Fred 72
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 11:40.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 72
Fred's 6th Birthday 1st August 1996
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Matt Round | |
Magazine | 6th Birthday, Ffl, C Guide, Sam Games | |
Letters | Ffl, Scads, Soltracker | |
Mnemodemo2 | Andrew Collier David Zambonini Les Quinn | M/C Demo From Mnemotech |
Jet Set Sam | MJD Productions | More Jsw-Stlye Platform Action |
Bee Bopping | Victor Cooper | Kill Bees To Make A Tune |
Addiction | Doug Young | Scads Platform Game |
E-Tunes | Roger Hartley | E-Tracker Music |
Useless | Robert Brady | Start Trek-Esque Story |
Sampaint Guide | Doug Young | Guide For Sampaint Art Package |
Last Stand II | Robert Brady | Games Master Remix Of 'Axe' Classic |
Modules | None this month | |
Ffl! | Colin Anderton | Fantasy Fred League |
CA FREDDY IS SIX Party hats on, jellies out (for the lads) and really rubbish birthday games like 'Run aimlessly round the room until someone turns the music off' on stand-by. FRED is six and still going strong. Heck, I even had contributions LEFT OVER from last month! Hoo-flipping-ray! Keep the stuff coming in, though. FRED's been playing with all his great new stuff, including a great Mnemo-present from Andrew Collier and friends (which you've probably already looked at) and games galore. I'll tell you more in the disc contents section (I'm getting a bit carried away). And to celebrate, I've started this issue of FRED on time! Yep, it's the 1st of August. Not bad, eh? Cor blimey, what a month. Next thing you know, Colin will be paying me! CA Exciting Pie Chart Ever wondered what percentage of ___________ the editorship over the last few / ! \ years was taken up by each of the / ! \ three editors? / ! \ / ! \ Me neither. / BRIAN ! COLIN \ ! ! ! But, I just came up with the idea !MCCONNELL !MACDONALD! of drawing a fabulous pie chart, ! ! ! and what more interesting thing to ! 32% _/ \ 38% ! put in than that? Well, I was ! _/ \_ ! going to do something else \ _/ COLIN \ / actually, but I'd have been given \_/ ANDERTON \_ / the Spanish Archer. Erm, El-bow. \ \/ Or sacked if you prefer. \ 30% / \___________/ Still, what a cracking page filler. CA Anyway... Things in Evesham continue to keep up their cracking pace. Last month, you may recall that I had to sit on the floor to do FRED. Well, I do this month as well. I've also got nowhere to sleep because Mum thought a really clever thing to do would be to sell the bed (!). The floor is supposed to be really good for your back, but believe me, it really bloody hurts (um, bloody as in blood, not as in swearing - ahem). Infact, I've been forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol just to get to sleep at night (oh darn, what a shame). To try and relieve the mental stress that an editor has to endure, I decided to go up to Nottingham and see that the house I'm living in next year is built. That would stop me worrying about whether it'd be finished. I thought. If you recall, Mr. Dodgy McMoneysnatcher is building a house next year which we paid lots of money in advance for. And it's nowhere near being finished. Sob. So basically, I'm very close to being homeless. The only solution I could think up was to lay a guilt trip on FRED's readers and hope someone buys me a house. Any offers? CA Editorial I'm back off my holiday now (erm, obviously - you'd have to be really sad to take a computer on holiday ). Anyway, what a cracking week. Lots of stories to tell, although I should probably not include most of them. Being in Newquay, everyone was trying out the surf. I've never been surfing. Never in my life, ever. However, with long hair and a super fit body (errr), I looked the part. So imagine my surprise when a really intelligent blonde girl (tee hee) asked me for a few pointers (fnar). Anyway, I made up a complete load of rubbish about standing at the back of the board and angling it a bit and shouting 'Woah dude'. I nearly convinced myself that I knew what I was talking about! I had to explain that because of a back injury in the recent surf competition in America, I obviously couldn't show her. And guess what? On her first go, she fell off and the surfboard hit her on the head! I nearly drowned for laughing! CA Editorial Whenever Colin MacD goes on holiday, he tends to have a really amazing coincidence involving the SAM which he can tell everyone and have us reading and thinking he's great. The best SAM coincidence I had this year on holiday was when our cab driver was called Sam. Not really very impressive, and probably not at all interesting. I'll do better next year. Maybe. Well, I'll leave now. Next time I write an editorial, I might be in Evesham or in my house in Nottingham, or crashing at someone else's house in Nottingham or maybe I'll just have to plug the SAM and telly into the fruit machine plug hole in some place in Nottingham and hope no-one notices. Have a nice Summer holiday. And HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY TO FRED! CA Contributions FRED survives because of the contributors. It doesn't matter how many readers we have but without any contributions, FRED can't continue. In FRED's life, the contributions have been coming in slowly, but reasonably steadily. In the last six months, they've died down, and it's been increasingly hard to get enough items for FRED. This year, I've had the time to work on the problem and get by. Next year, I won't. Please, please keep writing. If you have a SAM and you can program or draw or write music or even write articles, then do whatever you can and send it in. Even if you think it's not good enough, send it in. I'm more