Release Year
Copyright Provenance
Update of Andrew Collier's SimCoupe .DSK manipulator for SAM Coupé disk images using the command line on x86 and x64 hardware.
- File directory of images (SamDOS, MasterDOS, BDOS, GDOS, G+DOS & UNI-DOS)
- Reading and writing of CODE files (SamDOS, MasterDOS, BDOS)
- Writing of SCREEEN$ files (SamDOS, MasterDOS, BDOS)
- Write disk title (MasterDOS/BDOS/UNI-DOS)
- Wrting of BASIC files (in progress)
Resources for using with Z88DK
Files contained in /resources/ are to allow for compiling in Z88DK, creating an MGT file and executing in SimCoupé now mostly depricated due to sterling work over at Z88DK adding MGT Support
- Windows batch file for compiling and executing in SimCoupé
- Copy of SAMDOS2 binary for inclusion into MGT images
- helloworld.c for Sam Coupé for testing
SAM Coupe .MGT/DSK image manipulator v2.1.1
2021 Hacky command line remix by Dan Dooré
Original MAC OS version by Andrew Collier
Quick and dirty ANSI C port by Thomas Harte
Command line enhancements by Frode Tennebo for Z88DK
Usage: mgtman [-h] [-d <mgt-file>] [-t <mgt-file> <title-name>] [-w |-ws[1-4] | -wb | -r <mgt-file> <samfile> [line-number
-h This help
-d Directory listing of mgt-file
-t Title (change disk name) mgt-file with title-name where supported by the disk format
-r Read samfile from mgt-file
-w Write CODE samfile to mgt-file (create MGT file if not existing)
-ws[mode] Write SCREEN$ samfile (of mode) to mgt-file (create MGT file if not existing)
-wb Write BASIC samfile to mgt-file (create MGT file if not existing)
mgt-file MGT image disk file (can be new file when using -w)
title-name Disk title to write to mgt-file (Max 10 chars, 7-bit ASCII)
samfile Code filename on mgt-file or file system (Max 10 chars, 7-bit ASCII)
start-address When writing to mgt-file code load start address (default 32768, >=16384)
execute-address When writing to mgt-file code execute address (default none, >=16384))
line-number When writing to mgt-file BASIC starting line (default none))
Directory of disk image: mgtman -d test.mgt
Write auto-executing file: mgtman -w test.mgt auto.cde 32768 32768
Write MODE 4 SCREEN$ file: mgtman -ws4 test.mgt screen.ss4
Write autostarting BASIC file: mgtman -wb test.mgt file.bas 10
Read file from disk image: mgtman -r test.mgt file.c
Change title of disk image: mgtman -t test.mgt mydisk
Why is this called MGTman and not DSKman?
DSK files now relate to EDSK format files which are a flexible disk format.
MGT files are an 819,200Kb dump (RAW/IMG) of the disk data but the term is still used
interchangably so most DSK files relating to the SAM Coupe are the 819,200Kb (MGT)
format. Genuine (E)DSK files have an EDSK header and flexible file size.