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Title Sort descending AKA Biography
Picture of me at the Leicester Space Centre a few years back Gordon Wallis HEXdidn't..., 1-9-9-2

Graphic artist and budding game designer.

Graeme Robertson

Artist for

Graham Burtenshaw

Founder and editor of

Graham Goring Pog, GaspCo, Anonimity Smith

Coder and Artist, wrote the original Sam FAQ at the

Graham Mason Turbo

Speccy coder and assisted with the

Graham Tattersall


Greenweld Electronics

A buyer and retailer of surplus electronics and various other items.

Avatar of Guy Inchbald Guy Inchbald

Proprietor of

Guy Middleton


Hamish Rust

Coder for

Company logo Holdfast Computing

Holdfast Computing was created by

Howard Price Howard Price Tobermory, Balor Price

Coder, musician.

Hugo Labrande





Ian Bamber

Coder, worked on

Ian Collier Ian Collier


Ian Dodd


Ian Gledhill

Proprietor of

Ian Knight


Ian McIntosh

Assisted in the early days of

Ian Slavin AXE

Long time coder for

Ian Spencer


Illusion Software Splash Screen Illusion Software ISD, Illusion Software Developments

Software group.


Formerly the INdependant DISCiPLE U

Innocent Productions

Software house of