grateful to people who keep writing and don't get any credit than I am to those who write a good game and consider that enough for a couple of years. I need you to help me out in order to keep FRED coming monthly and maintain its standards. You know the address. Please help. CA It's Fantasy FRED League Time Again! Team Name Manager Score 01 The Crashed Crusaders Allan Clarkson 056 02 Frank Broughton Appreciation Soc. Mark Sturdy 043 03 What's In A Name? A. Francis 036 04 "Headless" Stefan Drissen 035 05 I'll Cheat If I Start Losing... Colin Anderton 034 06 Scotland Colin Macdonald 034 07 Scorpion Soft Productions Team (?) Paul Dudley 031 08 Crikey...My Wig Is On Fire! Andrew Chandler 029 09 Some Dead Good People Graham Goring 028 10 Real Nice World Andrew Collier 028 11 James Curry's Team Of SAM Wierdos James Curry 026 12 Death By Electricity Doug Young 026 13 Children Of Satan (ahem) Stephen McGreal 026 14 Crap Games Co. Dean Nicholas 024 15 Happy Slug Productions Tim Paveley 024 16 Blue Foot United Stewart Skardon 023 17 The Kick Butt Crew Mark Bennett 022 CA Come On The Reds! 18 Team Mango Chutney Matt Vowles 021 19 I Still Use My Sam, Honest.. Dave Handley 018 20 Har Har Har Sylvia 015 21 Sentai Power Sammers NL Robert Van Der Veeke 012 22 NewZealandStory Howard Price 008 MANAGER OF THE MONTH: Graham Goring (20pts) Just as it looked as if Clarkson's hold of 1st place was going to be snatched from him, he has another storming month and now has a clear 13 point lead at the top. A bad month for Ando drops him to 5th, strangely enough on exactly the same points as Macdonald. Goring leaps up a massive 10 places with the biggest score of the month. The mid-table clash grows ever stronger with 9 people within 6 points of each other. Meanwhile, at the bottom, Price keeps up his strong challenge for wooden spoon with a spectacular 0 points. Sylvia continues to slip, and now only two people are being beaten by a woman! Cor, such excitement... CA News Right-o, the main news this month is the Leeds show. Allan Clarkson, the organiser, has been very hard at work sorting out the show and is doing a very good job. I've got in front of me full details about the show, along with a map of how to get there, which should be on the newsletter. If not, I'll give details anyway. The show is on SATURDAY, 12th SEPTEMBER. The exact location is THE METHODIST HALL in WETHERBY. Entry is £1.50, but Allan has sent me a load of 50p off tickets. There may be one included with this issue, I don't know. If not, come and make friends with me, because I've got plenty. Most of the major SAM and Spectrum companies will be there, including FRED, Format, Revelation will be represented, Alchemist PD, SAM PD and pretty much everyone you can imagine. The show is expected to be of the same scale as the Gloucester shows, so come along and have a chat/argument with all the SAM personalities who will no doubt be there. CA Directions Getting to Wetherby. Get onto the A1 and take the exit to the South of Wetherby (even if you're coming from the North). Turn RIGHT at the second roundabout after the A1, then first LEFT once over the Wetherby bridge. This road will bend to the right (DON'T go straight ahead!). Then turn LEFT before the pedestrian crossing. Once past the crossing, Church Street is the first street on your RIGHT with the hall on the left. There are free car parks dotted around the centre, so just follow the signs to them. If you're going by train, then you'll have to catch the train to Leeds. You can then catch buses from near the train station on INFIRMARY STREET (walk over City Square and the bus station is outside the Post Office). You'll want to catch either bus number 98 or 99. If you would like to sample Wetherby's night-life, call the Tourist Information Centre on 10937-582706 for B&B numbers. CA News Don't forget that there'll also be a Gloucester SAM & Speccy show in October, so just incase you can't make it to the Leeds one, make sure you can get to the Gloucester show. Go to both, I would. Moving on now, some games news... Firstly, a SAM version of Elite will be hitting your screens in the very near future. It's been asked for since the early days of FRED, and now Revelation have announced that it may be released in time for the September show in Leeds. It'll stick to the original game as closely as possible, excpet of course with extra SAMness put into it! There's no definite price tag yet, but it's expected to be priced at £15. Another game which may be out in time for the September show (if not then the October one) will be Graham Burtenshaw's Spindizzy type game. Graham, programmer of SAMPaint, is just putting the finishing touches to what looks like a very good game. CA Disc Contents This month, we have a truly wonderful and festive feast of beautifulness. The menu screen is from Matt Round, the logo from R.I.P. '96, and the rest of the work by moi. Screens are from Andrew Hodgekinson with a bit of Tom Foolery from yours truly. Mnemodemo2 bursts onto the SAM in slot D with yet another display of brilliance from the Mnemotech team. When will Entropy respond? (blatant hint) This demo consists of an introduction bit and 3 parts, one from Andrew Collier, one from David Zambonini and one from Les Quinn. With a Chase HQ type thingy and a spectacular 100-frame animated raytracing bit, who could ask for more? Thanks, Mnemotech. That man, SAM comes back, this time in Jet Set mode. MJD Productions brings another cracking little game of the Jet Set Willy style. Again, it's not that easy, so any tips or hints or anythings would probably go down a treat. CA Discontents Bee Bopping is a nice and violent game from Victor Cooper. By killing