway, enough of that. Let's start the questions. You started out on the Spectrum, and your first bit of programming was when you managed to crack Target Renegade and give yourself infinite lives. Is that correct? DAVE: If only... My first bit of programming must've been on the speccy around 10 years ago. I worked out how to make my own UDG's and had two little stick men shooting each other in a street full of identical houses. I also tried to write a cover version of a song in the charts at the time (called 'Solid as a Rock', or something) using the BEEP command. I thought it sounded really good when I was 9 but when listening to it more recently I discovered that it sounds more like a 2 Unlimited tune. COLIN: Bl**dy hell! I wrote exactly the same program! Two little stick men shooting at each other below two very similar (the same infact) brick houses. Blimey! Except mine had trees in another screen. Wow, that's wierd. Did your Spectrum programming amount to anything serious? DAVE: I started writing a Simpson's adventur-ey-type-game in which you had to travel to different buildings in the town to find items which would help you finish your homework. I spent ages on the animation but couldn't be bothered finishing the game so I scrapped it. After that I noticed the amount of football management games released by companies such as D&H and thought I'd have a go at writing my own, until I realised just how slow the speccy was... COLIN: How did you get into the SAM? DAVE: Like most people, I read about the SAM in Crash and Your Sinclair. I wanted one for months but wasn't sure whether to risk spending 200 quid on a new machine. Anyway, MGT disappeared and the idea of buying a SAM was even more daunting, so I did! I even sold my beloved Nintendo to raise half of the cash. COLIN: Hurrah! What a sound and sensible person you truly are! I hear there's a witty story about when you bought your SAM. Could you tell us all about it? DAVE: I wish there was a witty story. It was boring, I had to travel all the way to Bolton because it was the nearest place I could find on the SAM advert in Crash. I asked the bloke in the shop if I could have a SAM Coupe and he stared blankly for a few seconds before replying, 'A what?'. Minutes later, after pointing out the SAM box sitting on the top shelf, I was the proud owner of a 512K SAM with disk drive. Ooooh! COLIN: What was the first piece of software you used on the SAM? DAVE: Hmmm, if you don't include Flash because everyone had it then it must've been Prince of Persia. I travelled all the way back to Bolton again two weeks later and bought it. It wasn't long after that I discovered how much simpler it was to buy from a mail order company instead. COLIN: How did you get round to buying FRED? DAVE: I have to admit, I didn't buy FRED until issue 35. I read about it in Crash and thought, 'Hmm, I'll buy an issue one day', and then thought the same thing the following month. Eventually Crash died and the other two were facing extinction so I sent off for a single issue. I was well impressed! COLIN: What did you think of FRED in it's early days? DAVE: Can you class issue 35 as early? I thought the first few issues I read were excellent. There were a lot of really good contributions, especially some of the games. Then Brian left and things went downhill from there because of the new editor. In fact, FRED will never be the same again! COLIN: Did FRED have any influence on your programming on the SAM? DAVE: Yeah, I had to scrap most of my ideas after subscribing to FRED and discovering that they'd all been used before! After reading a few issues though, I had to sit down and write something worth sending in. COLIN: Your first contribution to FRED was Xmas Blokit. Where did you get the idea for that? DAVE: There was a game on the cover of YS called Non Compos Mentis II. I thought it was pretty cool so I 'borrowed' the idea and wrote Blokit. I sent it in to FRED but it wasn't used so I added a bit of holly here, a Christmas tree there and used the Xmas theme as a desperate attempt to get on the Christmas issue. COLIN: LCP? was a revolution in Dave Handley software. Where did the idea from that come from? DAVE: Would you believe me if I said I said the idea came from Little Computer People? LCP? was intended to be similar to Little Computer People but, yet again, I couldn't be bothered finishing it and turned it into a little 'demo'. I wouldn't mind completing it at some point though, if I still had my SAM with me, of course. COLIN: Do you think that putting a product as shareware is a waste of the programmer's time? I think Colin Piggot only got one pound for his Mod to E-Tracker convertor many years ago. DAVE: It all depends on what the programmer wants to get out of the software. Commercial software on the SAM makes little money as it is so putting a product out as shareware isn't likely to make any money for the programmer. However, if they simply want people to use their software so that they can build up a good reputation then shareware is ideal. I imagine that there is little money to be made even on a very popular machine like the PC through shareware, due mainly to piracy, so if the software is good enough why not sell it commercially? COLIN: What is the story behind Football League Manager? Where did the idea come from? DAVE: It started life as that poor attempt at a management game I was writing on the Spectrum. It looked a lot like the Football Director games in it's early days, which was pointless seeing as though I thought Football Director II was the best management game for years, so I played Premier Manager on