In issue 20 you'll find all the regulars covering all the latest news in the SAM Coupe world, and there is the welcomed return of the letters pages. Feature articles include information on using the EEPROM that's onboard the Trinity Ethernet Interface, with source code provided on the cover disk too. The developer diary looks at the work undertaken by Simon Owen on writing an Ethernet Driver for the Trinity and the start of his work on porting CPC/IP to give the SAM it's first suite of internet enabled programs.
The issue also features three full games on the coverdisk, there is Booty and Search: “Invaders” - two of Jupiter Software's past commercial releases, and the third game is a SAM version of the The Light Corridor - originally written 17 years ago by the Spanish programmers who did the MSX and ZX Spectrum versions, but the SAM publishing deal fell through so it was never released.