the bees, you get records (I don't get it either) and the aim is to build up your collection. Thanks Victor. Addiction is another game (what a gamesy issue, eh?) and this time is a well presented platform-esque game from R.I.P 96. The idea is simply to get to the end of the game. You've only one life, so no mistakes can be made. Useless part 2 is here from Robert Brady There's a short SAMPaint guide from R.I.P. '96 which shows you how to create a very clever effect which I didn't think was possible on SAMPaint. But it is, and it's not that complicated and you can see the result from the menu logo. Last Stand II is a two player shoot-em-up from Robert Brady. Gun the enemy to death with the various weapons at your disposal. The keys are displayed at the start of the game. CA C How Easy It Is To Program A Game? Coming up next is John Eyre's third and final part to his C guide. If anyone has any queries or wants amnything explained in more detail then please write in. That way you'll get it, and we'll have a lot more information for C programmers. Many thanks for the articles, John. You've not only helped a lot of people learn C, but you've packed out the editorials! Just to fill the gap below, could I make another plea for more articles. Anything SAM related is perfect, but also send non-SAM articles. You'll get tons of adulation, and Colin Macdonald will buy you a drink if you ask him at a SAM show (maybe). JE C Guide - Part 3 Step 3 - Preparation functions We will need to change main() again, it should be modified to: main() { char key; initialise (); setup (); do { key=getch (); move_cursor (key); } while (key != 'q' && key != 'Q'); } JE C Guide A do,while loop is used again, so that the move_cursor function can be repeatedly called to move the cursor around. Since we don't want an infinite loop, pressing the Q key is used as the exit condition. Note the != means the use of negative logic which requires && when perhaps || might seem more obvious. void move_cursor (char key) { int x, y; x=xx; // store old co-ords in x and y y=yy; switch (key) { case 8: // left { if (xx) xx-= 1; break ; JE C Guide } case 9: // right { if (xx= 0 && y= 0 && x32) // if mine marked pen (15); // use white pen else pen (0); // if not use black pen at (i+1,j); printf ("*"); } else { if (map [i][j]>= 32) // if not a mine but marked { // print "?" JE C Guide pen (0); at (i+1,j); printf ("?"); } } } } The following function prototypes need to be declared: void end_game (); void show_mines (); Once the text has been saved, the code compiled and the program run to prove it all works, then its time to think about producing a binary file which can be run outside of the SAM C IDE. To do this you must select YES against the save object code JE C Guide option on the compile menu. The code will be saved in a file with a name ending in .bin. If you are working with the standard SAM C configuration and have not changed the ORG address then the object code will start at address 32768 and the game can be run from BASIC by loading the code file followed by CALL 32768. Since no attempt has been made to set palette colours within the minefield game, it could be run after a program with unsuitable colours, so it might be wise to reset the defaults. BASIC program to load and run the game: 10 PALETTE 20 LOAD "mines.bin" code 30 CALL 32768 40 SAVE "mines" LINE 10 I hope that this example has helped in some way. C is not the JE C Guide easiest of programming languages to pick up and if you are finding it hard going, don't worry, you won't be the only one. Remember, as with most things, the best way to learn C is to get stuck in and use it as much as you can. CA Inbetween Bit For John's a jolly good fellow, For John's a jolly good fellow, For John's a jolly good fe-e-looooow, And so say all of us... And next up, something completely different. It's from a different John - John Teare, ex SAM 2 SAM person. John's got a very good article writing skill, and although you may not agree totally with his views, there's plenty to think about. Any response to John's first article will be more than welcome. Take it away John (and thanks very much indeed)... JT Why on earth isn't there more games on the SAM Coupe? By John Teare It's a pain isn't it? You bought your SAM thinking it was going to be the new Spectrum, thinking that all the major software house were going to churn out their top titles in SAM format, thinking that the 16-bit games that didn't get converted on to the Spectrum were going to appear on SAM format.You were just waiting patiently for it to happen.And it didn't. "Technically speaking, Strider should only take us 4 weeks to produce. All we have to do is mix the ST graphics and the Spectrum code and there you have it, our first SAM game!" Quote-US Gold Well, it may seem grim but it's unlikely that the major software houses will ever support SAM now.After neglecting the machine in its incubation they won't want to turn round and say: "O.K. we were wrong. The SAM is a super machine!" They'll just carry on ignoring all us software hungry users. And we'll carry on waiting for the surge of software to happen. JT SAM Games...? But are the major software houses to blame? If they did begin to release games on SAM, would we buy them? The evidence suggests that we wouldn't. Prince of Persia is the best SAM title to date but it's only managed to shift 2000 copies. Considering the same game on Amiga format shifted in excess of 20 000 it does give the softcos. an argument. What's the point in spending money developing, producing, advertising and finally, marketing a game when no-one is going to buy it? Why spend time producing a game on SAM when the same