the Amiga to give me a few more ideas. That's where the icon driven version came from, as well as the advertising and a few other things. Do you think I'd get away with selling the text version as 'Classic FLM' or something? COLIN: There's bound to be some nutter who'd buy it! Were you aware that there was another Football Manager game being written at the time? DAVE: Not until I'd almost finished FLM! I was hoping the two would be released at the same time to provide a bit of rivalry, but then came to my senses when I realised that another management game wouldn't do the sales of FLM much good! COLIN: Were you surprised at the popularity of FLM (2nd in the Best Game category of the recent SAM awards)? DAVE: Yes, very surprised! I was pleased with the finished game but I honestly didn't think that a football management game could be that popular. I'm certainly not going to question the accuracy of the awards though! COLIN: Yeah, you probably rigged them by voting for your own game a hundred times. You've been doing a lot of work with Matt Round recently. How did that come about? DAVE: I think I first spoke to Matt when he, being the talented SAM programmer that he is, sent me a few suggestions for improving FLM. A few months later I put a request for game ideas in the Xmas Blokit scroller to which Matt replied asking whether I'd be interested in writing a Going For Gold spoof. He came up with the game design and it carried on from there. It worried me at the last Gloucester show though when Matt didn't turn up and people were cornering ME and asking when he was going to finish Retros! COLIN: Is it true that you get lots of fan mail (apart from what I send)? DAVE: Ahh yes. I get all sorts of mail from people asking for my signature, ranging from Blackpool Council to British Telecom. Out of interest, are those incomprehensible E-Mail's I receive as a result of you having too much to drink and collapsing at the keyboard? Surely not! COLIN: Ah. Erm, shhhh. Don't know what you're talking about... Moving swiftly along, is it also true that when you're back at home, you're unable to work on SAM stuff because you're chained to a young girl? That you're under the thumb? Fight back, Dave! Stick up for yourself. DAVE: Ummm, Nope! Not at all. The truth was twisted into a vicious rumour. The fact is, I am unable to work on a young girl because I'm chained to my SAM. Honest. COLIN: And then Grubbing For Gold came along. Did Grubbing For Gold go as well as you had hoped? DAVE: I really didn't know what to expect. Quiz games aren't exactly the most popular games genre but with Matt Round, Steve Pick and Tom Kincaid's excellent contributions I thought it might make it's mark as THE Sam quiz game. A number of people who saw the game at the show were impressed which kind of makes it all worthwhile, I suppose. COLIN: Were you happy with the interview in FRED? Zodiac gave GfG 92%. I suppose you prefer that score. DAVE: Do you mean the review in FRED? COLIN: Shut up. Some people are so picky. If you'd have just kept quiet, I could have happily changed it before FRED went out. Picky sod. Just get on with the interview. DAVE: I haven't actually read any reviews but I was informed by a reliable source that the FRED rating is much lower than the Zodiac one so I think Zodiac win in the 'rating I will quote to relatives to impress them' category. I suppose it depends on the reviewer's tastes. It wouldn't be the first SAM game to have been given VERY varied ratings by different magazines! COLIN: Well, that's everything interesting you've done up to date. But what do you have to say about speculations that you haven't taken your SAM to university? How can you live with yourself? DAVE: Well (gulp!), there's a perfectly good explanation... probably. It's nothing to do with the fact that I have no room on my desk due to a PC, not at all. And it's certainly not because I don't have a telly to plug it into because I'm a tight-fisted Northerner who refuses to buy a TV license. Nosireebob! It's because (pause for thought) IT'S BROKEN! YES THAT'S IT, IT'S BROKEN BEYOND REPAIR and the only way I'll be able to program for the SAM again is if someone writes a SAM emulator for the PC (That should convince him). COLIN: Oh, I'm so sorry, Dave. I though it was because you're a tight- well, for another reason. I'm so so sorry. What sort of projects do you have in mind for the future? DAVE: If I ever find the time then I'm hoping to start writing games for, dare I say it, the PC. I've had some good ideas for fairly simple games but there is one in particular which I WILL write at some point in the future. I'm keeping it a secret though because I love the idea and I'd probably die tragically if someone was to steal it. You'll just have to wait and see. ALL: Hiss, boo. Don't write for the PC! COLIN: Fancy doing a FRED menu? DAVE: I was going to do a mouse driven menu last year with icons next to each option. It would've been really easy to write the menu but I don't think anyone would be prepared to put the graphics together at the last minute. Sorry. COLIN: And a game? DAVE: As a great world leader once said... 'Give me a SAM emulator and I shall write thee a game!' or something slightly similar. I'm sure there are a few PC owners out there who'd agree... COLIN: Well, may your work and play and university go really well. And I'll speak to you sometime in the future. Tommorrow probably. Bye Dave. Many thanks. DAVE: Yeah, Bye Col! Before I go, I'd just like to say thanks to ...(BANG! Thud) FANS: (Sounds of thousands of screaming fans) Next month: Colin Macdonald does an IMPORTANT interview.....