Submitted by Dan Dooré on Sunday, May 27, 2018 - 15:01.
FPGA computer capable of running many 'cores' including the Sam Coupé
From the FAQ:
- What is ZX-Uno?
Basically it's a FPGA based board focused in the synthesis of ZX Spectrum computer models. It has the same size of a Raspberry Pi (85.60x56mm) so it would fit into a RasPi case. There are other 8 bit machines in development to be implemented under the same hardware. - What machines would fit into the FPGA?
Firstly it's intended to the whole range of ZX Spectrum machines and extra features like ULAPlus, Turbosound, etc, but also will accept other machines with the same or less complexity. Only will fit 8 bit machines with a maximum size of 512Kb between ROM and RAM, with a simple hardware to shyntetize (nothing about hardware sprites or similar stuff). The core of the machine is a Xilinx FPGA Spartan XC6SLX9, that it's relatively modest, but big enough to synthetize several 8 bit machines. Using a bigger FPGA would suposse more machines that can be shyntetized, but also the price would raise considerably. - Which connectors are included?
The board is designed to use the same enclosures as the Raspberry Pi ones, so the connectors follow the same layout and are the next:- Video: Composite video throw RCA connector, RPi case compatible
- Audio: Stereo audio throw a 3.5mm stereo jack, RPi case compatible
- Keyboard: PS/2 connector in the same place of the Ethernet connector in the RPi case
- Power: Regulated 5V throw a micro-USB connector, RPi case compatible
- Joystick: DB9 Atari port, in the same place of USB ports in the RPi case
- Storage: SD card, RPi case compatible
- Tape Load: 3.5mm jack conector, next to the JTAG/RGB connector. Not RPi compatible, you must make the hole
- Expansion: 3x12 female pin header, in the same position of the RPi layout
- RGB and VGA: 9 pin Micro-JST connector in place of HDMI connector of RPi. Custom cable must be made.
- JTAG: 6 pin Micro-JST, internal connector.
- FPGA Xilinx Spartan XC6SLX9-2TQG144C
- Static Memory 512Kb, AS7C34096A-10TIN
- 50MHz Oscillator
- EAR Superfo Circuit (one transistor)
- Circuit AD724 based video with 4.43MHz/3.58Mhz crystals
- PS/2 keyboard
- RCA connector for composite video
- Stereo audio jack
- EAR jack connector
- Molex 1.25mm connectors for JTAG and RGB
- Slot for SD Cards
- Expansion port with 3 male pin strips
- Micro-USB power connector
- PCB Size: 86x56 mm. (Compatible with Raspberry Pi cases)