game will sell 10 times as much on Amiga or ST? What the big companies fail to realise is that by producing for SAM the market would grow. Many Spectrum users don't want to upgrade to SAM because there is an incredible lack of games for the machine, but if there were games then they wouldn't hesitate to make the switch. "We don't produce for SAM anymore because the sales figures were terrible"-Quote-Enigma Variations. So what future is there for SAM games? JT SAM Games...? Well, FRED Publishing are churning out great titles regularly including Lemmings and SAMPaint, REVELATION will keep on producing the games until there is no demand for them.We also have many good Spectrum titles to fall back on, but sadly the number of new Spectrum releases is now declining and major publishers are leaving the machine behind.There will always be games for SAM, maybe not in great abundance but maybe that is a good thing.The more games you get the more dross you get(The more games you get the more users you get!!). So maybe SAM is stuck with two software houses producing, maybe more will get in on the act. Who cares? The SAM Coupe is the best 8-bit machine currently available and can easily rival th 16-bitters games or no games, major software house or no major software houses. John Teare 1993 CA Cor, Thanks Chaps Haggis and Mash Potato : COLIN 'Premier' MACDONALD Fish Fingers and Chips : COLIN 'Black Label' ANDERTON THE PEOPLE WHO MOST DESERVE TO WIN LOTS OF MONEY ARE.... John Eyre David Zambonini Robert Brady John Teare Les Quinn John Smiths Andrew Hodgekinson MJD Productions R.I.P. 96 Andrew Collier Victor Cooper Colin Anderton FRED 73 will be out between [redacted] tommorrow and 3 months time from: **** ***** **** **** * * * * * * / *** **** **** * * is /\ * * * * * * \/ * * * **** ***
Letters & Reviews
Letter From Andrew Chandler Dear Colin ('Useless' as I should be called) Anderton Useless. USELESS!! USELESS!!! [Cor, what a cracking start to a letters section! - CA] That was a bit rich coming from the 'editor' of FRED 70. Listed below is a collection of errors from FRED 70: 1) The Modules listed were NOT present on the disc! 2) The supposed Modules listed were on FRED 69 (and don't you go giving me any of this "that's why they weren't on FRED 70 disc" excuse neither matey). 3) The Fantasy Fred League data was NOT on the disc. Which brings me on nicely to the matter of my entry for FFL. I did indeed send off my team after FRED arrived on my doormat, but I didn't have time to look through it before I sent the team Letter From Andrew Chandler off (exams you know). Exams may be one excuse, but laziness is another (and Euro '96 and the break of Charles and Diana's marriage.....isn't it so hoo) (Sorry, got carried away there for a minute). You even sent the issue out in the middle of the next month with errors still present and it has nothing to do with the duplicators. Which also reminds me that the on-body printing of FRED 70 was pretty poor - normally it's very good. Apart from all this, the issue was still very good - just needs McDonald (or is that McDonalds) to keep an eye on you. Well, that's all. I'm off to smoke a kipper while listening to some Orbital. Yours sincerely, Andrew Chandler Letter From Andrew Chandler P.S. Just in case you hadn't noticed (because you were too busy making mistakes or something) this letter isn't REALLY a gripe, it's just a light-hearted p*ss-take! (Uh oh. Swearing again. Sorry). P.P.S. How can you have a team in the Fantasy Fred League if your're the judge? That's like the referee of a football match belonging to one of the teams. You even calculate the points AND your decision is final - how do we know that you're not adding points on to your team? Eh?! Try and find a smart answer out of this one! (I expect a good excuse/smart answer or I will be deeoky disappointed)!! P.P.P.S. I've just bought a second hand Amiga (spit) and now have an RS232 link-up with SAM and so some Modules and screens should be on the way. P.P.P.P.S. Do the people whos Mods were listed on the latest Fred but didn't appear this month get last months points again? CA Reply To Andrew Chandler Well, well. Someone got out of the wrong side of bed this morning, didn't they? Where do I start? Excuses are merely a substitution for admission, so I shouldn't really use any. However, it wasn't really my fault. I did correct the mistakes but sent the wrong disc to Colin. AND BESIDES, exams is a bloody good excuse. For example, you said that, and I quote, "I didn't have time to look through it before I sent the team off (exams you know)". Now come on. If you didn't have time to even look through FRED, then how could anyone find the time to compile a whole issue?? Face it, pal, I'm just incredible. I do agree with you on one point though. Colin Maccy isn't doing a very good job of keeping an eye on me. I won't be writing him a very good reference.... CA Reply To Andrew Chandler Andy, I hope that you're not insinuating that I might cheat at Fantasy FRED League (erm, despite my team name). The way I see it, I should win. I mean, shouldn't the editor of FRED know his readers best? I suppose I could write the names of my team out hundreds of times in the editorial bit and win like that, but basically, I'm an honest chap. And besides, I wouldn't know where to start in the programming to get it to add points to my team. Sorry if that wasn't humorous enough. I hope you don't lose any more faith in me because of my suprise seriousness (it'll be all those late nights I'm having). Aaaah! I see why you're in a temper. You've just wasted money on an Amiga! Tee hee hee. That's cheered me up. Mods don't give you any points, I don't