Editing is restricted until further notice

With apologies, it is necessary for me to make some changes due to a new law in the UK, which imposes impractical requirements for web sites which contain any mechanism for users to communicate with other users, and disproportionately severe personal liability for the operator. (Some requirements - e.g. proactive CSAM scanning - only apply to sites with 700,000 users, which clearly worldofsam does not have, but here are 84 pages of reporting demands which do apply no matter how small the site, and failing to implement them correctly could attract a fine of up to £18M.)

All user-to-user (U2U) communication is therefore removed. All edits, comments and forum posts (even from logged-in users), require admin intervention before anything becomes visible to any other user.

This is a pretty low-traffic site (otherwise it would be entirely impractical to manually review all changes) but I can make no promise how often I'll be able to review the moderation queue. Please be patient, and expect edits to be queued for days. This is a hobby site, not a job.

Hopefully this is temporary, until either Parliament or OFCOM see sense - though frankly I have little hope of that.