think. However, if you convert the modules into e-tunes... hint, hint. Letter From Andrew Collier Dear Colin, Well it had to happen: MNEMODemo2 has arrived! I'm sure you'll be able to find room on your #72 birthday issue. [Ooh! A cocky little bugger, aren't we? - CA] The biggest problem may be allocating FFL points (Aside: the data wasn't present on issue 70 like you said it was, also there were two basic programs MODs and MODULES - one of them explained the lack of mods on the disk, whereas the other was loaded by the main menu...) Anyway, I coded parts 0 and 1 but DMZ and Les Quinn deserve more than 2 points each for coding parts 2 and 3 respectively. The first five greets in my scrolly (which does not end with Fashoom) are to David Zambonini, Martijn Groen, Rob Pain, Roger Hartley and Michael Stocks. The second five mentions in my second scrolly (which, I regret, does end with Fashooom) are to David Zambonini, Andrew Collier, Roger Hartley, Colin Anderton, (then me, me, me, me) and Stefan Drissen. Letter From Andrew Collier Les Quinn does not use Fashoom, and mentions only four names: Himself, Wayne Coles, me and Colin Macdonald... All four tunes are by Roger Hartley. Have fun sorting that out - will birthday issue programs be worth double points? Are other coders quite as helpful with the info they give you? While I'm writing, have a word with your duplicators about track skewing. The disks are not exactly the same as the master, assuming you format disks with SAMDos or Masterdos like everybody else. The different skew on their copy is the cause of slow loading when the head moves between tracks, you can see that a screen loads in chunks of 5K - one track - at a time. And I don't like the small print used for the on-body printing of issue 70 - okayY! Whinge mode off... (but you did ask for opinions!) Letter From Andrew Collier Now I'll let you load the demo in peace. Andrew Collier PS. Not that I'd ever say Colin Anderton was slow or disorganised, but I don't remember getting a £5 voucher after issue 68.... I may be wrong... CA Reply To Andrew Collier Oh dear, my head hurts. FFL was never meant to be quite this complicated. I'll give all three of the main programmers 5 points each, how's that? And I'm only giving points to the first five names in the first scrolly. That'll teach you to betray WIC!FIB and not use Fashoooom every time. Ho ho. Although I might give you credit for useing it once in the second part. I'll see... I must admit though, you have been the most helpful person so far. The other coders force me to sit down and read the whole scrolly looking for hellos and waiting for the end (erm, not that I wouldn't anyway - gulp!) Oh yes, thankyou for pointing out my mistakes last month. Much appreciated.... You should always read the small print, Andrew (groan). But thanks for the info about track loading - we'll see what we can do. Didn't we knock that fiver off your subscription? CA Help, I Need Somebody... Someone rang FRED a week ago and asked for some technical help. Naturally, with Colin and I being as thick as pig-s**t, we couldn't help. However, maybe our friends out there could... This guy has a BTC-210 Colour Canon printer and needs to know how he can get it working with SAMPaint. Any information would be gratfeully received. Letter From R.I.P 96 Dear Colin, Well, Fred 70 is here, and what an issue it is, or is it? Well yes it was rather good wasn't it, some nice text bitties, 2 reviews and letters, some screens, a demo, a game, samples, another game, an interview, e-tunes,jellytext, another game, mods, adverts and finally bits and bobs. Well better than 69 (and I'm not just saying that 'cus my game was on it, fame and riches!, well one anyway) in several ways. God it seems my FFL team is looking a bit like the Scotland football team, crap in other words, but I can sense an improvement soon. Last months interview was cool to read but tell me why the editor of SCUM thinks your second name is Anderson and not Anderton? Letter From R.I.P 96 Thanks for the review. Rob told me you would say it was crap, but you didn't, so I was surprised there, but there are a few points I would like to mention, that is of course if you will let me. [Little explanation. This is referring to the review of SAM2SAM I did on issue 70 - CA] You said you got to a menu and had to figure out the controls, well I presume you didn't read the very first bit upon loading which explains all of the controls methods. Issue 15 has an alternative selection method for non mouse owners where you can select options as normal (a,b,c,etc) and you can use the cursors as well. What is it about the text reader that you don't like? Take most readers round, they are all flip page or flip 5 page, S2S isn't that different, its either flip page or goto page, goto allows you to choose any persific page in the section, something that nearly all sam mags DON'T have. But as the 5 page flip is popular I have changed the reader to include it so it should be Letter From R.I.P 96 better in that sense now, I might have misunderstood your comments about the reader or you might have not noticed the intro instructions, so I don't mean anything by it. Anyway it was a fair review and I was surprised to say the least, I'll send you a copy of 15 when I have finished for 72. So see ya for now. R.I.P 96 P.S it stands for Really Intelligent Person, not Rest In Peace. No plugs this month or sick jokes, I must be ill or something! CA Reply To R.I.P 96 I'm glad you enjoyed issue 70, and thanks for being the first person to not have a go at me for the couple of mistakes! You're a little bit harsh on the Scottish footy team, aren't you? I thought they were alright in Euro '96, and was gunning for them to go through ahead of Holland. But it's still dead funny that England beat them. Hurrah (again)! Kevin Smythe thinks that it's really funny to call me Anderson because he's just stupid. You have to humour people like that. I'm always 100% honest in reviews. The issue that Rob Clayton sent me to review was rubbish. There was a lot of effort in it, but it was ruined by dozens of blatant mistakes (many of which meant you had to reset your SAM). Rob's last issue was good, I even tried to ring him to tell him, but he wasn't in. I'm not going to be unfair about anything, even if it is in competition with FRED. CA Reply to R.I.P 96 Seems like I was a bit dappy about the controls. Earlier this year I had a go at someone for not reading the controls on the FRED text reader, then I go and do a similar thing! Sorry. The problem I had with your text reader was that you use the pointer and sometimes it doesn't register the keypress. It's not a bad text-reader, but it can be irritating. Really Intelligent Person? Modest too! You can see why it could be misread though? And congratulations on not including a plug this month! I knew you could do it! Letter From John Teare Dear Colin (hoping you're still editor!) On the disk you'll find some of the text articles that I wrote for SAM2SAM which, in your review, you mentioned you might like to publish in FRED. Please feel free to do so, providing a credit is given to me. crashing on me as I used over 120 nodes. The other alternative was (this will make sense to all SCADs programmers and no sense to anyone who does not use SCADs - forgive me for indulging in being 'boring' for a bit) to DROP the sprites as the furthest one left or right hit the edge of the screen but the only way to do this was by SYPOSing all the sprites all the time (or after a specified loop) and this slowed things down to such a speed that made it possible to build a garden shed during keypresses. I had to go for the alternative which was to use nodes only on the far sides of the screen. It works, but it looks stupid. Hopefully version two will have the improvements required. Letter From John Teare Why, on American 'Crimewatch' type shows, do they always play dramatic music behind a speech by any presenter? Don't be bored! Call 'Friends'... ...I'm watching far too much late-night TV. ITV has a lot to answer for. Any news on the SOLTRACKER from Stefan? It sounded really cool way back in issue 58 but, as with many projects, we have heard little more since then. (Of course, as I'm not currently a FRED subber I'll be talking complete bo****ks but I'll gamble.) If I could just squeeze a plug in for MDL's brand new SAM2SAM. It's full of lovely graphics, menu systems that work and has the most complete guide to SAM software available anywhere. Anyway, I hope to be FREDing again shortly, and until that time I hope you don't grow into an asparagus sandwhich. Hem. John Teare. CA Reply To John Teare Thanks for the articles, John. I've left the SCADs info in because it may be helpful for other programmers. SOLTRACKER, as far as I know, is still in production. Stefan's working on a couple of things which should burst onto the market pretty soon... You can always tell a helpful person because my reply is always really short and tend to have lots of 'Thanks' everywhere. Anyway, I'm off to have a Ready Salted Crisp and Salad Cream sandwich. Yum. None of this asparagus nonsense.
Star Trek: The Useless Ones (Ctd.)
"Captain's Log. Stardate 46393.7. Just arrived at Golfholic, as it has been nicknamed by my crew. Nothing else to report." "Standard orbit, Mr. Sulu," ordered Anderton. "Standard oribt, sir," said Sulu as he pressed the Standard Orbit button. "Scan for the outpost, Commander Cookie," said MacDonald. "Scanning. Found it. It's there," he said, pointing. "Just near that round thing there." "That's not a round thing. That's a moon, a natural satellite," replied MacDonald, scathingly. "Yes, sir. However, it is also round," shot back Cooke. "Don't blind me with science," shouted MacDonald. "It is a moon! Anyway," he continued, regaining his composure. "Set course for it, and bring us to within phaser range. Shields up. Orange Alert. Commander Anderton, you have the bridge." Captain MacDonald left the Bridge for his Ready Room, and locked it. Back in the bridge, everyone there was preparing for combat. Anderton was sitting in the Captain's chair. "Sir," said Round. "We are being hailed." "Put them on screen," replied Anderton. Angus Dewdrop, one of FBC's news reporters appeared on screen. "Oh, it's you. Go away," shouted Anderton. "Commander, might I just ask a few questions?" "No. End transmission," replied Anderton. "Ready phasers. Load photon torpedoes. Fire." "Aye, sir," replied Round. The phaser fire rocked the station slightly. The photon torpedo made the station wobble a bit, and knocked a young Romulan off a swing. He grazed his knee quite badly, but that was nothing compared to what he was about to become. The Grapefruit aimed a photon torpedo at the outpost's power generation thingy, and fired it. It missed. It hit the probability generator instead. The damage to the probability drive turned all the Romulans into cottage cheese. "Hail Admiral Nechayev." "On screen," said Round. Admiral Nechayev looked up from her desk, and said "Done it?" "Yes." "Good. Go back to DS9. There, you will recieve details of your next assignment," she said. "Aye, sir. Grapefruit out. Sulu, set course for DS9. Warp 4. Engage." "Aye, sir." Anderton tapped his communicator. "Anderton to MacDonald. Captain, you can come out now." "First Officers's Log. Stardate 46395.2. Nothing to report." Lieutenant Round was off sick that morning, so Lieutenant Skardon was replacing him as tactical officer. Why Skardon graduated from the academy no-one knew. "Commander, we are recieving a hail," he said. "How do you know, you can't read?" asked Anderton, because MacDonald had not yet come out of his ready room, despite being told that all was safe repeatedly. Anderton was considering sending a search party into the ready room to look for him if he didn't come out within a few hours. "I don't know, sir, I was just joking," replied Skardon. "Joking! About ship's operations! That is outrageous. It is the worst possible form of abuse of Starfleet time possible. This is worse than disgusting. This is mutiny, Mr. Skardon. I'll tell the Captain. I'll arrange a court-martial when we arrive at Deep Space Nine. Yes, I will. I will. But that will be in a few weeks. So you are going to be held in the brig for a few weeks. TRANSPORTER ROOM! Beam Lieutenant Skardon to the Brig. BRIG! Activate force fields upon recieving Lieutenant Skardon. Anderton out." Lieutenant Skardon beamed away before Anderton's eyes. "Captain's Log. Stardate 46395.4. Pending further experimentation, I have placed the transporters off-limits to everyone without my permission. Doctor Drissen has little hope of Lieutenant Skardon making a full recovery." By the time that the Grapefruit had arrived at Deep Space Nine, Lieutenant Skardon was out of intensive care. Drissen had finished re-wiring his DNA back to what it was. The nvestigation into what happened was also nearing completion. According to Lieutenant Commander Cooke, it was caused by Skardon carrying a device known as a Transportation Repeller. Marketed by Nagus Technologies, it stopped transporters from locking onto people properly. It also played havok with transporter signals. Since these devices were banned on Starfleet ships, it was Skardon's fault. He could be prosecuted. But first he had to wake up. "Captain's Log. Stardate 46423.9. We have arrived at Deep Space Nine for our next mission." Captain MacDonald, Commander Anderton and Lieutenant Commander Cookie walked along the promenade towards the main turbolift, the one which would take them to Ops. As they walked, they saw an incredibly varied population - Humans, Bajorans, Klingons, Ferengi, things with sticky out heads, Bolians, the odd Vulcan or two. There were many things they did not even recognise, like that thing that was sitting at Quark's bar with the potato-like-head. In a tailor's shop there was a Cardassian. Funny, having that on Deep Space Nine. Once in the turbolift they ordered it to Ops, and it took them there, with the mininum of fuss, and the maximum of acceleration. Obviously the station's turbolifts had not been recalibrated for non-Cardassians. As Ops came into view, Commander Sisko looked at them and pulled out an isolinear chip from his pocket. "Commander Sisko," said MacDonald. "I'm Captain MacDonald, this is Commander Anderton, and Lieutenant Commander Cooke. We understand you have our mission for us?" "Yes. It's on this chip. I'm sorry I can't spare more time, but our Chief Engineer has gone mad. He's talking all funny." "Funny?" asked Cooke "In what way?" "He's using the wrong words." "Do you know why?" "No. Haven't got a clue. Now, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do." "Of course," said MacDonald. "MacDonald to Grapefruit. Beam us to the conference lounge." "Aye, sir," said the transporter person, and the command crew of the Grapefruit shimmerred away from Deep Space Nine operations. The Conference lounge was unoccupied and MacDonald immediately put the data-chip in the hole provided for it, whilst Anderton and Cookie locked the door and scanned for bugging devices. An image of a Borg ship appeared on the screen. "This ship, similar to the one encountered at Wolf 359 two years ago, was sighted in unexplored space beyond Bajor by the Quadros Sixteen Probe two months ago. It's reported speed and heading place it on course for Bajor, arriving at Stardate 46500. It is not yet in range of DS9's super-long-range scanners, but is closing at warp 7. Your mission is to destroy it, using any means necessary. The USS Helical and the USS Olympiad will be at your disposal in addition to the Grapefruit." "Captain's Log. Stardate 46453.9. Due to a lack of proper starships, the Grapefruit has been assigned, along with the Helical and the Olympiad, to destroy the ship designated BC2. We are just picking them up on long-range sensors." "They are entering visual range." "On screen." The massive Borg ship was massive. It filled the entire viewscreen. "What mag factor are we using?" "Maximum magnification." "That explains it. Fill the screen with the borg ship, and activate magnification caption." "Aye, sir," said Round, now ready for duty. The Borg ship filled the creen. The magnification factor was about 1m = 10 degrees. "What the smeg is that supposed to mean?" asked MacDonald. "It means that 1m on the screen is the same as 10 degrees in real life," replied Cooke. "Well, how big is that in real life, then, smart arse?" shouted MacDonald, rapidly losing his temper. "About 8km along each side. Its about 10km away now." "I guess we'd better raise the shields now," said Anderton. "Yes. Raise the shields. Red alert. Ready phasers. Load photon torpedoes! Let fly the dogs of war! No. Hail them, Round," said MacDonald. Round pressed the 'hail' button. "I am Captain MacDonald of the Federation Starship Grapefruit. You will sod off immediatley, you gibbons. Helicopters Eat!" "You what, sir?" asked Cooke. "Semi-colonic Irrigation! Cookie, eat a square sawdust elephant." "Aye, sir," said Cooke. "Belay that order," interjected Anderton. "Thanks. What's wrong with him? Drissen!" shouted Cooke. "I haven't got a clue what you're on about. I'm in sickbay remember," replied Drissen over the comlink. "Good point. Get up here right away. The Captain's started talking funny," said Cooke. "On my way. Drissen out." "What's with him? Hmm. Didn't Sisko say something about O'Brien talking funny?" asked Anderton. "Yes. Maybe it's contagious," theorised Cooke. "Yeah. Let's hail DS9. Round. Do it," said Anderton. "Hailing them now, sir," said Round. "What about the Borg, sir?" "They can wait. Just keep firing at them. Tell the Helical and the Olympiad to go round the borg ship and keep firing at it. Keep them at maximum impulse. With any luck, the Borg won't be able to go fast enough," replied Anderton, the master tactician. "Contact with DS9. On screen." On the screen was Quark. Anderton recognised him because he had spent some time on DS9, and had a go on one of the Dabo tables. Quark was, of course, the owner of the bar/casino thing. "What the smeg are you doing in ops?" "Oh, hadn't you heard? The crew of DS9 has been affected by a plague that causes people to speak funny. The only people to be affected are me, Odo and Kira. Kira's gone to Bajor for help. Odo's in one of the docking pylons trying to stop a ship from exploding the station, and I'm here, in charge of Ops. So what do you want?" "We wouldn't mind a cure, actually," replied Hamytlon. "Well, I'll be sure to get back to you when they've found one. Deep Space Nine out," said Quark. The screensaver activated. This time it was just some silly graphs with supposedly humorous captions. The turbolift door opened. Doctor Stephen Drissen stepped into the Bridge and asked "Where is he?" "Here." "What's wrong with him?" "He's talking all wierd," said Anderton. "I'll just scan his brain," said Drissen as he waved a tricorder around in the air. "Hmmm. He's got a phasia. Don't know how. Send him on a shuttlecraft back to Deep Space Nine. Maybe they've found a cure by now." "Thankyou, Doctor. Anderton to Round. You are being assigned to pilot the Icicle to Deep Space Nine, with Captain MacDonald as your passenger. Get ready now. Anderton out. Mr. Sulu, Mr. Round, listen very carefully. Do exactly as I say. Hail the Helical and the Olympiad, tell them to shoot the Borg ship whilst going towards it at warp 9.6 with photon torpedoes. Launch the photon torpedoes as late as possible. Sulu - set course away from the Borg ship at warp 9.8, stop after a second, and hold position. Engage." "Aye, sir." "The Helical is firing torpedoes. The Olympiad is firing torpedoes. 5% damage to the Borg ship. Nice." "Right, tell the Helical and the Olympiad to dock, evac all the Helical's crew to the Olympiad. Whilst they are doing that, keep the Borg distracted." A few minutes passed. By that time, the Borg were beginning to become impatient. "They've evaced, sir." "Good. Get into the Helical's computer. Set them on a collision course with the Borg, at the closest it can go to warp 10. I don't care about safety limits. Divert all power to the warp engines. Including shields. Do not engage. Get ready to turn antimatter containment off at the last possible moment." "Doing that now, sir. Borg destruction ready and awaiting your command, sir." "Good. Now! Engage!" The Helical warped off at warp 9.99, a speed that it could only maintain for a few seconds. It did not have to maintain it for long. After a few picoseconds, the antimatter containment was turned off, and some of the pods of antimatter obliterated the ship. There was still a lot of antimatter left over, which went flying towards the Borg ship at warp 9.99. It completely devestated the Borg ship. Crippled, it began firing at the Olympiad and the Grapefruit. The Olympiad and the Grapefruit activated their tractor beams and towed the Borg ship into the star they were near. "Station Log. Stardate 46574.0. The alien Tosk is still a bit wierd. O'Brien is wondering what's going on with him. Captain MacDonald has made a full recovery. Meanwhile, the trial of Lieutenant Skardon has begun." "Lieutenant Skardon, you stand here charged with munity. How do you plead?" asked the Aspil. "Not guilty," replied Skardon. "State will now place it's case," said the Aspil. The prosector, a Captain Boing, stood up. She put her case on the witness box, and walked to the back of the courtroom. "Defence will now place it's case," said the Aspil. The defence attorney, Ralph Phines, who has been mentioned earlier, stood up, put his case on the witness stand, and joined Boing at the back of the court. "Case is adjourned," said the Aspil. "For two years." "Today, on FBC News, we bring you the trial of the year. Lieutenant Skardon, the first person this year to be charged with mutiny, today had his case adjourned for two years. But first, we bring you these important messages," said the newsreader. He waited for a second or two for the adverts to fade in. He picked up a cup of coffee from the replicated tray that it was standing in, and sipped it. Bit hot, maybe. He put it back under the desk, and waited for the adverts to finish. There was a sudden crashing noise behind Captain MacDonald. He turned round... It couldn't be... It was... To be continued... Tune in next time for another exciting epic saga in the series that is this. What was that noise? Will Ralph Phines feature again? What will happen to Lieutenant Skardon? All will become clear, in the next part of STAR TREK : THE USELESS ONES That and more, coming soon (if you are lucky) Created by : Robert Brady. Written by : Robert Brady. Based upon Star Trek, Star Trek : The Next Generation, Star Trek : Deep Space Nine.